
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a tiger advancing towards you, you will be tormented and persecuted by enemies. If it attacks you, failure will bury you in gloom. If you succeed in warding it off, or killing it, you will be extremely successful in all your undertakings. To see one running away from you, is a sign that you will overcome opposition, and rise to high positions. To see them in cages, foretells that you will foil your adversaries. To see rugs of tiger skins, denotes that you are in the way to enjoy luxurious ease and pleasure….


Indian (Hindu), Hinduism Sivananda Saraswati

This is a bad dream. This indicates treachery and fraud. Killing a cat indicates discovery of enemies….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be injured by the folly of a friend or employer. To see a horse running away with others, denotes that you will hear of the illness of friends. To see fine stallions, is a sign of success and high living, and undue passion will master you. To see brood mares, denotes congeniality and absence of jealousy between the married and sweethearts. To ride a horse to ford a stream, you will soon experience some good fortune and will enjoy rich pleasures. If the stream is unsettled or murky, anticipated joys will be somewhat disappointing. To swim on a horse’s back through a clear and beautiful stream of water, your conception of passionate bliss will be swiftly realized. To a business man, this dream portends great gain. To see a wounded horse, foretells the trouble of friends. Dreaming of a dead horse, signifies disappointments of various kinds. Dreaming of riding a horse that bucks, denotes that your desires will be difficult of consummation. Dreaming that he throws you, you will have a strong rival, and your business will suffer slightly through competition. Dreaming that a horse kicks you, you will be repulsed by one you love. Your fortune will be embarrassed by ill health. Dreaming of catching a horse to bridle and saddle, or harness it, you will see a great improvement in business of all kinds, and people of all callings will prosper. If you fail to catch it, fortune will play you false. To see spotted horses, foretells that various enterprises will bring you profit. Dreaming of having a horse shod, your success is assured. For a woman, this dream omens a good and faithful husband. Dreaming that you shoe a horse, denotes that you will endeavor to and perhaps make doubtful property your own. Dreaming of race horses, denotes that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream denotes prosperity. Dreaming that you ride a horse in a race, you will be prosperous and enjoy life. Dreaming of killing a horse, you will injure your friends through selfishness. To mount a horse bareback, you will gain wealth and ease by hard struggles. To ride bareback in company with men, you will have honest people to aid you, and your success will be merited. If in company with women, your desires will be loose, and your prosperity will not be so abundant as might be if women did not fill your heart. To curry a horse, your business interests will not be neglected for frivolous pleasures. Dreaming of trimming a horse’s mane, or tail, denotes that you will be a good financier or farmer. Literary people will be painstaking in their work and others will look after their interest with solicitude. Dreaming of horses, you will amass wealth and enjoy life to its fullest extent. To see horses pulling vehicles, denotes wealth with some incumbrance, and love will find obstacles. If you are riding up a hill and the horse falls but you gain the top, you will win fortune, though you will have to struggle against enemies and jealousy. If both the horse and you get to the top, your rise will be phenomenal, but substantial. For a young girl Dreaming that she rides a black horse, denotes that she should be dealt with by wise authority. Some wishes will be gratified at an unexpected time. Black in horses, signifies postponements in anticipations. To see a horse with a tender foot, denotes that some unexpected unpleasantness will insinuate itself into your otherwise propitious state. If you attempt to fit a broken shoe which is too small for the horse’s foot, you will be charged with making fraudulent deals with unsuspecting parties. To ride a horse down hill, your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you. For a young woman Dreaming that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men. If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations. If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost. If afterward she sees the pig sliding gracefully along the telegraph wire, she will by intriguing advance her position, For a young woman Dreaming that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her, denotes she will have a mixed season of success and sorow,{sic} but through it all a relentless enemy is working to overshadow her with gloom and disappointment. To see a horse in human flesh, descending on a hammock through the air, and as it nears your house is metamorphosed into a man, and he approaches your door and throws something at you which seems to be rubber but turns into great bees, denotes miscarriage of hopes and useless endeavors to regain lost valuables. To see animals in human flesh, signifies great advancement to the dreamer, and new friends will be made by modest wearing of well-earned honors. If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of game, either shooting or killing or by other means, denotes fortunate undertakings | but selfish motions | if you fail to take game on a hunt, it denotes bad management and loss….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If a reptile attacks you in a dream, there will be trouble of a serious nature ahead for you. If you succeed in killing it, you will finally overcome obstacles. To see a dead reptile come to life, denotes that disputes and disagreements, which were thought to be settled, will be renewed and pushed with bitter animosity. To handle them without harm to yourself, foretells that you will be oppressed by the ill humor and bitterness of friends, but you will succeed in restoring pleasant relations. For a young woman to see various kinds of reptiles, she will have many conflicting troubles. Her lover will develop fancies for others. If she is bitten by any of them, she will be superseded by a rival….

