
American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When the dreamer sees any kind of black bird, it represents misfortune and failings in the future. However, any of the troubles and uncomfortable situations you will have, will last only for temporarily period of time. The dream also symbolizes your laziness when dealing with the severities you have. Anyway, there is no question about your ability to be a productive person, but the only reason of your possible failures is your slackness. You…

Predatory birds

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Bird | Eagle | Falcon | Hawk | Sakr | Vulture | etcetera)…

Birds’ salesman

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a birds’ salesman represents all types of gatherings, including celebrations or grief….

Yellow Bird

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a yellow bird flitting about in your dreams, foretells that some great event will cast a sickening fear of the future around you. To see it sick or dead, foretells that you will suffer for another’s wild folly….

Bird’s Nest

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see an empty bird’s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements. If young ones are in the nest, it denotes successful journeys and satisfactory dealings. If they are lonely and deserted, sorrow, and folly of yours will cause you anxiety….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see or hear a mocking-bird, signifies you will be invited to go on a pleasant visit to friends, and your affairs will move along smoothly and prosperously. For a woman to see a wounded or dead one, her disagreement with a friend or lover is signified….

Nasal mucus

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Blowing one’s nose | Snot) In a dream, nasal mucus means a son or a daughter. To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife. If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child. If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend. If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife. Blowing one’s nose in someone’s handkerchief in a dream means betraying him with his house servant. Clearing one’s nose from a nasal congestion in a dream means dispelling distress. Wiping and washing someone else’s nose in a dream means concealing his secret life in front of his wife. Eating one’s nasal mucus in a dream means cheating one’s son in his money. A congested nose in a dream represents a pregnant wife. If a beast or a bird comes out of one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee. If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief. If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s nose and using one’s own shirt in a dream means committing adultery with a sacrosanct member of his own family or a blood relation. If one sees his nose gloppy with mucus in a dream, it means that his fecundity and sexual appetite will bring him many children. Nasal mucus in a dream also means an illness, a cold, charity or a will. (Also see Phlegm)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a poor-house in your dream, denotes you have unfaithful friends, who will care for you only as they can use your money and belongings….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you are a housekeeper, denotes you will have labors which will occupy your time, and make pleasure an ennobling thing. To employ one, signifies comparative comfort will be possible for your obtaining….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a warehouse, denotes for you a successful enterprise. To see an empty one, is a sign that you will be cheated and foiled in some plan which you have given much thought and maneuvering….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a slaughter-house, denotes that you will be feared more than loved by your sweetheart or mistress. Your business will divulge a private drain, and there will be unkind insinuations. See Butcher….

Asylum (madhouse, bedlam), Orphanage

American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Asylum in dream can be as secure shelter, as some kind of protection from danger or as an institution for the care of orphans or even insane asylum. It is matter what kind of asylum you have dreamed about. But most common interpretation explains asylum as symbol of hardships. When you dream of being at an asylum (madhouse or badlam) or orphanage, it signifies the stress you are suffering from. You are looking for help and trying to find support from someone. This dream symbolizes your weakness and deficiency. Try to admit your problems and find the help you need….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

For a young woman dreaming of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(God’s house in Mecca.) In a dream, the holy Ka’aba represents the calif of all Muslims, his chief minister, a leader of a country, or it may represent a wedding. Seeing the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may enter it, or it could mean receiving glad tidings and dispelling evil. Praying inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means enjoying the guardianship and protection of someone in authority, and safety from one’s enemy. Entering inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means entering before a ruler. Taking something from inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means receiving something from the ruler. If one of the walls of the holy Ka’aba crumbles in a dream, it means the death of the Calif or the local governor. Entering the holy Ka’aba and failing to perform any of the prescribed rites in a dream means standing before God Almighty on the Day of Judgment having performed one’s obligations, or it could mean repenting from one’s sins. To look at the holy Ka’aba in a dream means safety and protection against fear. If one is given a job in Mecca in a dream, it means that he may become an Imam. Stealing anything from the holy Ka’aba in a dream means committing a sin. Walking toward the holy Ka’aba, or seeking it in a dream means correcting one’s religious standing. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls who are inquiring from him about the world in a dream means to die testifying to the Oneness of God Almighty and to the prophethood of His Messenger, upon whom be peace. Seeing the Ka’aba inside one’s own house in a dream means that one is still in power and living with grace. If the holy Ka’aba does not look right in one’s eyes in the dream, then it means adversities. If one sees the holy Ka’aba as his own house in a dream, the holy Ka’aba then represents the Imam of all Muslims who is the representative and vice-regent of God’s Messenger (uwbp), and it means that one truly follows the Imam. Praying on top of the holy Ka’aba in a dream means becoming an apostate. Entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba in a dream represents peace, tranquility, presiding over others, it also means that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with a questionable conduct, he also may follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace. Walking by the holy Ka’aba, or leaving it behind in a dream means going against the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, following the path of innovation, or interpreting things according to one’s own mind and liking. If one sees angels descending from the heavens to lift away the pillar of God’s House from Mecca and place it in a different town in the dream, it means that people have gone astray and the time of destruction has come. It also means that the pillar of the faith, the righteous guide of the believers and God’s vice-regent on earth Al-Mahdi will soon emerge to dwell in that town. If one sees the holy Ka’aba burning in a dream, it means that one has neglected or abandoned his prescribed prayers. Any changes, decrease or increase in the shape of the holy Ka’aba, moving of it away from its place, or changing its look in a dream will reflect upon the Imam, or the guide of all Muslims. Circumambulating the holy Ka’aba or performing any of the prescribed rites in a dream means walking the path of righteousness, or correcting one’s religious life as much as one does in his dream. Failure to perform some of the prescribed rites that are associated with being at the holy Ka’aba in a dream indicates one’s deviation from God’s path, and such innovation is equal to changing the direction (arb. Qiblah) of one’s prayers. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents one’s prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise. The holy Ka’aba is God’s House, and thereat people will be gathered and led into paradise. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque. If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some of the required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples. (Also see Circum- ambulation | Entering Paradise | Gutter of Mercy)…

