
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A locksmith in a dream represents a broker. If he locks the door of his own house in the dream, it means that he arranges marriages, or works as a wedding consultant. If he locks the door of his shop in a dream, it means that he brokers merchandises and businesses. Seeing a locksmith in a dream also means concealing a secrets, or it could mean marriage….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Corridor | Doorman) In a dream, a hallway represents a servant who controls and manages the business and life of his employer. It also represents a doorman, or one’s actions that guides him to his purpose, or one’s deeds that could lead him either to paradise or to hell-fire. A hallway in a dream also represents one’s grave, since the grave is a hallway to either heaven or hell, or it may represent the steps of a sick person or a handicapped person. Its lights, size and the ease of crossing it in the dream reflect the outcome….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cover | Happiness | Fears | Veil) In a dream, drapes means veiling one’s private life. Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women. If a man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children. Unidentified drapes in a dream represent worries or distress. If the drapes are hanging over one’s front door in the dream, it means that such difficulties will come from the world. Old drapes in a dream represent adversities which will not last. Torn drapes in a dream mean happiness and joy. If they are torn vertically in the dream, they represent a quick joy. If they are torn horizontally in the dream, they mean slander against one’s family. Black drapes in a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallu- cination or dispelling one’s worries. If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty. If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in a dream means taking a long, frustrating, toiling and a distant journey. The bigger the drapes are in a dream, the more difficult is one’s adversity….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Decree | Flyer | Letter | Publication | Public announcement | Record | Scroll | Write | Writing) Holding a book or a letter in one’s hand in a dream signifies power. A book or a letter in a dream also signifies fame or public knowledge. If one sees himself carrying a sealed letter in a dream, then it means that he will receive confidential news or a report. If a book or a letter is carried by a child in a dream, it means glad tidings. If it is carried by a servant or a housekeeper, then it means glad tidings and good news. If a letter is carried by a woman, then one could expect a quick relief from his trouble. If the letter which the woman is carrying in the dream is an open letter, and if the woman is wearing a veil, it means that the news she is bringing must be treated carefully. If the woman is wearing perfume, then one could expect good news and a commendation for his work. If one sees himself holding a closed book in a dream, it means the end of his life in this world. If one sees a flyer or a public announcement in display by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will gain leadership, happiness and income. If one sends a sealed letter to someone, which is returned to him unopened in the dream, it means losing a war to one’s enemy. If he is a merchant, it means that he will suffer losses in his business. If he is seeking marriage, it means the denial of his request. If one sees himself carrying a book, a record, or a letter in his right hand in a dream, and if he had an argument, or a confusing deal, or doubt about something, it means that he will bring clarity to that problem. If he is incarcerated or if he is suffering from persecution, it means that he will bring proof of his innocence and escape from his difficulties. If he is depressed, it means that he will be able to dispel his worries. If he is travelling in a foreign country, it means that he will find a way back to his mother land, where he will find happiness again. Carrying a book or a letter in one’s left hand in a dream means that he has done something bad, or something which he will regret. Carrying a book in the right hand denotes a prosperous year. If a stranger takes one’s book away from him in the dream, it means that someone will take away from him his most precious and endeared thing. Tearing a book into pieces in a dream means getting rid of one’s trouble or becoming free from trials or evil encounters and receivingbenefits. Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior. Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor. If one is seeking marriage and sees a sealed book in his hand in a dream, it means that his betrothal to someone will end in marriage. Seeing or receiving a blank letter or a book from someone in a dream means absence of his news, or not knowing where he lives. If one sees a book descending to him from the heavens and if he thinks in the dream that he understood the contents, then whatever good or bad news it brings, it will be the same in wakefulness. A book in a dream also represents one’s companion, or an intimate friend. Seeing a book in a dream also could signify recovering from an illness. A hardcover book if the content is unknown represents dishonesty, deceit, a cheap product or selling a sealed package with undisclosed contents, or it could represent an old woman. Bringing books into one’s home in a dream signify hearing news about an honest and a pious person, learning happy stories from a reporter or becoming acquainted with religious thoughts. (Also see Encyclopedia | Letter | Write | Writer)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A cow in a dream represents longevity. A black or a yellow cow represents happiness, prosperity and a good harvest. A white spot on a cow’s face means firmness if seen in a dream at the early part of the year. The piebald cow or a cow blotched with white and black in a dream means the same, though the latter also represents firmness when seen in the middle of the year. A fat cow in