Mad Dog

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing a mad dog, denotes that enemies will make scurrilous attacks upon you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dog, you will overcome adverse opinions and prosper greatly in a financial way. See Dog….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a panther and experience fright, denotes that contracts in love or business may be canceled unexpectedly, owing to adverse influences working against your honor. But killing, or over-powering it, you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings. Your surroundings will take on fair prospects. If one menaces you by its presence, you will have disappointments in business. Other people will likely recede from their promises to you. If you hear the voice of a panther, and experience terror or fright, you will have unfavorable news, coming in the way of reducing profit or gain, and you may have social discord | no fright forebodes less evil. A panther, like the cat, seen in a dream, portends evil to the dreamer, unless he kills it….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see murder committed in your dreams, foretells much sorrow arising from the misdeeds of others. Affair will assume dulness. Violent deaths will come under your notice. If you commit murder, it signifies that you are engaging in some dishonorable adventure, which will leave a stigma upon your name. Dreaming that you are murdered, foretells that enemies are secretly working to overthrow you. See Killing and kindred words….

Call to prayers

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Azan | Muezzin) Hearing the call to prayers in a dream denotes the pilgrimage season or announces its holy months. It also may indicate backbiting, a theft, announcing a major move or blowing the trumpets of war, or it could denote rank and honor or obeyed commands of the one seeing the dream, or perhaps announcing a wife for an unmarried man, and it could mean telling the truth. Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting. If one sees a woman calling to prayers, standing on the top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and trials. If children give the call to prayers in a dream, it means that people filled with ignorance will rule the land. This is particularly true when the call is made outside the proper time. If a suitable person sees himself adequately calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern a land which is as vast as his voice can reach in the dream. If one does not fit the conditions of ruling, then it means that his enemies will increase in number. If he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow. Hearing the call to prayers in a dream also may represent invocations, supplications and good prayers. If one sees himself calling to prayers from inside a well in a dream, it means that he will call people from another land to walk the path of God Almighty, to follow the jurisprudence He made obligatory upon humanity, and to adopt the divine laws as their way of life and religion. If calling from inside a well is done from within a Muslim country in the dream, it means that he is a spy or an innovator who is introducing changes to God’s laws. If one sees himself calling to prayers from the top of the Scared House of Ka’aba in a dream, it means that he is an innovator. If he calls to prayers while laying down in his bed in a dream, it means that his wife is backbiting and slandering the neighbors. If he makes the call at the door of a king in a dream, it means that he will testify to the truth in a court of justice. If one’s call is made while travelling in a caravan or in a marketplace in a dream, it means that he will expose a band of thieves. If he makes the call to prayers from inside a ruin in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt and people will live in it. If one sees himself calling to prayer from inside a bathhouse or while under the shower in a dream, it means that he will suffer from a fever. If he sees himself calling and no one is answering his call in a dream, it means that he belongs to the company of unjust people. If he calls with a beautiful voice and the people hearken to his call in the dream, it means that he is seeking the approval of people in authority. If he sees himself calling to prayer while being naked, it represents his recklessness and contempt about his own religion. Calling to prayer standing on a pile of trash in a dream means calling a stupid person to make peace but to no avail. Hearing the call to prayers given inside a marketplace means the death of one of the merchants….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Seat) In a dream, a chair represents authority, rank or a woman. An iron cast chair in a dream represents power and superiority. If it is a wooden chair, then it means less than that beside added hypocrisy. Sitting on a chair in a dream means becoming a guardian, deputy, attorney or proxy. If one qualifies for governing or for managing a business, then sitting on a chair in a dream means receiving such an appointment. If a traveller sees himself sitting on a chair in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland to be reunited with his family and to attain his goals. For people in authority, a chair in their dream represents an appointment, a promotion, fame, marriage, children or buying an expensive property, a new vehicle or a new garment. If one finds a chair and sits on it in a dream, it means that he will gain power or be married to a woman whose prestige and sophistication correspond to those of the chair. If