
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To attend the burial of a relative, if the sun is shining on the procession, is a sign of the good health of relations, and perhaps the happy marriage of some one of them is about to occur. But if rain and dismal weather prevails, sickness and bad news of the absent will soon come, and depressions in business circles will be felt A burial where there are sad rites performed, or sorrowing faces, is indicative of adverse surroundings or their speedy approach. See Funeral….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of sewing bright shining buttons on a uniform, betokens to a young woman the warm affection of a fine looking and wealthy partner in marriage. To a youth, it signifies admittance to military honors and a bright career. Dull, or cloth buttons, denotes disappointments and systematic losses and ill health. The loss of a button, and the consequent anxiety as to losing a garment, denotes prospective losses in trade….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of being chastised, denotes that you have not been prudent in conducting your affairs. Dreaming that you administer chastisement to another, signifies that you will have an ill-tempered partner either in business or marriage. For parents Dreaming of chastising their children, indicates they will be loose in their manner of correcting them, but they will succeed in bringing them up honorably….