
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Star. See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Doorjamb | Door latch) A door latch or a doorjamb in a dream represents a door attendant, a guard dog or a servant….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Ring | Bond | Door knocker) In a dream, a link represents the religion of Islam. Holding to the like of a chain in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion. In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house. If one pulls off the door knocker, and if it brakes in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Sopped bread with meat and broth or soup in a dream represent man’s livelihood. The amount of food one eats from a bowl of soup represents the portion of life one has spent, and the balance in the bowl represents what is left. Looking at a bowl of soup and being afraid to eat from it in the dream means longevity which is accompanied with comfort and ease. Eating fat-free soup in a dream means wishing for death because of one’s poverty or illness. Soup with bread but without meat in a dream represents a high ranking position without benefits. Eating a lion’s soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. If the soup has no fat in the dream, it means deprivation, poverty and humiliation. Eating the sopped bread of such soup means death. Eating a falcon’s or eagle’s soup in a dream means taking a business trip, or making profits out of ignorant people who unwillingly submit to their losses….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Thief | Trifler | Womanizer | Year) In a dream, a wolf represents a fierce enemy, an unrelenting thief, or a liar. If one sees a wolf entering his house in a dream, it means that a thief will burglarize his house and that he will chase and capture him. If one sees himself raising a wolfs cub in a dream, it means that he will raise an abandoned child of a thief who upon growing up will bring that family much pain, suffering, divisiveness and loss of property. Seeing a wolf in a dream also could represent false allegations one may fabricate to assault an innocent person. If one sees a wolf turning into a steer in the dream, it means that a boy who is used to stealing will repent for his sin, turn to honesty, trustworthiness and grow to become a good and a generous person. Seeing a wolf in a dream also means receiving praises from one’s superior at work, or it could represent profits from one’s job. If a wolf chases someone in a dream, it means that the person will see happiness, or it could mean his martyrdom. A wolf in a dream also represents the days of the year, or it could mean the four seasons. If one turns into a gentle lamblike wolf in a dream, it means that he is a thief who will repent for his sin. If one turns into a wolf in a dream, it means that he will earn personal joy and happiness. Wolfs milk in a dream represents fear, stress, or forfeiture of a project. A wolf in a dream also represents a tyrant, a weak thief, or a liar. A clash with a wolf in a dream means a clash with a rival. If a wolf and a dog make a pact of friendship in a dream, it means that one will witness hypocrisy and deceit….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Wearing a woolen garment in the winter in a dream means profits and benefits. Wearing it during the summertime represents strain, distress and adversities. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream also means lawful money and prosperity. Sleeping over a sheepskin in a dream means becoming rich from associating with a rich woman, or from a marriage to a rich woman. Burning wool in a dream means religious contempt, or loss of capital. If a man of knowledge sees himself wearing a woolen garb in a dream, it means that he is leaning toward an ascetic life, or that he will become a caller to God’s path, teach people to love the eternal comfort of the hereafter and to despise the temporary pleasures of this world. Wearing a woolen cloak with nothing under it in a dream means receiving money from a noble and a well respected person. A dog wearing sheepskin in a dream represents a lowly person who subsidizes his business through a well known and a respected person. If one sees a lion wearing a sheepskin in a dream, the lion here represents a tyrant who confiscates people’s money and property. Wool in a dream also represents purity, clarity and asceticism, except if the wool is coarse or unsuitable to wear, then it means poverty or humiliation. (Also see Spinning)…

Zodiac signs


(See Celestial spheres | Constellations | Dog | Star)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Jogging | Prancing | Strutting | Tripping) Walking straight in a dream means profits, seeking the path of righteousness and unwavering in one’s religious commitment. Walking through the markets in a dream means carrying a will, or should one qualify for leadership, it means that he may be appointed to fill such a position. Walking barefooted in a dream means dispelling distress and portraying a good religious character. The meaning of walking in a dream implies an expression of meekness and submissiveness before one’s Lord, and it could mean seeking to earn one’s livelihood. Jogging in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Walking backward in a dream means reversing one’s decision, cancelling a commitment, or it could represent corruption in one’s religious practices. Strutting