a dream represents longevity and prosperity. A fat cow in a dream also may represent a pious woman. An emaciated cow in a dream represents drought. Drinking cow’s milk or eating its meat or fat in a dream means prosperity and earning lawful income for that year. If the cow has horns, it represents a rebellious woman. If a dairy cow allows the person to draw her milk in a dream, it means conferring benefits. Otherwise, if it refuses to allow the person to milk her in the dream, it means dissonance and discord. If a servant sees himself milking his master’s cow in a dream, it means that he will marry his wife after the master dies, and that he will become extremely rich. If a cow enters one’s house and thrusts against him, or butts against him in the dream, it means losses and mistrust in one’s own family. If one sees himself hitting a cow with a wooden stick or biting a cow in a dream, the cow then represents his sins. If a cow scratches someone in a dream, it means an illness. If one is attacked by a cow or a steer in a dream, it means that a great punishment will befall him, or it could mean that he may be killed during that same year. If one sees himself riding a black cow, or if a cow enters his house, where he ties her to a pole in his dream , it means money, good business and dispelling of his anxiety, sadness, loneliness or distress. A slaughtered cow in a dream represents a calamity. If a shipment of yellow cows arrives at the port of a city in a dream, it means a plague or the spreading of unknown diseases. If a herd of ugly looking cows enters a city with smoke emanating from their noses, and if the people hate their look in the dream, it means a raid, an enemy, or that unwanted solders will control that town. If one sees himself riding a cow in a dream, it means that he will inherit a woman. If one is offered a cow hide as a gift in a dream, it means that he will receive money from someone in authority. On the other hand, if one is stripped of a cow’s hide he owns in a dream, it represents a fine that he will have to pay. To see the calf of the Children of Israel in a dream means dissension, temptation or a murder. It also may mean a miraculous event, or that a heavenly sign will take place in that locality. If the person is disobedient to his mother, he will repent and turn to be good to her. If a cow butts against him in a dream, it means that God is displeased with him. (Also see Counting cows)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Concealment | Gloom | Dream | Life | Rains | Skies | Soldiers | Sufferings | Vapor | Water) In a dream, clouds represent the course of life which provides people with rainwater to drink, water to wash their dirt, water for their crops and sustenance. Clouds in a dream also represent knowledge, understanding, wisdom, clarity as they show the divine kindness. Clouds in a dream also represent an army or friends who carry the water and the water represents life and the original element from which they were created. Clouds in a dream also represent ships, airplanes, or if they are black or carry stones or bring thunder, then they represent the antagonistic character of a leader who deprives his people from their rights or causes them to suffer through restrictive laws or harsh mandates. If one sees a cloud inside his house or descending upon him in his room in a dream, it means that he will join the company of believers or receives an award, or that he is endowed with wisdom, or should he wish for a child, his wife will conceive one. If he is a merchant, it means that his merchandise will arrive to its port of destination. If one sees himself riding over a cloud in a dream, it means exaltation or marriage to a pious woman, or that one will attend a pilgrimage should it be his wish. Otherwise, should he wish for it, he will become renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. Should he qualify, it means that he will lead an army, or that he will rise in rank, or that he will be sent as an emissary of his government or as an ambassador. If people are expecting clouds to water their farms, and should one see masses of clear clouds carrying rains and coming in that direction in the dream, it means a calamity. If the clouds carry poisonous rains or acid rains or polluted rains, or if they are driven by heavy winds, or if they carry fires or dust or ashes or rocks from a volcano, they mean that a calamity will strike that locality, or that they will receive news about travellers the majority of whom will perish during a trip. Clouds also mean innovations and man made religions that may spread throughout the land. If one sees himself merging with the clouds in a dream, it means that he associates himself with a person in authority or a wise man or a man of knowledge. If one sees himself eating clouds in his dream, it means that he will gain lawfully earned money from such a person, or that perhaps he may gain wisdom. If one sees himself amassing clouds in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom at the hand of a close associate. If one sees himself mixing with the clouds but does not carry anything out of them in a dream, it means that he will mix with people of knowledge and learn nothing from what they say, or practice nothing of what they teach. If one sees himself riding over the clouds in a dream, it means that he may become famous for his wisdom and knowledge. If one sees his own son turned into a cloud in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from teaching wisdom or religious knowledge to others. Black clouds in a dream mean wisdom, forbearance, honesty and joy. If the black clouds also carry a threat or cause fear in the dream, it means that one will be reprimanded by such a wise person. If one sees himself building a house over a cloud in a dream, it means that he lives an honest life, earns lawful money and lives his life with wisdom and integrity. If one builds a palace over a cloud in a dream, it means that through his wisdom, he avoids committing sins. It also means that he prospers from such a wisdom or builds a palace in paradise with his deeds. If one sees a cloud