one’s wife is pregnant, then seeing oneself sitting on a chair in a dream means that she will beget a son. If one sees himself sitting on a chair and wearing a stately garment in a dream, it means that he will occupy the seat of knowledge, honor, reverence and that he will receive immediate benefits. If one’s chair breaks in a dream, it may mean his death or that of his wife, or it could mean their separation, or losing one’s authority at home or at work. A chair in a dream also signifies happiness and promotion for the one who sits on it, or it could mean spiritual success or winning God’s forgiveness in the hereafter and entering the heavenly paradise. If a pregnant woman sees herself sitting on a chair in a dream, the chair then represents her labor and her delivery day. If she is wearing a crown in the dream, then it means that she will beget a son. Seeing the Divine Throne (Kursi) of God Almighty in its most perfect condition which is situated in the highest heaven and as it is without attribution of human imagination or depictions of images in a dream means acquiring knowledge, wisdom and rising in station. A chair in a dream also signifies delivering a babe, travels, a vehicle, buying a house or initiating a good practice that people will emulate and follow. As for a sick person, a chair in his dream means being on his deathbed. (Also see Saddle | Seat | Throne)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Book | Dog | Bedmate | Messmate)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Compromise | Peace | Reconciliation | Settlement) Making peace with one’s adversary in a dream means disagreement in wakefulness. However, reconciliation between two adversaries or friends in accordance with the prescribed laws in a dream means unity, repentance from sin, guidance that pleases God Almighty, blessings and profits. It also could mean an argument with the person seen in the dream. If one sees himself making peace with an adversary in a dream, it means that he will call upon a heedless person to walk on God’s path. Making a settlement with an adversary over money in a dream means profits for the lender. In a dream , signing a peace agreement between two enemies in the battlefield means safety and prosperity, intending to get married, or building a business partnership. Conciliation between arguing drunk- ards over what they are drinking means enmity between people. If two groups of opposing trends compromise or consent to respect each others’ philosophy in a dream, it denotes the birth of a new ideology, innovations and trials. If someone invites a litigant to making an out of court settlement in a dream, it means that he is admonishing people to follow the divine guidance….

Arabic months

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(Lunar months | 1- Muharram | 2- Safar | 3- Rab’i-’ul Awal | 4- Rab’i’u Than’I | 5- Jamadul Awwal | 6- Jamadu Thani | 7- Rajab | 8- ShaTaan | 9- Ramadan | 10- Shawwal | 11- Zul-Qi’dah | 12- Zul-H.ijjah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen. Thus, having a dream during the month of Muharram could be even called a vision and it never fails. Such a dream means success, relief from difficulties, release from a prison, or recovering from an illness. If the person had retreated from his town, he will return to it. This interpretation is based on the story of God’s prophet Jonah, upon whom be peace, after he emerged from the belly of the whale. Perhaps the person in the dream may face a great spiritual challenge in his life, or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a gnostic or wise man in that city. If the person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins, for God Almighty has accepted the repentance of Adam, upon whom be peace, during that month. If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idris) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. If a traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a long journey, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi. If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. If the person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and if he desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire of Nimrod, or perhaps, if he had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. If the person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. If one is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows – If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. If he is sick, it means recovering from his illness. If one is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied. If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm. If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi-Hil Awwal, and if he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his money will be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month. If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled. If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. If one’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabihi Tha ru. and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but if it suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadul Awwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God be forever pleased with her. If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thani. and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it. If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven. A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha*ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever. If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. If