or prancing in a dream represents an ugly state of mind that is coupled with evil actions. Falling down over one’s face during walking in a dream means loss of benefits in this world and in the next. Tripping while walking in a dream means exposure of one’s ills, and suffering the consequences of wrongdoing. To cause someone to trip while walking in a dream means ridiculing him, or delivering him a humiliating blow. To walk earnestly and steadily in a dream represents one’s good intention. Travelling on foot in a dream means facing danger. Walking while bowing one’s head in a dream means longevity, or it could mean recovering from a long illness. Walking over the clouds in a dream means rain. Walking with a cane in a dream means old age, or an illness which will require the help of a cane. Hopping on one foot in a dream means losing half of one’s wealth. Having several feet in a dream means losing one’s sight. If the governor sees himself having many feet in a dream, it means that he will be impeached from his office. If one sees inanimate objects such as a tree, a rock or a mountain walking in a dream, it represents major adversities and plagues. The movement of inanimate objects in a dream also means being dogmatic about one’s spiritual stand. Walking like animals in a dream means emulating ignorant people, seeking the unattainable, or being a hypocrite, unless if the animal is permissible for food, then such style of walking means offering good deeds. (Also see Jogging | Prancing | Sound of walking | Strutting | Tripping)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Hearing | Language | Listening | Talking | Words) Speaking different languages in a dream means richness. The words of a deceased person in a dream are always true. The same goes for birds speaking in a dream and their speech denotes glad tidings, prosperity, knowledge and understanding. If an animal talks with someone in his dream or tells him – “I saw a dream…” then if the animal refrains from relating such a dream, it means a fight, a battle, losses, or an argument. If a dog, a panther, or a falcon speaks to someone and tells him a dream in a dream, it means glad tidings, great earnings, benefits and joy. In general, birds talking to humans in a dream mean benefits and rising in rank. If a snake speaks gently with someone in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits from an enemy. If a beast talks to someone in a dream, it means his death. If one’s head or nose talk to him in a dream, it means that whoever these two members represent in one’s life (See Body’) will suffer from an adversity. If a tree speaks to someone in his dream, it means benefiting from that line of thinking. A talking tree in a dream means a fight, or the end of one’s exile. The speech of a tree in a dream also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby says in a dream is true. It also could mean falling into sin. If a godly and a spiritual person sees a baby talking to him in a dream, it means that he will witness wonders or a miracle, or become a witness to an unbelievable agreement. The speech of inanimate objects in a dream always means good, provides a lesson or gives advice. Animal talk in a dream also represents punishment and suffering. The talk of one’s limbs in a dream means trouble from one’s relatives, or it could mean committing a sin. The speech of moving shadows in a dream means evokingjinn or evil spirits. Being possessed by such spirits and speaking on their behalf in a dream signifies temptation, trouble, corruption and evil. Any words that agree with God’s revelations in a dream must be hearkened to and complied with. The opposite is also true. If a limb talks to someone in hisdream, it denotes advice one will receive from a relative. Animal talk in a dream denotes leaning toward friendships and finding peace in the company of pious people, or it could mean working to earn one’s livelihood. If a wall speaks to someone in a dream, it means a warning of separation, or it could mean renouncing the city and seeking to live in the wilderness, near uninhabited ruins, or near a graveyard. Hearing a voice commanding one to do something in a dream means glad tidings. Hearing God Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a dream means rising in station, performing good deeds and nearness to one’s Lord. Listening to the Holy Words of God Almighty in a dream also denotes the spread of justice and righteousness, and such a dream could represent a ruler who cares for his subjects. If a godly and a pious person sees that in a dream, it means that he will renounce the world and seek the comfort and the blessings of the hereafter. (Also see Exhaustion from speaking | Listening | Sounds of animals)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Astral | Celestial spheres | Constellation | Dog star | Moon | Procyon | Sirius | Stars) In a dream, a star represents thebest and the most noble of people. Seeing the stars scintillating with lights and gathered inside one’s house in a dream means that great people, or some of the leaders of the country will meet at that house. If the stars are gathered in one’s house, and if their light is dimmed in the dream, it means that such people will secretly meet in that house under constraint, or because of a calamity. Holding a star in one’s hand in a dream means begetting a noble son who will grow to be a great leader. Stealing a star in a dream