Earth 2

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Country | Farm | Floor | Glob | Land | Locality | Place | Property) In a dream, each locality has a particular meaning that relates to its substance and conditions. To see the land of the great gathering on the Day of Resurrection in a dream means the fulfillment of a promise, or that the person seeing the dream is worthy of keeping secrets. Earth in a dream also means becoming rich after poverty, or having peace after experiencing extreme difficulties. It also means a marriage to a beautiful young virgin, or it could mean receiving guidance and attaining a high ranking and an honorable position in the world. To see the glob being carried on the back of a whale or a steer without changing its conditions in a dream means that the king of the country will be dethroned. He will either step down or be replaced by his minister. Sweeping the floor and caring for the floor mat or carpet in a dream means to care for one’s community or family. Earth in a dream also represents one’s mother, or the governor of the land. Working in a farmland in a dream, seeing its tools, elements, seeds, water, plowing, harvesting, landscaping, blossoming of its flowers, their fragrance, light, whatever positive or negative results one sees therein in a dream represent such success or failure. Seeing an unknown land could denote one’s mother, child, husband, wife, partner, guardian, a servant, or it could mean one’s heirs. Earth in a dream also may mean arguments, knowledge or clarity of speech. Earth in a dream also represents the element of the world, as the skies represent the element of the hereafter. If both the earth and the skies are seen simultaneously in a dream, it means that they can never be joined together, as the world and the hereafter do not exist in one place. If the top soil of the land is cracked in a dream, it means that the land is rich and arable. Such cracks in a dream also signify the rise of invented religious dogmas and the spread of evil and innovation. Seeing the stretch of the land in a dream means the release of prisoners, or in the case of a pregnant woman, it means the nearing of her delivery. If one sees an earthquake and the destruction of life and property in a dream, this element represents straying from the path, pride and heedless- ness. If the earth appears to fold over him in a dream, it means losing one stature in the world, divorce or losing in business. If the earth changes into iron or rocks in one’s dream, it means that one’s wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one’s trade or profession. If the earth opens and swallows him in a dream, it means that he is ashamed of somethinghe did, or it could mean hurdles in one’s business, a journey, or imprisonment. If the earth looks like a desert land in the dream, it may mean that such a person may undertake an urgent trip. Beating the ground with a stick in a dream means taking a business trip. Eating dirt in a dream means earnings an equal amount of money to what one eats in his dream. If the earth cracks and opens, and if a beast comes and speaks to the people in their own tongue in a dream, it means that people will witness a miracle or a happening that will bewilder everyone. This may also mean nearing the end of one’s life. Digging the earth in a dream also means plotting and deceiving others. If the earth speaks good words to someone in the dream, it means that he or she will attain whatever they are told. On the other hand, if the earth reprimands someone in the dream, it means that he must amend his actions for the better and ask for God’s forgiveness and guidance….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Dog)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing squirrels, denotes that pleasant friends will soon visit you. You will see advancement in your business also. To kill a squirrel, denotes that you will be unfriendly and disliked. To pet one, signifies family joy. To see a dog chasing one, foretells disagreements and unpleasantness among friends….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you are dreaming of an ace it represents how patience, smart and strong you are as a person. This dream could also represent someone old in you life, who is very important to you, but for some reason you lost the honor, which this elder person felt for you before. If you are a single women the dream could be a sign of someone who is jealous with your new relationships, maybe old girlfriend or someone, that likes this men….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of your age, it signifies that you are worrying about getting older. It could also be a sign of something you did in the past and now you are feeling sorry for your own mistakes. If you see someone thinking you are older than you actually are, it could be a sign that you should be careful when meeting new people in you life. These people could bring misfortune or even disaster to your life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of yourself expressing the aggression it indicates your suppressed sexual needs. This dream could also be a sign of you fighting yourself while trying to make a new life. It shows you, that you should not be afraid of moving forward and making changes. This is the meaning your inner gut used to old lifestyle, but not necessarily good one….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of a black agate it symbolizes health, power and strength. If you dream of a red agate it signifies healthy lifestyle, peace and freedom. This dream shows how blissful, auspicious and wealthy life you are going to have. It also could be a sign of happy marriage, good relationships or new start of your better life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being affronted it signifies that someone will get into composition where you will get lost and will try to find the right solution to sort out this compromise. Make sure you do not start new love in life, as it will get unsuccessful….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of an abyss, it represents the barriers you are facing in your life. You should consider the things you want to do in your life and try to find out what barriers do not let you move forward. Do not be afraid of challenges you are going to have, as you will sort everything out, you will be capable to find the solution to achieve the task. This dreams also shows that you are worrying about your future, about who you are, what you feel and what you are afraid of. If you are dreaming that you are falling into abyss, it signifies your hidden plans for the future. The dreams also could be the meaning of your fear to start something new in your life or your fear taking the risks….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing an airplane it means that you will deal with the difficulties and will get to higher level of consciousness which will lead you to satisfaction. You might start seeing things different with more intelligence and patience. If you see transfer planes, it means that you will move forward leaving your old life behind and finally getting the new one, the one you deserved. There will be many challenges you will have, but do not worry as you will cope with them perfectly. If you see that you are in the plane and it crashes, it represents your great expectations you expose to yourself, so do not try to achieve something you will not be able to. However, if you start believing yourself more and if you will become more confident person, anything is available to achieve. When you start believe in yourself, it will be hard to believe how everything will get the way you always wanted to be. If you see the airplane being hijacked, it means that you are confused and nervous of something that happened before….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of alabaster it represents happiness of personal life, maybe new love you will meet very soon or the one you just met. It could be a sign of the happy marriage and family life. If you dream of braking an alabaster statue it is a bad sign, which means you will suffer from unhappiness, sadness or maybe even of some kind of disaster….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing yourself angling it is a good sign. This dream represents the luck you will have in anything you will do. This is very good time for your love life, new career or anything you will try to achieve….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of seeing an amethyst it is a sign of the luck, joy and pleasure in work and personal life. Maybe there will be fall in love with someone very soon and it will be successful new step of your life. This dream is a sign that you are capable of being happy with what you already have. The success in work is not so important to you, because you know that money do not bring happiness and fortune because it is more important spiritual things, which always makes you feel happy. When you dream of losing an amethyst it is a sign of losing someone you love. It could be that the one you love will cheat n you or simply will stop loving you and the relationship you have been into will not recover and will never be the same as it used to be….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing an ambulance it represents you as risky person which is not good as this might lead you to huge difficulties while dealing with your business. This dream could also represent your denial with health issues you are having. What you should do is to make sure you are not avoiding the help you are presented, you have to stop denying what is obvious. If you dream of seeing an ambulance filled with injured people it shows that you are terrified of becoming a new and better person and leaving the old personality behind. Do not let your bad habits and aggression to get onto the others. This dream could also be the meaning that your are related to someone who doesn’t do the good influence on you, you should be aware of those people. When you see someone being hit by an ambulance, it means that some part of your spirituality is harmed and needs to be healed….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you. It could also symbolize your capacity taking apart two different systems: spiritual side of yours and fundamental side of yours. The alligator could also symbolize the curing kinds and potency. When you see yourself running away from alligator in your dream, it indicates hidden fears and pain you are suffering from. What you should do is try to find the reasons why you are experiencing this pain, only then you will be able to set your soul free and live peacefuly with yourself and those around you….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of arch it signifies your encourage towards the others. If you see yourself going under the arch it represents new chances in your future. This dream means that you are going completely opposite way than you used to be, which is a good thing, it means that everything is in your hands and you are able to do things you never thought you could do….