the person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed. If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal. if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph. If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himself where he lives. If the dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Hijjah indicates a journey then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices. If one sees this month in his dream or sees himself offering sacrifices in it, or if he sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Add | Calculate | Enumerate | Number) Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Counting up to the number one hundred, five thousand or twenty thousand in a dream signifies victory against one’s enemy. Counting up to the number seven or eight means distress or pressures. Counting up to the number nine in a dream means adversities and joining the company of corrupt and evil people. Counting up to the number ten in a dream means completing a project, or it could mean attending the pilgrimage in Mecca. Counting up to the number forty in a dream means anticipating the fulfillment of a promise. Counting up to the number thirty in a dream means promising someone the impossible or telling a lie. The number one in a dream signifies uniqueness, superiority, having the leading edge in knowledge, money, prosperity, mar- riage, child, or it could mean languor, solitude or liking to be alone or cessation of activities. The number one in a dream also represents the truth or God Almighty Who has no partner, associate or equal. The number two means help against one’s enemy. The number three signifies fulfillment of a promise. The number four means a pilgrimage to Mecca. The number five means doubt and weakness of one’s faith. Perhaps the number six also means victory against one’s enemy or establishing a proof of guilt against one’s adversaries. Counting up to number seven or eight in a dream has negative connotations. Counting up to number ten in a dream could mean atonement for one’s sins. If one sees himself in a dream counting money coins that has the name of God inscribed on it in a dream, it means that he celebrates God’s praises and glorifies His Name. If one sees himself in a dream counting large denomination of money that has the Name of God Almighty written on it, it means acquiring knowledge. If the money coins or the banknotes are designed with images or portray the picture of known people in the dream, then they mean engaging in innovation, religious innovation, falsehood or polytheism. Counting pearls in a dream means reading the Qur’an. Counting gems in a dream means learning wisdom or acquiring knowledge at the hand of a gnostic. Counting beads in a dream means getting involved in people’s business, using obscene language, or fornication. Counting sheep in a dream means counting money or counting one’s children. Counting cows in a dream means longevity or going through a long and difficult times. If a farmer sees himself counting camels in a dream, it means rain and a good harvest. Counting buffaloes in a dream means hardships and toiling in one’s life. (Also see Money)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Standing in the air in a dream means being honored or acknowledged by a governor, though it will not last. If one has exaggerated hopes, arrogance, pride, or if he is a self-centered individual, then his floating in the air represents mere disturbed dreams. Walking in the air without ascending or descending in a dream means receiving dignity, honor and earning lawful money. If one does not qualify for it, then walking in the air in his dream means travels. Hanging in the air between the heavens and the earth in a dream represents a concerned heart and uncertainty about what to do! Falling in the air in a dream means despair or loss of status in wakefulness. Falling in a dream also means relief from distress, wantonness, or satisfying one’s needs. Clear, fresh and pure air in a dream represents a good time to take a trip for business or pleasure. Air in a dream also represents one’s desire and passion. Thus, disobeying one’s mind, desire and passion in a dream means entering the heavenly paradise. Following one’s desires in a dream means negligence of once religious duties. Standing up in the air and speaking loud in a dream means blessings, favors, money, honor and fame. Sitting in the air in a dream means arrogance and self- deception regarding religious opinions. Building a house up in the air or placing a mat in the air or raising a tent in the air means death of a sick person, and what is built in this case is one’s own coffin. If a governor sees that dream, it means his dismissal from his office or his death. Seeing that dream after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in an uncouth action, lacking knowledge of the Holy Book and prophetic traditions, because what one has built lacks a foundation. Flying in the air in a dream may mean travels. Flying with wings in a dream has stronger connotations and is safer. The wings here will represent money or power. Swimming in the air means benefits or business travels. If the air looks opaque in one’s eyes, so he cannot see the skies in his dream, it means problems with one’s superior. If one does not have a boss, then it means that he may lose his sight. If all the people witnessed the air opaque or red in the dream, then it means a major calamity and a trying adversity. (Also see Ascending in the Skies | Flying)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a beetle represents a perfidious and a rich enemy, a dull person who travels extensively transporting money between the lands, an odious, dirty and abominable person, or an evil servant. A female beetle in a dream means the death of a woman in childbed, or it could represent a stubborn and a relentless woman. If one sees a beetle turning into a scorpion in a dream, it represents an enemy whose real intention is not known….