
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a servant, is a sign that you will be fortunate, despite gloomy appearances. Anger is likely to precipitate you into useless worries and quarrels. To discharge one, foretells regrets and losses. To quarrel with one in your dream, indicates that you will, upon waking, have real cause for censuring some one who is derelict in duty. To be robbed by one, shows that you have some one near you, who does not respect the laws of ownership….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you. If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness. If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own | but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart. If she is defiant, but innocent of offence, she will shoulder burdens bravely, and stand firm against deceitful admonitions. If you are self-reproached in the midst of a religious excitement, you will find that you will be almost induced to give up your own personality to please some one whom you hold in reverent esteem. To see religion declining in power, denotes that your life will be more in harmony with creation than formerly. Your prejudices will not be so aggressive. Dreaming that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow. (These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church worship in a dream as a warning against their contemplated action. If they live pure and correct lives as indicated by the church, they will see little of the solemnity of the church or preachers.)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness through a congenial and pleasant companion. To see cattle lean and shaggy, and poorly fed, you will be likely to toil all your life because of misspent energy and dislike of details of work. Correct your habits after this dream. To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer from the one of her choice. Dreaming of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that you are about to lose your lover by slowness to show your reciprocity, or your property from neglect of business. To see young calves in your dream, you will become a great favorite in society and win the heart of a loyal person. For business, this dream indicates profit from sales. For a lover, the entering into bonds that will be respected. If the calves are poor, look for about the same, except that the object sought will be much harder to obtain. Long-horned and dark, vicious cattle, denote enemies. See Calves….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see vacant tellers, foretells business losses. Giving out gold money, denotes carelessness | receiving it, great gain and prosperity. To see silver and bank-notes accumulated, increase of honor and fortune. You will enjoy the highest respect of all classes….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being an adventurer it symbolizes that you are focused and concentrated into your own behavior too much. Be careful, as this indicates you might lose the respect from the others, because of caring too much about yourself. You should pull yourself together and live in actuality….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To dream an acorn, represents you as a confident, strong and dexterous person. This dream represents the start of actions you will do, will make big and advantageous results. If you dream of seeings acorn on the ground and picking it up, represents the joy you will have after severe work you have done. This is the sign, that you willl be pleased. If you see yourself eating an acorn it is the sign of happy, easy future and wealtthy life you are going to have. If you see yourself trying to pluck the acorns from the tree and shaking the tree, it signifies your good impact on other people. You should be happy, as people around you, respect and admire you….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you are dreaming about acceptance, it symbolizes how much you respect yourself and what do you expect from the others. This is a sign, that you want to be accepted, you want to get into environment and atmosphere where you could express your own personality. The dream also signifies things you will get back you’ve lost before….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream that you abhor the other person, it signifies that there is someone you hate or abominate. This dream is the meaning that the person you abhor is not respecting you in one or the other way. If you see in your dream yourself being abhorred by the others, this represents your honest purposes among the others and it will abate into egoism. This means you are a decent person….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of seeing an album it symbolizes that you are encircled by good people. These people honestly love, respect and appreciate you for who you are. When you dream of looking through album full of pictures, it signifies that it is hard for you to forget the past and let go the bad things that happened to you. You are missing things that happened before and can not concentrate on the present and the future….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you were dreaming that you enjoyed the beer it symbolizes your respectable status in society, which means that people like to communicate and admire your company. The beer is known for it…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

This is an unfortunate dream. Females may lose the respect of honorable and virtuous people. Deadly enemies are at work to defame character. Sweethearts will wrong each other….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see respectable-looking strangers arrested, foretells that you desire to make changes, and new speculations will be subordinated by the fear of failure. If they resist the officers, you will have great delight in pushing to completion the new enterprise. See Prisoner….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of having accounts presented to you for payment, you will be in a dangerous position. You may have recourse to law to disentangle yourself. If you pay the accounts, you will soon effect a compromise in some serious dispute. To hold accounts against others, foretells that disagreeable contingencies will arise in your business, marring the smoothness of its management. For a young woman book-keeper Dreaming of footing up accounts, denotes that she will have trouble in business, and in her love affairs | but some worthy person will persuade her to account for his happiness. She will be much respected by her present employers….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of being a beggar it shows that you feel unsafe and have no respect for yourself. Maybe you think you are not worth of things that life has offered you, or maybe you feel like you don ot appreciate enough the things you have got from those around you….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see windows in your dreams, is an augury of fateful culmination to bright hopes. You will see your fairest wish go down in despair. Fruitless endeavors will be your portion. To see closed windows is a representation of desertion. If they are broken, you will be hounded by miserable suspicions of disloyalty from those you love. To sit in a window, denotes that you will be the victim of folly. To enter a house through a window, denotes that you will be found out while using dishonorable means to consummate a seemingly honorable purpose. To escape by one, indicates that you will fall into a trouble whose toils will hold you unmercifully close. To look through a window when passing and strange objects appear, foretells that you will fail in your chosen avocation and lose the respect for which you risked health and contentment….