means stealing a valuable thing. Seeing a star falling from the skies in a dream means that a calamity will befall that place and it will particularly affect the life of a great and noble person, or it could mean the death of the governor of that town. In general, stars in a dream represent political leaders, the most knowledgeable of scholars, the most noble of people in the society and the richest of the rich. Seeing many stars inside one’s house in a dream also may signify having a large family. Seeing the seven major stars, or the fixed stars of the solar system in a dream represents the trades, businesses, knowledge and the leadership in the land. Each of such stars brings a different luck. Seeing a brilliant star in a dream means happiness and leadership. If a rich person sees the skies without stars in a dream, it means loss of his wealth. If a poor person sees the skies without stars in a dream, it means his death. Holding little stars in one’s hand in a dream means acquiring fame and presiding over people. Seeing a star over one’s head in a dream means becoming renowned and surpassing one’s associates, or it could mean serving in a high ranking position. If one sees brilliant stars gathering in one place in his dream, it means that he will reap benefits from a business trip, or safely return home from such a successful business trip. Riding a star in a dream means leadership, strength and wealth. If one sees the stars fixed under his roof in a dream, it means a calamity, or destruction of one’s house, or it could mean the death of the head of the household. Eating stars in a dream means swindling people of their money. Swallowing a star in a dream means mixing with noble people and sharing one’s personal life with them, or it could mean insulting or slandering the companions of God’s Prophet upon whom be peace. Sucking on a star in a dream means learning at the hands of great scholars or a wise shaikh. If a fortuneteller or an astrologer sees himself eating stars in a dream, it means that he will be selected to fill an important job from which he will prosper. As for the majority of people, eating stars in a dream means death. Seeing the stars scattered in a dream means the death of great leaders or scholars, or it could mean a war. Seeing the stars falling down on earth then disappearing, or the lights of meteors entering the earth atmosphere in a dream, represents a great destruction and death. The falling of small stars in a dream signifies the death of unknown people and the meek ones, while the falling of large stars represent the death of renowned people. Seeing the stars falling from the skies also could mean becomingbald or losing one’s hair. Whereby, the stars represent one’s hair and the skies represent one’s head. Seeing the stars during the daylight time in a dream means scandals, notoriety, or major events and calamities. Seeing the morning stars in a dream means a wedding. Becoming a star in a dream means acquiring wealth and fame. Seeing stars that denote the coming of winter in a dream means distress and sorrow, while seeing the stars that denote the coming of summer in a dream mean happiness and good living. (Also see Ce- lestial spheres | Ship)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Mourning | Wailing | Yowling) Lamenting and desiring something in a dream connotes evil. Lamentation in a dream also represents a preacher or it could represent a putrid odor that comes from opening the door of a filthy lavatory. Lamentation in a dream also represents dogs’ yowling, drum beating, the ringing sound of cymbals, or it could mean a wedding. Sitting in a place where people are lamenting and mourning their dead in a dream means that an ominous evil may take place in that locality, or perhaps it could mean separation between families and friends. If one sees himself mourning a deceased person in a dream, it means that harm will come to him from the descendents or family of the departed person. Lamenting with great pain and sorrow and mourning over a deceased person in a dream also means waking up to a great joy and happiness. Lamenting in a dream also means adversities which are driven by the person who is lamenting. It also means going astray, or it could denote a flute, as the flute denotes lamenting in a dream. Lamenting in a dream also represents the work of ignorance….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, the an- nouncer, a messenger, a warning guard, a security system or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it represents honor and prosperity of the people of such a house. If one sees two door knockers at his door in a dream, it means a debt he owes to two people. If one pulls out the door knocker, and if it brakes in his hand in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation. (Also see Club)…

Canis Minor

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Constellation. See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Tender touch) In a dream, caressing a bird, a dog, a cat, a horse or a cow, etcetera, means having a soft heart, speaking gentle words, ability to draw people to oneself. Caressing someone during the daylight in a dream means slandering and backbiting him. Caressing a woman in a dream means that one will become a translator, or it could represent a frivolous person or someone who appeals to ludicrous people, or it could mean self-adulation or deficiency in one’s craftsmanship….