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bed cover | Cover | Lioncloth | Mexican blanket | Overlay | Overspread) In a dream, a blanket represents a woman. If one sees himself wearing a blanket over a wrapper, or a lioncloth in a dream, it means marriage. If he sees a blanket made of pearls in a dream, it means that his wife is a pious woman. Wrapping oneself with a blanket in a dream means marriage, comfort, peace, tranquility and strength. Wrapping oneself with a red blanket in a dream means a fight because of a woman. If a blanket is stolen or burned or taken away from someone in his dream, it means divorce or death of his wife….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Band | Chain | Fetters | Shackle | Strap | Ties) In a dream, a bond signifies assiduity, piety, a pretext, an illness, an ongoing debt, cognizance of the one who puts the chain, or a rope around one’s hands. A silver band in a dream means a lasting marriage. If it is a brass band in the dream, then it means decisiveness but with trickery and regarding something loathsome. If the bond is made from lead in the dream, then it means having determination about something weak or unworthy of such attention. A bond made with a rope in the dream signifies piety and religiousness. If it is mad of wood in the dream, then it means persistence in hypocrisy. If it is a bond made of a piece of cloth, or a thread in the dream, then it means attachment to something that will not last. In a dream, a bond also means delays when one is intending to travel, and for a merchant it means salability of his merchandise, and as for someone suffering from depression, it means perseverance of his sorrows. To see oneself tied-up in God’s cause in a dream means caring for one’s family. Seeing oneself tied-up or fettered in a city or a village in a dream means living there. Being bound inside a house in a dream means living with a difficult wife. Adding extra shackles to an already bound and bed stricken person in a dream means his death and for a prisoner, it means extension of his sentence. Wearing a green garment and seeing one’s hands tied-up in a dream means spiritual growth. If one sees himself wearing a white garment, then it means knowledge, understanding, beauty and honor. If one sees himself wearing a red garment, it means that he is a musician, or that he is fascinated by music and a night life of distractions. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means sickness. If one sees himself tied- up with a golden bond in a dream, it means that he is awaiting to recover money that he lost in an investment. If one sees himself in a dream tied-up inside a palace which is built from glass, it means that he will befriend a noble woman, though their friendship will not last. Seeing oneself being tied-up with another person in the dream means committing a sin and being afraid of its conse- quences. In general, a bond in a dream signifies distress and poverty. (Also see Band | Chain | Fetter | Yoke)…

Bowing in prayers

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(arb. Rukii’) Seeing oneself bowing to God Almighty in prayers in a dream means submission to His will, abstaining from arrogance and establishing God’s rules in one’s life. Bowing in prayers also means fulfilling one’s aspirations in this world and quickly triumphing over one’s enemy. If one sees himself standing in prayers, but remains standing without bowing until the prescribed time elapses in a dream, it means that he does not pay his due alms. Bowing in prayers in a dream also means a job for someone who needs it most. Bowing in a dream also means longevity. If a woman sees herself bo wing before God Almighty in prayers in a dream, it means repentance and exalting her name by protecting her chastity. (Also see Prayers)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation, speaking bad words or using despicable expressions. Feces in a dream also represent money, hidden secrets, travels, a fight, recovering from an illness, bad thoughts, whispering of the mind, temptation or trusts. The smell of feces in a dream represents a fine, or overdoing one’s duty, or a miscarriage for a pregnant woman. To sally one’s clothing with someone’s feces in a dream means borrowing money from him or carrying his favor for a longtime to come. Feces in a dream also denote earnings from an unjust and a loathsome person. Excreting in a dream also means dispelling one’s worries or getting rid of one’s burdens. If one excretes in the ablution room in his dream, it means that his spendings or deeds are recognized to be a fulfillment of his desires, ostentatiousness and love for fame. If one excretes in an unknown place in a dream, it means that his deeds will not be acknowledged, nor will he receive any reward for them. Going to the bathroom in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, paying one’s debts or paying an unavoidable alimony for his children. Putting a shirt in the wilderness and defecating inside it rather than in the field in a dream means committing a sin and carrying its consequences for sometime to come. Excreting in the wilder- ness, then covering one’s feces with dirt in a dream means hiding money. To defecate in a marketplace in public in a dream means incurring God’s displeasure and the curse of His angels. Throwing feces at someone in a dream means starting a fight or opposing him in opinion, being unjust to him, or causing him great losses. The consequences also may backfire at the assailant. If one sees himself standing inside the sewers and searching through the filth with a stick in his dream, it means that he might become a judge and be accused of bribery or misuse of people’s money. Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities. To soil oneself with people’s feces in a dream means sickness or fear, or it could mean good benefits for a person whose acts are filthy and abominable. (Also see Impurity)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Seeing a group of people gathering in a dream may represent business losses or a trial that will end in mercy and success. If one sees a group of people surrounding the corps of a dead, or visiting a sick person, or standing around his bed in a dream, it means relief and success. Sitting in the company of a beloved means unity, marriage happiness, prosperity or reunion. (Also see Spiritual gathering)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Man’s food | Dinner | Digesting food | Invitation | Lunch) Food which is placed on a ceramic plate or on a clay plate in a dream represents lawful earnings. If food is served on a forbidden golden or silver platter in the dream, it represents unlawful money, extensive debts, eating and chewing one’s food with desire and gluttony. Swallowing what one is chewing means debts or collectors demanding their money. Eating with the right hand in a dream means success. Eating with the left hand in a dream means falling in the trap of one’s enemy and displeasing one’s friends. Eating from someone else’s hand in a dream means good absti- nence and trusting in God Almighty as one’s sole sustainer. Eating from someone else’s hand in a dream also can be interpreted as a sickness or inability to eat with one’s own hand. Eating sweets in a dream means solving a problem through kindness. If the food is greasy in the dream, it means that one’s problem is a lasting one. Sour food in a dream means steadfastness. Sour food in one’s mouth in a dream also means pain and sufferings. Yellow food in a dream means sickness, except for fowl’s meat. Drinking food the way one drinks liquids in a dream means increase in one’s earnings. Eating at a wedding in a dream means glad tidings. Eating at a reception after a funeral in a dream means distress and sorrow. Any food that has a long shelf life in a dream means profits and continuous benefits. Meat, eggplant, squash or the like food in a dream represent temporary benefit or seasonal earnings. Eating at the tables of royalties or rich people in a dream means rising in rank, or renewing the mandate of one’s office. Eating squash in a dream also means guidance, following the true religious precepts, or it could mean vigilance. Eating food from the table of people of knowledge in a dream means acquiring knowledge, guidance, wisdom and blessings. Eating food from the plate of a policeman or a soldier in a dream means committing adultery or receiving money from an unlawful source. Eating the food of poor people or pious ones in a dream means repentance from sin or receiving guidance. Eating the food of nomads or bedouins in a dream means travels, rising in station or changes in one’s conditions. Eating a meal that is cooked with meat in a dream means richness for a poor person. Eating a meal that is cooked without meat in a dream also may mean poverty, or it could mean devotion. If one’s meal turns into something better in the dream, it means advancement in one’s spiritual life. If one’s food turns bitter or sour in the dream, it means changing a spouse or a job. If one cookes a tasty meal in a dream, it means attaining a high ranking job, or it could mean prospering after suffering from a painful poverty. If someone else cooks one’s meal in the dream, it means dealing with a treachrous person and in this case, it means that one should fear for his life or about doing business with him, or it could mean that he may receive a helping hand in doing his job. If one eats an unbearably hot food in a dream, it means adversities. If one finds his mouth filled with food, and if there is still a cavity for more food in the dream, it means confusion, or it could represent the balance of his life in this world. If one manages to grind and swallow the food in his mouth in a dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties. Receiving a sour or a bitter tasting food from someone in a dream means hearing harsh words, and the same interpretation is given if one offers someone sour or bitter food in a dream. If he eats it, then it means sorrow, sadness and distress. If one finds himself eating it patiently and thanks God Almighty for it in the dream, it means that he will escape from such dangers. (Also see Chewing food | Guest | Hospitality | Swallowing | Table)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Glorifying God’s sovereignty in a dream is a confirmation of one’s true faith. If in real life the person is ill, imprisoned or in fear, glorifying God Almighty in a dream means his cure, freedom and peace. If one sees himself performing his prescribed prayers, then following that with invocations of God’s glory in a dream, it means that one will receive a verdict of innocence, fulfil a vow, comply with the divine command, or that God Almighty will provide him with resources to pay his debts from sources he does not anticipate….