Indian (Hindu), Hinduism Sivananda Saraswati

A dream that you are an advocate indicates that you will be prominent in future. You will win universal respect….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Burial ground | Grave | Graveyard) Seeing a cemetery or a graveyard in a dream means appeasement and comfort for a terrified person, and dismay to a comfortable and a relaxed person. A graveyard represents the elements of fear, hope and return to guidance after heedlessness. A cemetery represents the hereafter, because it is its vehicle. A cemetery in a dream also represents the prison of the body, but in a dream, it also means seclusion, devotion, abstinence, asceticism or admonition. A cemetery also can be interpreted as the dead looking drunkard in a bar, a man laying flat in a prostitution house, the home of a heedless person who often sleeps rather than pray or a hypocrite whose deeds are not subject to receiving a heavenly reward, etcetera. If a sick person walks into a funeral procession in a dream, it means that his illness will culminate in his death. If he is not sick and then during that procession he weeps or prays for the deceased person in the dream, it means that he will repent of his sins, join spiritual study circles and serves the people of knowledge. Such a person also may attain a blessed spiritual station and benefit from what he hears and sees. If one sees himself walking in a funeral procession and neglecting respect and contemplation, and instead laughs and jokes, it means that he will befriend evildoers and accept their evil conduct as a standard norm of behavior. If one sees himself visiting a graveyard for seclusion, self-awakening and self-re- straint, then if he reflects about words of truth, wisdom and repentance in his dream, it means that he will be asked to judge between two people, and that he will rule with justice. If one does not contemplate thus in the dream, it means that he will forget about something important or dear to his heart. If one enters the graveyard calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will admonish people, commands what is good and forbids what is evil. If one sees himself entering a graveyard and walking over the scattered bones of the dead people in a dream, it means that he will die and be buried there. A cemetery in a dream also represents admonition, reading the Qur’an, crying, reminiscence, piety, surrender to one’s destiny and discarding worldly gains. A cemetery in a dream also may represent the scholars, ascetics, governors, leaders, camps or a brothel. The graves of saints or shrines in a dream signify innovation, heedlessness, intoxication, adultery, corruption and fear. A stone tomb or a sarcophagus in a dream signifies profits, war prisoners, a booty or exposing one’s personal secrets. (Also see Burial | Grave | Shrine)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A ceiling in a dream represents a well respected person. If it is made of wood, then it represents a fallacious and a deceptive person. If the ceiling looks as if it were going to cave over one’s head in a dream, it means being afraid of someone in authority. If consequently some dirt falls over his shirt from the ceiling in the dream, it means that he will receive money in compensation for his pain and sufferings. If the central pillar that holds the ceiling cracks and falls in the dream, it means the death of the man of that house. If the ceiling collapses in the dream, it means the death of the man of that house. If one hides under a roof in a dream, it means that he will enter his house and rob his family’s belongings. If water is leaking from one’s ceiling in a dream, it means crying in that house for the sake of a departed soul or crying because of a sick person in that family. If rain dissolves the ceiling in a dream, it means loss of money and falling-out from grace. If one sees himself standing on the ceiling of his house and cannot come down in the dream, it means his imprisonment. In a dream, the central beam that carries the ceiling represents a hypocrite who supports the business of an alliance of profiteers. Should the central beam break down and fall in the dream, it means that such a person will be removed from his office. If the ceiling falls over someone’s head in a dream, it means that punishment and sufferings will befall him too. If one sees the stars under the roof of his house in a dream, it means that his ceiling may actually cave-in. (Also see Cave-in)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Wild ox) A buffalo in a dream represents a strong, innovative and a forbearing leader, who is courageous and well respected by his followers. If a woman sees herself having buffalo’s horns in a dream, it means that she will preside over a group of people or marry a man who is a leader in his community. A buffalo in a dream also represents an intelligent but fraudulent person who travels extensively and who is persistent in