Celestial spheres

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Constellations | Firmaments | Heavens) Seeing oneself at the first celestial sphere in a dream means associating with a tyrant or a liar or befriending a mail carrier. The second celestial sphere represents the scribes of a king. The third celestial sphere represents a marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. The fourth celestial sphere represents leadership, prosperity and reverence. The fifth celestial sphere represents marriage to a most beautiful woman. Travelling in its orbit together with its stars in that galaxy in a dream means travelling to meet a ruler, a warrior, a pious man, or a perfect man. The sixth celestial sphere represents knowledge, blessings and steadfastness. The seventh celestial sphere represents the inner circles of a ruler. The eight celestial sphere represents the company of a great ruler. The ninth celestial sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or the all-encompassing sphere in a dream means meeting the greatest ruler. Orbiting a celestial sphere or a galaxy or seeing them in a dream means rising in station and honor, attaining one’s goals, or increase in one’s power. If one sees the all-encompassing sphere in a dream, it means that he will meet the Almighty Lord, the Master of the universes, God Almighty Himself or become the intimate friend of the greatest ruler in the world. If one sees himself in a dream changing the order of stars, galaxies or constellations, it means being unjust or trying to obscure the truth. If a woman sees herself under the first celestial sphere in a dream, it means that she will marry someone from the ruling class. (Also see Constellations, Dog | Moon | Skies | Star)…

Canis Major

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Constellation. See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Seeing a beaver in a dream means initiating a project that will not be completed, or it could mean living with false hopes. (Also see Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Book | Dog | Bedmate | Messmate)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Cooking on fire in a dream means attaining one’s goal or achieving one’s purpose. If one sees himself preparing food on fire, and if his food is well cooked in the dream, it means that he will attain success and become famous. Otherwise, if his food is not well cooked in the dream, it means that he will fail to attain his goal. Cooking in a dream also means provoking matters of interest. If the food is well cooked in the dream, then it means money and profits. Cooking raw meat in a dream and finding it hard to cook means getting involved in something that will not mature. Otherwise, if it does cook, and if one can eat from it in the dream, then it means success. Cooking mutton in a dream means living an honorable life, being generous and earning lawful money. If one cooks beef in his dream, it means living a comfortable life using the labor of tradesmen. If one sees himself cooking lion’s meat in a dream, it means that he will rise to leadership over unjust people, though one will have to maintain his vigilance and live in constant fear. If one sees himself cooking dog’s meat in a dream, it means that he will manage a lowly job. If he cooks the fat with it in a dream, it means that he will earn unlawful money. Otherwise, without the fat, it means that he will perform a lowly job and remains poor and deprived. If one sees himself cooking a bird in a dream, it means governing or managing a business or earning lawful money from associating with rich and noble people. If one cooks his meal with vulture’s meat in a dream, it means governing or trading with non-intelligent or heedless people and earning unlawful money. (Also see Pot | Stew)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog | Hunter | Shooting)…

Japanese spaniel

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(God Almighty | Governor | Mayor | President | Royalty | Sultan) The true King is God Almighty. If the king is pleased with someone in a dream, it means that God Almighty is pleased with him, and if the king is angry with him in the dream, it means that God Almighty is displeased with him. If one sees the king frowning in a dream, it means that he fails to properly perform his prayers or show true religious devotion. If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means profits in one’s material as well as spiritual life. If one sees that God Almighty has appointed him as a king over a land, it means that he will receive such a regency, should he qualify. Later on, unrest will bring tyrants, or dictators to justice, while people of knowledge and piety will survive and regain their authority. If one sees himself as a calif or as an Imam in a dream and should he qualify, it means that he will receive such an honor, rank, trust and fame in the land, though his vice-regency will not become hereditary. However, it is a bad omen if he becomes a calif in the dream and does not qualify for such an appointment. In such a case, and by contrast, he will be humiliated and dispersed, and his own helpers will become his superiors, while his enemies will rejoice at his misfortune. If one sees himself as a king in a dream, though in reality he does not qualify, it means that he may die quickly, and the same is true if a sick