Grease 1

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Lubrication | Oil) In a dream, grease is a sign of distress or depression. If one sees himself smearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression. If it is a normal quantity, then it means beautifying oneself. If the grease smells bad in the dream, it means sarcastic praises equivalent to the degree of its stench, or it could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. Rubbing oneself with mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream means fawning, adulation, flattery, hypocrisy, falsehood or backbiting, etcetera. If one sees his own face rubbed with grease in a dream, it means a lifetime of abstinence and religious fasting. Rubbing oneself with a cream as a treatment or as a medicine to lessen one’s pain in a dream means that one will correct himself, or save money as a bridal dower or as a down payment toward a purchase. (Also see Lubrication | Stuffed turkey)…

Agony of death

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees himself struggling with death in a dream, it means arguing about his religion, or doubt about God’s revelations. Death rattling in a dream also signifies preparing to take a journey, marriage of an unmarried person, moving from one house to a new one, changing one’s trade or repaying one’s debt, or divorcing one’s wife. If one sees himself in agony in his deathbed, combating the throes and pangs of death in a dream, it means that he is unjust toward himself or others. (Also see Death)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Flying in a dream means travels. If one sees himself flying lying on his back, then it means comfort. Flying for other than a traveller means joblessness. Flying from one roof into another in a dream means changing from a man of dignity into a man who has no moral standards. In a dream, a roof also represents a woman or a wife. In this sense, flyingbetween two roofs could mean having a mistress beside one’s wife. If a woman sees herself flying from her house into the house of a man she knows in the dream, it means that she will marry him. Flying from a known abode into a distant and unknown abode in a dream means death. If a prisoner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will be released from jail. Flying with wings in a dream also means travels, and flying without wings means changes in one’s status or conditions. If a foreigner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland, or it could mean that he travels excessively. If one who has pride and exaggerated hopes sees himself flying in a dream, then his dream represents mere hallucination. If one sees himself in a dream flying in a race with someone else, and if he wins the race, it means that he will conquer his opponent and rise above him in station. Flying over a mountain in a dream means power and sovereignty. If one who qualifies for leadership sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will attain a leadership position. If he falls over something in the dream, it means that he will own or control whatever he falls into. If one does not qualify for leadership and sees himself flying in a dream, it represents pitfalls in his religious performances, or it could mean falling sick. If one does attain his intended destination in the dream, then his dream connotes a successful journey. If one flies in his dream and disappears beyond sight, it means his death. If one flies from his own house into an unknown house in the dream, the latter house represents his grave. Flying in a dream also represent a sickness that could lead a person near his death before he could recover from it. If one flies from a low elevation into a higher one and without wings in his dream, it means fulfillment of his aspirations. If one soars in the air like a pigeon in a dream and sees people below him, whereby he can benefit or harm whomever he wants, it means that he will preside over people and reach a rank of honor and dignity. If one becomes tired during his flight between tow cities or places and finds himself incapable of benefiting or harming anyone, and if he seeks nothing from his flight but is still happy about flying in the dream, it means that he is trying to find money for his personal needs or business. If one sees himself flying from one land into another in a dream, it means that he will attain honor, power, comfort and satisfaction. If one sees himself flying hori- zontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part. If one sees himself flying vertically with his head up and his feet pointing to the ground in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits. The more he rises, the greater are his benefits. If rich people or craftsmen see that dream, it represents a leadership position they could occupy. If a foreigner sees that in a dream, it means that he will return to his mother land, or it could mean that he will never return to his homeland again. Flying with wings in a dream means benefits in general. Soaring high in the air and without wings in a dream means fears and hardships. Flying over people’s homes and over the streets in a dream means difficulties and disturbances. Flying near a flock of birds in a dream means associating, living or working with unknown people. If an evil person sees that, it means a bad omen, and for a fisherman it means sufferings or death. Flying in the air at a low altitude in a dream means taking a short trip. If one sees himself flying at will and ceasing to fly at will in a dream, it means easing