his demands. In a dream, a buffalo also means striving, toiling and tight handedness, though others may still benefit from him. If a buffalo is used in plowing in a dream, it connotes an insult, or a misdeed. (Also see Caw | Counting buffaloes | Steer | Oryx | Ox)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Well) If one sees himself drawing water from a well with a bucket in a dream, it means that he earns his money through deception, that is to acquire unlawful money. If he finds money inside the bucket instead of water in the dream, it means that he will suffer from a calamity. If he draws water from the well to fill a pitcher in the dream, it means that such money will soon be spent or that its benefits will be mixed with misdeeds. If one sees himself watering a garden from that bucket in a dream, it means that he will get married and benefit from his wife’s wealth. If the garden blossoms with flowers in the dream, it means that he will beget a son. If one sees himself drawing water from an old well to give water to his camels or to provide drinks for people in a dream, it means that he performs good deeds and that he is a charitable person. He then becomes like a shepherd. If one draws water from an old well to give drink to animals in his dream, it means that he is a hypocrite and through falsehood, he fabricates as many tricks as the amount of water he draws from that old well. If one sees himself lowering the bucket into the well for himself to drink in the dream, it means that his so-called charitable deeds are solely done for his worldly gains, money, respect or status. If a prisoner sees himself drawing water with a bucket to take a bath in a dream, it means that he will escape from jail or that he will be released shortly. It also means that he will receive money and rejoice after his sorrows. If one’s wife is pregnant and if he sees himself lowering a bucket in a well to draw water in a dream, it means that his wife will deliver a son. If he is a merchant, it means that his new merchandise will arrive safely to his shop. If he is sick, it means that he will miraculously wake-up healthy again. Standing by a well in a dream means blessings and benefits. A well in a dream also represents a woman. Otherwise, if one is a student, then the well represents his teacher. What one draws from a well in a dream also represents his luck….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Little boy) In a dream, a child carried in one’s arms means responsibility, distress and difficulties. A teenage child represents glad tidings or dispelling one’s worries. If one sees a beautiful looking teenage child entering a town or descending from the skies or appearing from beneath the ground in a dream, it means that the glad tidings will take effect shortly. Seeing a mature child in a dream means power and superiority. If one sees himself as a child learning in school in a dream, it means that he will repent of a common sin he is used to commit. If one sees one of the renowned people of knowledge sitting in a kindergarten and learning along with other children in a dream, it means that he will shift to ignorance, lose his rank, or that financial changes will affect his living conditions. If one sees himself receiving instructions like a child in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from his mother. If one sees himself as a newborn child in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy and prosper. If a young boy sees himself in a dream as a child, it has a negative meaning. If a sick person sees himself as a child in a dream, it means his death. If one sees himself as a child being reprimanded in a dream, it means that he will be conquered. In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and if his wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father. Carrying a baby child in a dream means distress and burdens. A child in a dream represents a weak enemy who sometime shows friendliness and at other times demonstrates his enmity. If one sees that his wife has just delivered children who are playing around him in a dream, it means distress or misfortune and the consequences could be either good or bad. Carrying a child in a dream means managing an inheritance or a financial investment. If an elderly person sees himself roaming as a little child in a dream, it means that he will commit an act of ignorance or lose his dignity, ideals or sense of honor. On the other hand, if such an elderly person who sees himself in a dream as a little child is suffering from depression or financial difficulties or health problems, then it means relief from distress and good health and that he will become free from his sins, like the day his mother gave birth to him. If one sees that he has a little child who disdains from coming near his father in the dream, it means financial promotion and enjoyment of one’s life. If one sees a little child screaming in his lap in a dream, it means that he