Coffee House

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see or visit a coffee house in your dreams, foretells that you will unwisely entertain friendly relations with persons known to be your enemies. Designing women may intrigue against your morality and possessions….

Collapsing walls

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees the walls of his house collapsing as a result of a flood in a dream, it means the death of his wife. If one sees his house caving in on him and causing a big cloud of dust in a dream, it means that he maybe afflicted with measles. A collapsed ceiling in a dream means devastation. If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller. If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house in a dream, it means that death will take locality in that place at the hands of a tyrant. If one sees himself demolishing an old house or edifice in a dream, it means evil. If a woman sees her walls caving in on her in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Destruction)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…The element of fire in a dream represents might. Fire in a dream also means love. A product that is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing or cooking in a dream means arguments and disputes. In a dream, fire also signifies glad tidings, a warning, war, chastisement, power, imprisonment, losses, sins, or blessings. If one sees a blazing fire with sparks shooting in every direction and burning in the forest and raging with tumultuous noise and uproar in a dream, it means insubordination, civic disorder or an adversity through which many people will die. If one sees fire burning inside his own heart in a dream, it means love or depression caused by separation from one’s beloved. Seeing two burning bushes trying to consume one another in a dream represents two armies fighting one another. If the two burning bushes remain intact and yield no loss in the dream, then they represent trials and adversities in the place where they are seen. Whichever of the two fires is closer to a water source in the dream means that such an army is more liable to a voluntary retreat or submission. If the water flows and extinguishes that fire in the dream, it also means that the water will be debilitated and consequently consumed. The more black smoke a fire produces in one’s dream, the greater is the danger and consequent sufferings. If one kindles a fire in the night for people to see their way through in a dream, it means that he will acquire a knowledge and with it, he will help people through their life, admonish and guide them. If one sees himself kindling a fire on the road during the daylight in a dream, it means that he will embark on the road of innovation and misleading others. If one sees a fire during a daylight time in a dream, it means war and adversities. If it is seen during the night hours, then it means peace and guidance. If one sees himself worshiping the fire in a dream, it means that he loves wars, or follows Satanic allurements. Warming oneself up from a nearby fire during a cold day in a dream means becoming rich. Eating fire in a dream means swindling orphans’ property or earning suspicious and unlawful money. If one is condemned to die in the fire in a dream, it means imprisonment. If one enters hell-fire then comes out of it in a dream, it means that he will ultimately enter paradise. If one sells hell and buys paradise in a dream, it means that he will sell a business involving the use of fire such as a bathhouse, a bakery or a forgery and invest his money in a farm or vice-versa. This also may represent his deeds in the world and his reward in the hereafter. Entering hell-fire to pay for one’s sins in a dream means financial losses or committing abominable actions that warrant such sufferings. If one sees hell-fire with his own eyes in a dream, it means that he should be weary about his legal standing or that he should be careful regarding the ruler or governor of that town. Entering hell-fire and tasting its punishment in a dream also means sufferingfrom adversities. Seeing a group of people standing around a fire in a dream means blessings. Discovering a burning bush in a wilderness and finding solace in taking refuge near it in a dream means dispelling one’s fears and reaching safety. If one is touched by a fire, and if it does him no harm or burn him in the dream, it means that someone will fulfill a promise he made to him. If a fire burns inside a granary in a dream, it means hiking prices. Whatever product a fire burns in a dream means high demand for it and rising prices. If one sees a stove burning with no food in the pot in the dream, it means that the head of the household is engaged in some futile activities and he could suffer because of them. If one sees a governor kindling a fire, and if it keeps smothering, then if it dies off in the dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his office and that his fire will be extinguished. Seeing a burning torch with no smoke hanging in front of one’s door in a dream means attending the pilgrimage season during that year, or remodeling one’s house, or it could mean getting married. Burning one’s fingers in a dream represents an unjust person, or it could mean changing the contents of a book or committing perjury. Seeing fire lit in the palm of one’s hand in a dream means cutting ends in one’s trade to save money or voluntary violation of the code of a trade. Seeing fire inside one’s mouth in a dream means distress. Willingly entering hell-fire in a dream ‘represents one’s love and attachment to the world and its pleasures. A raging ifire in one’s house or town in a dream means war and destruction. If it is a ?roaring and a blazing fire in the dream, then it means plagues and mass destruction. If it has no noise in the dream, then it means the spread of a