in his hand and rain falling from it in a dream, it denotes the wisdom he speaks. If one turns into a rainy cloud in a dream, it means that he lives wealthy and benefits people from his money. If one turns into a cloud that rains gold in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from a great man. Clouds in a dream also represent the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward. If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage. (See Invisible caller). A black cloud in a dream also represents a just judge, while a white cloud represents a blessed and a noble justice. Clouds in season in a dream represent benefits, profits and prosperity. A mass of black clouds carrying no rain in a dream mean benefits, extreme cold, sadness or sorrow. Red clouds in a dream mean distress, adversities or a sickness. A cloud covering a town in a dream means blessings. If the person who sees such black clouds in his dream is intending to take a trip, it will take place, though his safety cannot be insured. On the other hand, if he is unhappy about something, then if he sees such a dream, it means that his sorrow will be dispelled. White clouds in a dream are a sign of work, a job or business. Rising fog in a dream means taking a journey, or returning from one. Red clouds in a dream means lack of work. A gloomy cloud in a dream means stress. If one sees clouds welcoming him in a dream, it means glad tidings. If he is an evil person, it means a calamity and a chastisement for his sins. If one sees clouds covering the sun in a dream, it means that the ruler of that land is ill. If one sees himself wearing a shirt of clouds in a dream, it means blessings that God Almighty has favored him with. Clouds in a dream also represent virtues, miracles, favors, rains, love and blessings, because they also appear when a prophet or a saint pray for rain or to shelter a blessed person from the heat of the sun. Clouds in a dream also mean travel by sea or air….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Arabian camel | Bactrian camel | Ride) Riding a camel who is obedient to his master in a dream means solving one’s problem at the hand of a foreigner. If an Arab helps resolving one’s problem in the dream, it means that the person in the dream will perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. If he dismounts his camel during his journey in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with a disease that will obstruct his journey. If one sees himself leaping over a camel in a dream, it means distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person. If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. If one sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that he will guide a heedless person and lead him on the straight path. If one takes the camel through a side road in a dream, it means that he will lead such a person into wrongdoing. If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death. A camel in a dream also represents prosperity, trials, a tree or women’s holdings. A tamed camel in a dream represents a learned person. Collecting camel’s fur in a dream means money. (Also see Counting camels | Milk)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Dancing in a dream means a calamity. If one sees himself dancing for someone else in a dream, it means that he will share his problems with him. Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction. If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it denotes his anxiety. If one is pulled to a dancing circle in a dream, it means that he will be saved from tribulation or be declared innocent from false allegations. If a child is seen dancing in a dream, then it means that he may lose his speech or become dumb, because when a child dances, he mostly moves his hands to express himself. If a prisoner sees himself dancing in a dream, it means that he will be set free. Dancing on top of a table, a raised stage or on top of a hill in a dream means a scare. Dancing inside one’s house, surrounded with one’s family members with no outsiders in a dream means joy and celebration. If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it means longevity. Seeing a woman dancing alone in a dream means a scandal. If a traveller sees himself dancing on the road in a dream, it means adversities. If a poor person sees himself dancing in a dream, it means richness. (Also see Dancer)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a fever means paying one’s debts, for fever in wakefulness is an atonement for sins. Fever in a dream also means a threat and a menace. If one sees someone he knows suffering from fever in a dream, it means that he will get involved in a business that will require him to lose his religious commitment. Fever in a dream also means wearing the garment of a revered person. Fever is the messenger of the angel of death and his warner. It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him. A feverish shiver in a dream means negligence and disdain regarding one’s religious duties. If one sees that he died and was washed and shrouded in preparation for burial in a dream, it means that he is persistent in indulging in sins and that he is careless about the consequences. Such a warning is only seen in a dream by an insolent sinner, if he is lucky. Fever in a dream also may connote entering a bathhouse or a sauna and suffering therein from heat, exhaustion and thirst. (Also see Bathhouse)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Boy | Employee) A broom in a dream represents one’s family or household. Seeing it in a dream does not indicate a favorable sign. A broom in a dream also represents an employee, a housekeeper, or a servant. Sweeping the floors of one’s house with a broom in a dream means becoming poor, or it could mean the death of a sick person in that house, or the distribution of one’s property and possessions after his death. Sweeping a floor and collecting the trash in a dustpan in a dream means profiting from a project. A broom in a dream also may mean recovering from depression, overcoming difficulties, or satisfying one’s debts….