person sees himself turned into a king. If he is healthy, it means that someone in his family may die shortly. Seeing a king in a dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. If a philosopher or a fortuneteller sees himself transformed into a king in a dream, then it denotes glad tidings should he not complain about it in his dream. If a slave sees himself becoming a king in a dream, it means that he will be set free. If one sees himself becoming one of the great kings of this world in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly success in his life, though it will be accompanied with religious failure. If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the kingreprimandinghim in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before a king in a dream, it means that he will win his case and receive what he came for. If one sees himself complaisant with the king about his case in the dream, it means that he will lose his case and the judgment will go the king’s way. If one sees himself walking with a king and rubbing shoulders with him in the dream, it means that he will oppose the king or disobey him. If he sees himself following the king in a dream, it means that he will pursue the king’s traditions during his lifetime or after his death. If one enters the king’s palace prostrating in a dream, it means that he will be appointed in a leadership position and receive the king’s pardon. If one sees himself mixing with the king’s harem, or sleeping with them and should there be signs of comfort, trueness, or wisdom in his act in the dream, it means that he will enter the king’s inner circles. Otherwise, should he in the dream fear the consequences of what is happening, or if he lacks trueness, or if he slanders them, or indulges in what is unlawful for him to do, then should he reach the king’s door, it means that he will triumph against his enemies inside that palace, and they can cause no harm to him. If in his dream, the king gives him a gift, it means that he will win victory and honor in his life to equal the value of that gift. If the king gives him a brocaded silk garment in the dream, it means that he will give him a wife from the royal family. If the king speaks to someone in a dream, it means honor, fame, wealth after poverty, release from jail, expansion of one’s business, or victory over one’s enemy. If an appointed governor sees himself looking into a mirror in a dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his post. If an appointed king sees someone who looks like him sitting in his throne in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. If he divorces his wife in a dream, it means that he will abdicate his throne. To see oneself sleeping with the king in the same bed and without a curtain between them, and if the king leaves the bed while one remains resting therein in the dream, it means that his mixing with the king will incur jealousy, or that he will inherit him. If one leaves the bed before the king, it means that he will escape from a great danger. If one sees himself sleeping alone in the king’s bed in a dream, it means that he will marry a woman from the governing family, or that he may spend from his own money for the sake of a woman in that palace. If the bed is in the palace though unknown in the dream, it means that he will become a member of that government. If a kinghears his subjects praising him in a dream, it means that he will show good qualities. If his subjects shower him with money in a dream, it means that they speak ill of him or cast blame at him. If they shower him with sugar in the dream, it means they speak nicely of him, and if they shower him with stones in the dream, it means that they will speak harshly of him. If one sees the people paying obeisance and bowing to him in a dream, it means that they will stand humbly before him. If they prostrate themselves before him in a dream, it means that they truly praise him. If a king sees himself following the opinion of a woman in a dream, it means that he will lose his kingdom or fall victim to depression, or that he will be thrown into jail. If he opposes her in the dream, it means that he will escape from a great danger. If a king sees himself walking in a dream when a common subject comes near him and whispers something in his ear, the commoner here represents the angel of death ‘Izrail, and it means that the king may die a sudden death. Eating from the hand of one’s servant in a dream represents the growing of one’s authority, increase of his business, knowledge, or wisdom. If a king sees himself preparing a banquet for guests in a dream, it means that his opponents will come to argue their case, though he will win over them. If he sees himself placing food on the table in a dream, it means that a messenger will come to see him concerning a dispute. If the food is sweet, then the problem will end nicely. If the food is greasy, then the problem will be a lasting one. Sour food then means steadfastness. Eating on the table of a just and a righteous king in a dream means blessings and honor. If the king is seen walking alone in the markets in a dream, it means that he is a humble, just, and a strong ruler. A sick king in a dream represents weakness in his faith and injustice toward his subjects. If the king is carried over people’s shoulders in a dream, it means lack of faith and lack of