new- disease. If one sees a fire falling from the skies in a dream, it means greater calamities. If it causes no harm in the dream, then it means a verbal abuse with no lasting consequences. If one sees a fire rising into the skies in a dream, it means that the people of that locality are challenging God Almighty’s decrees with arrogance and indulgingthemselves in abominable sins and insubordination. Kindling a fire to bring warmth to a group of people in a dream means starting a community project that will benefit several people including oneself. Kindling a fire to broil some meat in a dream means starting a conversation to backbite and slander someone. Eating from such broiled meat in the dream means earnings, distress and feeling heavy hearted. If a fire burns one’s garment or causes burns to his skin in a dream, it means a calamity that will befall him or a member of one’s family who is represented by that particular limb. To bring livecoal into one’s house in a dream means stealingmoney or acquiring unlawful profits. If one is struck by the heat of a blaze and feels its glare over his face in a dream, it means becoming subject to people’s slander , jealousy and backbiting. To stand by the light of a fire in a dream means becoming close to someone in authority. If a fire comes out of one’s house in a dream, it means a political appointment, a business, strength, or knowledge of one’s trade. If one sees a radiant light brightening the skies from the East to the West in a dream, it means fame, recognition and knowledge, or a discovery one will become famous because of it. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees a fire coming out of his head to brighten the entire house in a dream, it means that his wife will beget a son who will grow to be a renowned man of knowledge and piety. A fire lighting one’s house in a dream also means that one’s wife will get pregnant. Kindling a fire on top of a mountain in a dream means seeking nearness to God Almighty by making offerings, giving charities and increasing one’s devotion. Consequently all of one’s needs will surely be satisfied. If one who sees this dream is on a journey, it represents his safe return to his home. Sitting inside a fire and suffering no harm in a dream means working for, or associating with the ruler of the city or country. It also means becoming the ruler’s confidant or intimate friend. Fire in the desert in a dream means war. Setting people on fire in a dream means creating division and enmity between them. To stand in the fire, feeling cool and comfortable in a dream represents one’s truthfulness, sincerity, faith and certitude, and it means victory over his enemies. A dying fire in a dream means suppressing a commotion, or containing a troublesome matter that could endanger one’s community or life. If a fire that is lighting one’s house is extinguished in a dream, it means the death of the father, the husband or a child. An extinguished fire in a dream also signifies the death of the governor, or a great scholar, or a renowned shaikh in that city. Fire in a dream also means a robbery. Fire with no smoke in a dream represents spirits or jinns, for they are created from a smokeless fire. It also represents drought, locusts or a calamity. If a fire is extinguished by rain in a dream, it means poverty or loss of one’s job. If one sees a fire talking to him from inside an earthenware jar or from inside a pitcher or any container in a dream, it means that an evil spirit has possessed one’s son or daughter. A destructive fire in a dream represents an unjust ruler. If people can benefit from such a fire, it means that he is a just and a righteous ruler or governor. Fire in the wintertime in a dream means fruits. Eating fire in a dream means eating from a golden or a silver plate, or drinking from a golden or a silver cup. It also means poverty and need. (Also see Body 1 | Firewood | Hell-fire)…

Boarding House

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dreaming of a bake-house it represents that there is a possibility to get into threat and traps. Consider to stay careful and calm, only then you will be able to see of upcoming danger….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

The dreamer of an ale-house should be very cautious of his affairs. Enemies are watching him….

Flying ants

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Ants)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Plover)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Sound of birds

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Sound of animals)…

Legendary bird

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Griffin)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Plover)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Canary Birds

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of this sweet songster, denotes unexpected pleasures. For the young Dreaming of possessing a beautiful canary, denotes high class honors and a successful passage through the literary world, or a happy termination of love’s young dream. Dreaming one is given you, indicates a welcome legacy. To give away a canary, denotes that you will suffer disappointment in your dearest wishes. Dreaming that one dies, denotes the unfaithfulness of dear friends. Advancing, fluttering, and singing canaries, in luxurious apartments, denotes feasting and a life of exquisite refinement, wealth, and satisfying friendships. If the light is weird or unnaturally bright, it augurs that you are entertaining illusive hopes. Your over-confidence is your worst enemy. A young woman after this dream should beware, lest flattering promises react upon her in disappointment. Fairy-like scenes in a dream are peculiarly misleading and treacherous to women….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Bird’s nest

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Nest)…