Entering Paradise

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees himself entering the heavenly paradise in a dream, then his dream represents glad tidings that God willing, he shall enter it. If a pilgrim sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that his pilgrimage is accepted or that he will reach God’s House in Mecca. If he lacks faith in God Almighty, it means that he will become a believer. If a believer who is bed- stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will die of his illness. If a non-believer who is bed-stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is unwed, it means that he will get married. If he is poor, it means that he will become rich or receive an inheritance. If a sick person sees himself in the abode of the hereafter healthy again in a dream, it means that he will reach it free from the ills of this world, its adversities and temptations. If he is not sick, then entering the realms of the hereafter means glad tidings, business success, a pilgrimage, ascetic detachment from this world, sincere devotion, acquiring knowledge, strengthening of one’s kinship or exercising patience toward a calamity which derives from one’s own sins. If one sees himself entering the abode of the hereafter to visit and see around, and should he be a person of good deeds and character who is a capable person and who acts upon his knowledge, it means that he will be without work or suffer from business losses. If he is scared of something, or if he is accused of something, or if he is under stress, it means that his fears will dissipate. Mostly, entering the abode of the hereafter in a dream means travels or migration from one’s homeland. Thus, if one sees himself returning from a journey to the hereafter in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland. Entering paradise in a dream means a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a leather finisher or a fabric dyer represents a false person, though he also could do good. A dyer in a dream also represents someone of good financial standing or one who is in position to help others, or he could be a man of knowledge, or a person in authority. Seeing a dyer dying a white garment into a green color in a dream means repentance from sins. If he changes the dye of a white garment into black, it means apostasy. If one sees a dyer in his house receiving or taking garments to dye in a dream, he represents an adulterer and means that someone in that house may die in that year….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. Dreaming that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly | but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another’s sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman Dreaming of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Celestial beings | Heavenly beings) If one sees the heavenly angels (arb. Mala’ika) coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with patience, through which he will attain success in this life and in the hereafter. If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized. If one sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory. If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive God’s utmost blessings. If one feels scared of the angels in his dream, it means that a fight, an argument or awesome trials will befall that locality. In general, to see the angels descending from the heavens to the earth in a dream means enfeeblement of those who have doubt, and strength for those who have faith and certitude. If one sees the angels prostrating to him in a dream, it means that all his needs will be satisfied and he will be endowed with good conduct, good behavior and a blessed fame. If one sees them looking like women in the dream, it means that he lies before God Almighty. If a pious person sees an angel telling him in a dream – “Read God’s Book.” It means that one will attain happiness in his life. If an impious person sees an angel in a dream telling him – “Read your own records.” It means that he may go astray. If one sees the angels giving him glad tidings and congratulating him in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son who will grow to be righteous and an example to be followed. If one sees a gathering of angels in a town in his dream, it means that a pious man, or an ascetic, or a great scholar will die in that locality. If one sees himself looking at the angels in the skies in a dream, it means that he may suffer the loss of a son or his wealth. Seeing the celestial angels {arb. Ruhaniyyeen) in a dream means gaining honor, dignity, blessings in one’s life, profits and a good fame, developing spiritual inner insight, or becoming a business manager. Near the end of one’s life, one who sees such a dream also will suffer from people’s slander and backbiting. He will also lose his good reputation to people’s envy and evil qualities and he will live in tight financial conditions. If one becomes an angel in a dream, it means that he will receive honor, power, overcome his adversities, dispel his distress and win his freedom, or it could mean that he will rise in station. If one sees the angels greeting him and shaking hands with him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will endow him with wisdom, clarity and insight. Angels in a dream also represent one’s closest witnesses, guardians, police officers or the emissar- ies of a ruler. Wrestling with an angel in a dream means loss of status. Wrestling with an angel in a dream also means suffering from distress, trouble, humiliation and falling in rank. Seeing angels entering one’s house in a dream means that a thief will burglarize such a house. If angels disarm someone in a dream, it means that he will lose his wealth and strength, or that he may divorce his wife. If angels offer the person a tray of fruits in the dream, it means that he will depart from this world as a martyr. If angels curse someone in a dream, it means that