of his burdens and expectation of great benefits to come his way. Seeing oneself in a dream flying upside-down means evil happening. If a sick person sees himself flying in the air in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. If one sees himself laying over his bed and flying with it in a dream, it means a severe illness or an ailment that will strike at his legs. Enjoying flying between the sky and the earth in a dream means having exaggerated hopes. Flying in a dream also means seeking a destructive knowl- edge, or pursuing an evil idea, or associating with villainous and notorious people, or it could mean being in a hurry, or that one takes lightly a serious project, then fails to accomplish it because of his angry character. Flying in a dream also denotes extreme happiness, or it could mean superstition. If one flies from a bad place into a good place such as a farm or a mosque in his dream, it means benefits and growth. (Also see Air | Wadi)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Hearth | Stove) An iron cast stove or a fireplace in a dream represents a woman who comes from a powerful and a strong family. If the stove or the fireplace is made from yellow copper or brass in the dream, then such a woman may have come from a house of a worldly and rich people. A wooden fireplace in a dream represents hypocrisy in such a family. If the fireplace is made of plaster in the dream, it means that such a family has associated itself with Pharaonic traditions or worship. If the fireplace is made of argillite or form sun- dried bricks in the dream, it means that someone in that family is a godly and a pious person. A fireplace in a dream also represents a state, a government, joblessness or fleeing from one’s enemy. If the fireplace or the stove is lit with no food to cook or water to boil over it in the dream, it means that the head of the household, the butler or the house keeper will become angry and infuriated by someone’s slander or backbiting. If the cooking pot in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the fireplace would represent her husband who faces the adversities and hardships of life. On the other hand, if the fireplace in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the cooking pot would be her husband who is always sitting on fire. If the fireplace or the stove is not lit in the dream, then it represents distress, worries and trouble, but if it is on, then it means fulfilling one’s needs and earning one’s livelihood through hard work. A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s wife, his tools and instruments, his vehicle, or it could represent a place of gathering, one’s rank, a chair, light, a woman in childbed, a father, a mother, a pregnant woman, one’s shop or a helper. A fireplace in a dream also could represent the month of January or the cold season. If a bachelor sees a fireplace in a dream, it means that he will get married, and if he is married, it means that his wife will become pregnant. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins, for a fireplace is the abode of fire and fire in a dream represents fear, horror and guidance. A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s stomach and the firewood in a dream represents a late heavy meal that will cause indigestion or confused dreams. (Also see Brazier | Firewood)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Astray | Heedlessness | Ingratitude | Irreligious | Profane) In a dream, disbelief represents a rich person or becoming one. Disbelief in God Almighty in a dream also means illness, injustice or causing harm to others. Acting silly or impudent or stupidly, or being censured or discredited in a dream also indicates profanity and disbelief in God Almighty. Going astray in a dream means committing a sin or making a mistake. Making a mistake in a dream also signifies heedlessness in wakefulness. If one’s profanity becomes public knowledge in a dream, it means that he will commit a forgery or make false testimony in court. Disbelief in a dream also means ingratitude or it could denote the state of a sick person when he lies in his deathbed and awaits for his soul to be taken back to its Lord. Disbelief in a dream also may signify committing the unforgivable act of suicide. (Also see Irreligious)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Poverty) If someone divorces his wife in a dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his job. If an unmarried person sees himself divorcing someone in a dream, it means reaching a conclusion to whatever good or bad he is experiencing. As for the divorce of a married person in a dream, it means closing of his business or his death if he is bed stricken. If one sees himself divorcing his wife in a dream, it means that he will become rich, or that his life will run smoother. If one divorces his wife with the intention of returning to her in a dream, it means that he will change his trade for a short time, then engages back in it. If the divorce is irrevocable, then it could mean that he will permanently close his business. Divorcing one’s wife in a dream also means disregarding a treasure, renouncing an inheritance, abdicating one’s throne, or impeachment from one’s office. Divorce in a dream also denotes poverty. Divorcing one’s sick wife in a dream means that she may die of her illness. However, if one divorces his sick wife with the intention of returning to her again in the dream, in that case, it means that she will recover from her illness. (Also see Pencil sharpener | Repudiation)…