plays a string instrument. Children in a dream also could mean either sorrow and pain or happiness and joy. If they are one’s own children in the dream, then they mean temptation with money. Children in a dream also could mean contentment with little or loss of one’s means to earn his livelihood or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people. If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison. If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted. If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A chin in a dream represents one’s beauty, wealth, a supporting father, a helping son, a servant, an honorable position or a respected status designated uniquely for such a person. Seeing one’s chin in a dream also means properly satisfying one’s ritual ablution or perhaps it could represent the foundation of one’s house. (Also see Jaws)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A cross in a dream represents a high ranking person who is worthy of respect or it could represent a religious person. Carrying a cross in a dream could mean marriage, or an unsuitable marriage, or begetting a son. Seeing a cross in a dream also could mean adultery, rape or conceiving a son in sin. Seeing a cross in a dream is also interpreted to mean death, opposites, opposition, war, fight, distress, temptation, lies, false testimony or slander….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…

Coat 1

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cloak | Garment | Faith | Overcoat | Religion | Spirituality) Wearing a coat in a dream means honor and respect if new. If it is a shabby or a light coat in the dream, then it means failure in one’s proper attendance to his religious duties. A winter coat in a dream represents a poor but vainglorious and boastful person. A coat in a dream is also interpreted as a mean and a profane woman. If a man sees himself wearing a coat, and if it is interpreted to mean a woman in the dream, then it means that one may have committed a sizeable capital to support something that will bring limited benefits. If one loses his coat in a dream, it means that he will be shielded from poverty and boasts about his status in public. A coat in a dream also represents man’s trust, because it is placed over his shoulders and around his neck. If a woman sees a coat in her dream, it means suffering from unkindness on the part of her husband. (Also see Cap | Overcoat)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a water cistern represents a pouch, a safe, a box, a coffer, a partner, one’s wife, a son, or knowing people’s personal secrets. If the oil cistern is filled with water in the dream, it means stagnation of any of the above. If one sees a water cistern filled with oil in a dream, then it means prosperity. The cistern of a fellowship house, a khanakah or a mosque in a dream represents its Imam or its supervising spiritual teacher or the caretaker and guard of the property. If one sees the water cistern of the house sitting in an unsuitable place in that house in a dream, it represents the spirit of a jinni who pursues such a person or who may haunt his house. If one sees a well being used as a cistern in his house in a dream, it denotes that the dwellers of that house are of the middle class, or it could mean that the water of that house is salty or non- potable. If one sees the cistern filled with butter or honey or milk in a dream, it means that one’s wife is pregnant, or it could mean prosperity for that family. If the family of such a house is thirsty in the dream, and if the cistern is filled with other than water, then it means that they owe alms tax and must pay the necessary charity on their assets, or it could mean that such a family has turned its back to God’s path and preferred worldly gains instead, or that they have a knowledge that they do not practice, or it could mean shortage of rain in that locality that necessitates spending money on God’s path. A cistern in a dream also could represent a protective shield or a pocket, one’s dignity, blessings or attaining a respectable rank or dispelling difficulties. However, this interpre- tation can only apply for those who use a cistern or a similar water container or a water dispenser and in their case, it also could mean peace and protection from any fears. (See Urn)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Silk brocade) Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Owning extensive yardage of silk brocade in a dream means piety, presiding over people, a marriage to a beautiful and a noble woman who is worthy of respect. Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid. Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife. If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, blood represents unlawful or illegal money, or an evil act that will emanate from the person seeing the dream. If one sees himself dragging his feet through puddles of blood in a dream, it means that he will finance his business from unlawfully earned money, profit from an illegal business or commit a major sin then be caught. If one sees blood staining his shirt in a dream, it means that someone will lie to him, though he will not recognize it. If his shirt is stained with blood or pus from pimples in a dream, it means that a thief will lie to him. If his shirt is stained with the blood of a lion in a dream, it means that an iniquitous person in authority will lie to him and take advantage of him. If his shirt is stained with the blood of a ram in a dream, it means that a rich, noble and a well respected person will lie to him, and at the end he will consent to accepting corrupt money. Seeing blood flowing from one’s body or from wounds is a sign of good health, safety, or it could mean coming home after a long journey. Drinking human blood in a dream means money, profits, escape from danger, safety from trials and adversities, or it could mean committing a sin then repenting from it. Falling into a pool of blood in a dream means that one will be accused of a murder or of stealing money. If one sees a valley filled with blood in a dream, it means that he may be killed in that locality. If one sees blood emanating out of his body without cupping or cuts in a dream, it means giving money to someone . If he is a poor person, then it means receiving money from someone. If one sees himself falling into a cistern which is filled with blood in a dream, it means that someone is seeking revenge from him. Blood in ajar represents a woman in menstruation. Blood in a dream also represents one’s life, strength, wealth, business, helpers, clothing, earning praise or blame, weak points, unlawful food, lack of benefits, loss of business or money or esteem, inability to draw benefits from one’s usual close ones, such as a father, a son, or a business partner, separation through death from one’s beloveds or dear one’s, such as wife or a kin. One’s blood in a dream also represents his own Satan, or an enemy that dwells inside his house. Drinking one’s own blood in a dream means paying one’s debts with second loan, or vanquishing one’s enemy. Bleeding naturally in a dream means peace and comfort. Excess bleeding in a dream means the opposite. The bleeding of an unwed woman means finding a husband. Bleeding of a pregnant woman in a dream means a miscarriage and for an elderly woman, bleeding means an illness. If one sees blood coming from his anus in a dream, it means that he is tainted with the consequences of an evil act, or it could mean a bad deal, or that he has earned unlawful money then walked out of such a deal. To bleed in a dream also means being a spendthrift, a money wasting family, or it could mean suffering from a venereal disease. (Also see Vascular blockage)…

Attic window

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Aperture | Peephole | Window) If one’s attic window towers over a large and a beautiful property in the dream, it means owning or acquiring a new property, earningrespect, honor and fulfilling one’s aspirations. If the view from one’s attic window is depressing in the dream, then it means relief from difficulties, or if one is sick, then it means recovering from his illness, or if he is unmarried, then it means that he will get married. If a woman looks at an attic window in a dream, it means that she will get married. Discovering an attic window in a house that does not have one in a dream means the spread of one’s authority, or the success of one’s business. (Also see Window)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, apples represent beautiful children. An apple in a dream also denotes one’s determination and good will. To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom. To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer they represent his crop. E ating apples in a dream means determination. Eating a sweet apple in a dream means lawful earnings, while eating a sour tasting apple means acquiring unlawful earnings. Sour apples in a dream mean divisiveness and hurt, while its tree represents torpor. If a king throws an apple at one of his subjects in a dream, it means good news or attainment of one’s goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan. An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community. Eating an apple in a dream also means earning somethingpeople cannot see. Plucking an apple in a dream means money earned through a respectable person. Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Smelling an apple inside a mosque in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees herself smelling an apple during a reception in a dream, it means misconduct and the permeation of sin. If she sees herself eating an apple in a known place in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a handsome son. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s sexual desires or being sexually obsessed. (Also see Magician)…