he has little care for his religion. If one sees a gathering of heavenly angels together with the angels of hell-fire in a dream, it means enmity and divisiveness. If a sick person sees himself struggling with an angel in a dream, it is a sign of his death . If one sees an angel taking the form of a child in a dream, it represents one’s future. If he sees an angel as a youth, the youth then represents the present time and whatever events that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how to recite his final rites in a dream, it means glad tidings and attainment of what his heart desires, a guarantee of his safety, happiness, joy and of having a blessed and a good heart. If he sees them angry with him or beating him or subduing and taming him in a dream, it means that he may revert to sin, earn the displeasure of his parents, disdain from complying with God’s commands, or he could even come to deny the necessity of God’s religion. Such angels in a dream also represent the emissaries of a governor or his deputies. If a dying person is told in the dream that no angels have come to see him, then it is a testimony of his good character and piety, or it could mean payment of one’s debts or recovering from an illness. Angels in a dream also could represent scholars, gnostics or translators who understand people’s languages and speak in many tongues. As for Munkar and Nakir, the angels who come to one’s grave upon his burial to question him, seeing them in a dream means prosperity for a poor person, and finding work for a jobless person. (Also see Castration)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Money | Sun-dried bricks) Seeing blocks of adobes in a dream signify money. Each adobe represents a denomination often, thousand or one hundred thousand units of money, depending on the type of work one does in wakefulness. If adobes are used for construction in a dream, then they mean good work, good deeds or they could represent a religious person. An adobe in a dream also represents a servant. Building a house with adobes in a dream means unity and love between the father and his children. If an adobe falls to the ground in a dream, it means the death of a sick person or disunity in the family or dispersal of one’s children. Manufacturing adobes in a dream means increase in the number of one’s workers or employees. Each adobe represents a worker. Building a house with adobes in a dream also means leadership. Apileof adobes in a dream means a pile of money. (Also see Adobe maker | Bricks)…

Body 2

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Dwellings | House | State) In a dream, the human body represents his state, and its strength represents his faith in God Almighty. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will avow his enmity toward others. If one sees himself as a ram in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from whose success he will earn his livelihood. If one sees his body turn into iron or clay in a dream, it means his death. If one’s body appears bigger in a dream, it means that he will prosper accordingly. Having a fat body in a dream means prosperity and knowledge, and an emaciated body in a dream represents poverty and ignorance. The body in a dream is what envelops and contains the human being. The body is like one’s wife, a garment, a house, one’s beloved, a child, a guardian, or a master. The health condition and strength of one’s body in a dream may denote any of the elements mentioned herein. (Also see Foot | Leg | Skin | Teeth | Tooth | Thigh)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a barn represents profits, provisions, fodder, food, savings, coffer, bag, one’s house, one’s shop or one’s farm. (Also see Carriage house | Stableman)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash away impurities. Taking ablution inside a tunnel, or taking a complete ritual bath in a dream means recovering a stolen object. Taking one’s ablution and engaging in prayers in a dream means relief from distress and offering thanks to God Almighty for His protection and guidance. If a merchant sees himself praying without ablution in a dream, it means that he has entered into a business venture without capital. If a worker sees that dream, it means that he has no home to shelter him. If a ruler sees that dream, it means that he has no soldiers to protect him. If a sick person sees himself taking ablution while in bed in a dream, it means separation from his wife or a close friend. Taking ablution inside one’s house in a dream means that one will move to a new house. Taking ablution in the street or the marketplace in public or in a bathhouse in a dream means a scandal, loss and a curse. Taking ablution at the seashore or in a proper ablution area in a dream means dispelling one’s fear, sorrow or distress. Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him. Seeing a friend taking his ablution over one’s head in a dream means suffering harm or a scandal that will be caused by such a friend. Taking ablution in a dream also means dispelling fears, recovering from an illness, paying one’s debts or repenting from sin. Taking ablution with hot water in a dream means falling sick. Wanting to take ablution and failing to find the proper means to perform it in a dream means failure of a project or facing adversities. (Also see Tayammum | Enacting | Prayers | Ritual bath)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Fowl | Man | Woman) An unknown bird in a dream represents the angel of death. If one sees a bird diving to the ground to pick a pebble, a paper, or a worm, then if he soars away from a house that hosts a sick person in a dream, it means that the sick person will shortly die from his illness. If one sees a bird diving toward him in a dream, it means a journey. If one sees him standing over his head, or over his shoulders, or sitting in his lap in a dream, it denotes one’s work or profession. If the bird is white in the dream, it means that