attendance to one’s religious obligations, or weakness in his ruling. If the king dies and does not get buried in a dream, it means that the king and his subjects are deviates. If he is buried and the people walk away from his grave in the dream, it means that one will pursue something of no benefit, unless God Almighty decrees otherwise. If one sees the king’s head transformed into a ram’s head in a dream, it means that the king is a just and a kind ruler. If his head is transformed into a dog’s head in the dream, then it represents his vile nature. If his chest turns into a stone in the dream, it means that his heart will become like a rock. If one sees his own hand turn into the king’s hand in a dream, it means that he will receive a leadingjob. If one sees the king flying with wings in a dream, it means that his authority will spread. If his fingers increase in shape or number in the dream, it means that his greed and injustice will manifest. Any dream about a deceased king will manifest in his successors or in his progeny….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a hunter represents a philanderer, a womanizer who rounds women, or a pimp. If one sees himself befriending a hunter, or if he helps him, and if the hunter is pursuing what is lawful to kill for food, one’s dream then connotes personal advantages. If the hunt is after an animal which is unlawful for food, then the dream means sufferings. Hunting a lion in a dream means acquiring great power through deception. Hunting sparrows, hawks, or falcons in a dream also means gaining power. Hunting birds or pigeons in a dream represents a tricky merchant. Hunting beasts in a dream means cheating travellers. Fishing means womanizing. A beast hunter in a dream represents someone who takes advantage of foreigners. A bird hunter in a dream also represents a school teacher, a music teacher, or a preacher. (Also see Beast | Dog | Hunt)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(Balance | Beauty | Capital | Craft | Death | Father | Knowledge | Life | Measur- ing cup | Oven | Parents | Teacher | Tent) In a dream, the head represents leadership, presidency, or one’s capital. If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor. If one’s head looks smaller in the dream, it means loss of respect, rank and honor. If an intelligent person sees his head smaller in a dream, it means that he will turn to ignorance, or perhaps lose his job. Seeing oneself in a dream having two or three heads means victory over one’s enemy, wealth for a poor person, blessed children for a rich person, marriage for an unwed person, or attainment of one’s goal. Seeing oneself in a dream without a head cover means disobedience to one’s superior. If one sees his head down, or hanging loose in a dream, it means confessing to one’s wrongdoing, or experiencing a long life of humiliation and striving to please someone. If one’s head is fixed backward in a dream, it means delays in attaining his goals, hindrance of one’s travel plans, or it could represent someone’s return from a business trip slowly and without greed. If one sees his head severed without beheading in a dream, it means that he will shortly die, or it could mean his freedom. Seeing one’s head turning into a lion’s head in a dream, it means that he will rule and prosper. If it turns into a sheep’s head in the dream, it means that he will be just and equitable. If it turns into a donkey’s head in a dream, it means that he will revert to ignorance. If it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships. If it turns into a bird’s head in a dream, it means that he travels a lot. If it turns into an elephant’s head, or a wolfs head, or a tiger’s head in a dream, it means that he is looking to do things beyond his means, though he will still benefit from his ambition. If one’s head is hit with a stone in a dream, it means that he neglects to perform his night prayers before sleeping. If one contracts any pain in his head or neck in a dream, it means an illness. If one sees his head anointed with fragrances or oils in a dream, it represents his good endeavors and piety. Eating someone’s head raw in a dream means backbiting him. Eating it cooked in a dream means steeling money from him if he recognizes him. Otherwise, it means steeling from one’s own property or share. Holding one’s head between one’s hands in a dream means reorganization of one’s debts. Seeing someone’s head on a tray drenched with blood in a dream represents the head of a leader who lies, or wh is lied to. Blood in a dream means lies or falsehood. A turban in a dream rep . ,ents a crown or a flying ship. One’s head in a dream also represents knowledj. , wisdom, respect, children, followers, or money. Losing one’s head in a dream means carelessness, heedlessness, or inability to properly manage one’s interests. Cutting off one’s own head in a dream means committing suicide, severing one’s connection with one’s family, or betraying one’s father or teacher. Looking at one’s own head in a dream means examining one’s investment or capital worth. Seeing cattle heads gathered somewhere in a dream means profits. If one sees a king beheading him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will cleanse him from his sins and dispel his agonies and distress. If a money changer loses his head in a dream, it means that he may go bankrupt. (Also see Body 1 )…