one’s work is clean, If his color is tanned in the dream, it means that one’s work is tainted. If a male bird sits in the lap of a pregnant woman in a dream, it means that she will beget a boy. If a female bird sits in her lap in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl. Large or predatory birds in a dream represent kings, presidents, leaders, tyrants, men of knowledge or merchants. Water birds, sea gulls, etcetera, represent honorable people who rose in rank in two spheres, the sphere of water and that of the air. They also could mean a journey. If they quack in the dream, they represent lamenting or crying. Singingbirds in a dream represent musicians and singers. To see a flock of birds in a dream means money and power and particularly for someone who tends them or cares for them. Seeing birds flying over one’s head means gaining authority and power. If one sees birds flying inside his house or shop in a dream, it means angels. If a bird flies into one’s hand in a dream, it means glad tidings. A bird in a dream also means work. An unknown bird in a dream means a warning, an advice or an admonition. If one’s bird looks beautiful in a dream, it denotes the quality of his work. If one sees himself in a dream carrying an ugly looking bird, it also denotes the quality of his actions or that a messenger may bring him good news. An unknown bird means profits. To see black colored birds in a dream denote bad deeds, while white colored birds represent good deeds. Colored birds in a dream represent mixed actions. Seeing a bird in a dream also could mean honor, power, authority ornament or profits. A bird in a dream also represents a fun and a most entertaining companion. A bird in a dream also represents a boy. If one slaughters a bird in his dream, it means that he will beget a child who will live in sickness during his childhood and that his father will fear for his death. It is said that a bird in a dream also represents a rich and a tricky leader who constantly fights for his earnings and to insure his success or superiority. A bird in a dream also represents a beautiful woman. The singing of birds in a dream means hearing good words or receiving a valuable knowledge. A flock of birds in a dream represents easy earned wealth. A bird in a dream also represents a boy. Capturing a bird in a dream means having control over a powerful person. Killing a bird in a dream means fulfilling one’s goal. Plucking the feathers, cleaning and eating a bird in a dream means earnings, prosperity, or a woman. Slaughtering a bird in a dream means raping one’s servant. Holding a bird in one’s hand or having it inside a cage in a dream means a sickness that will befall one’s son. If the bird flies away from one’s hand or from its cage in a dream, then it means one’s death. A flock of birds in a dream also represents gatherings of love, unity, family reunions and celebrations. However, the gathering of birds in a dream also could mean banding to commit wrong or the dispersal of one’s family or friends, or it could mean business losses. (Also see Blackbird | Bustard | Nest | Osprey | Roller)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Hobo | Mendicant | Poverty | Richness) In a dream, a beggar represents a seeker of knowledge. If he is given what he is begging for in a dream, it means that he will succeed in his pursuit of knowledge. His humbleness and his submission when asking means victory. Beggars in a dream also imply sorrow, worries, distress, or contemplation. If one sees a beggar receiving or taking something from him in a dream, it means being in dire need for something, or he could represent the death of the person intended in the dream. If one sees beggars entering his house or his town in a group in a dream, it means dispersal of his family or household and if they take something from his house, it means a catastrophe. A beggar in a dream also represents a student, and the giver represents the teacher or shaikh. If one sees himself begging, but to no avail in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated. (Also see Hobo | Poverty)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(zool.) By God’s leave, a bat was one of the many signs of God’s prophet Jesus son of Marry, upon both of them be peace. In a dream, a bat may represent a monk. It also means glad tidings for a pregnant woman. Seeing a bat in a dream is not considered as a good omen for a traveller. If a bat flies into a house in a dream, it means the demolition of that house or the separation of that family. A bat in one’s dream also represents a witch, or an unjust person who may have suffered from deprivation in his childhood. A bat in a dream also signifies blindness, heedlessness, a child of adultery, or a bastard son. In a dream, a bat also means hiding from people because of one’s evildoing, such as theft or eavesdropping. Seeing a bat in a dream also means the end of enjoying blessings and not acknowledging their true provider. A bat in one’s dream also means having to change one’s living standards….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see an ass in a dream, you will meet many annoyances, and delays will accrue in receiving news or goods. To see donkeys carrying burdens, denotes that, after patience and toil, you will succeed in your undertakings, whether of travel or love. If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports. If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary quarrels may follow. See Donkey….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing turkeys, signifies abundant gain in business, and favorable crops to the farmer. To see them dressed for the market, denotes improvement in your affairs. To see them sick, or dead, foretells that stringent circumstances will cause your pride to suffer. Dreaming you eat turkey, foretells some joyful occasion approaching. To see them flying, denotes a rapid transit from obscurity to prominence. To shoot them as game, is a sign that you will unscrupulously amass wealth….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, listening to the Qur’an, or to the teachings of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to words of wisdom, or to an admonition, or a discourse of knowledge in a dream means receiving guidance, and it means turning repentantly to God Almighty. Otherwise, if one sees himself listening to backbiting, slandering, defamation, or eavesdropping in a dream, then it means that some harm will befall him. Listening to good advice and following its best guidance in a dream means receiving good news. Eavesdropping in a dream means that one intends to defame the other person. Listening, though pretending not to hear what is being said in a dream means that one makes it a habit to lie. The sound of a crowd in a dream means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neighing of horses in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vein talk and meddling in people’s business. The sound of a lynx in a dream means pampering oneself, or wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream means a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vein talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling of camels in a dream means travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuation. The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, or to move from one field into another. The howling of a wolf in a dream means a robbery. The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace. The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, or a forthcoming evil. (Also see Eavesdropping | Sound of animals | Speaking)…

Sound of animals

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vain talk and meddlingin others’ business. The sound of a lynx in adream means pampering oneself and wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings or death. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream represents a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vain talk, or it could mean indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling or braying of camels in a dream signifies travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuation. The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning for one to escape from danger, or to move from one field into another. The howling of a wolf in a dream means robbery. The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace. The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, or a forthcoming evil. (Also see Dog | Listening | Roaring | Speaking | Voice)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being abandoned, it means that you have to forget your past and focus on your future. You’ve got to let go your past. The meaning of this dream is showing, that you have a fear of being wasted, left alone of the ones you love. You shouldn’t be afraid of people neglecting your feelings. The meaning of dreaming that you are abandoned, might mean that you’re suffering from recent lost or are afraid of loosing someone you love. The fear of abandonment might mean that you are getting better already, from what you’ve suffered before and are moving forward. This dream also can be the meaning of something you’ve suffered as being a child. When you abandon other people in your dream it can mean that you are shocked by the decisions you made earlier in your life. The main thing you have to do is to move forward in your life and do not regret for something you did or didn’t do….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued good health of her family. For a young widow to visit a cemetery in the dream, denotes that she will soon throw aside her weeds for robes of matrimony. If she feels sad and depressed she will have new cares and regrets. For old people to dream of a cemetery, symbolizes that they will soon make other journeys where they will find perfect rest. To see little children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies among the graves in the dream, denotes prosperous changes and no graves of any of your friends to weep over. Good health will hold high carnival….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of ascending in an elevator, denotes you will swiftly rise to position and wealth, but if you descend in one your misfortunes will crush and discourage you. If you see one go down and think you are left, you will narrowly escape disappointment in some undertaking. To see one standing, foretells threatened danger….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be careful in forming partnerships with strangers. To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments. For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies. For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception. To see an angel or a ghost appear in the sky, denotes the loss of kindred and misfortunes. To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off. To see a female ghost in long, clinging robes floating calmly through the sky, indicates that you will make progression in scientific studies and acquire wealth almost miraculously, but there will be an under note of sadness in your life. Dreaming that you see the ghost of a living relative or friend, denotes that you are in danger of some friend’s malice, and you are warned to carefully keep your affairs under personal supervision. If the ghost appears to be haggard, it may be the intimation of the early death of that friend. See Death, Dead….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of leaves, denotes happiness and wonderful improvement in your business. Withered leaves, indicate false hopes and gloomy forebodings will harass your spirit into a whirlpool of despondency and loss. If a young woman dreams of withered leaves, she will be left lonely on the road to conjugality. Death is sometimes implied. If the leaves are green and fresh, she will come into a legacy and marry a wealthy and prepossessing husband….