
American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream about your Backbone, please see the meaning of the Spine….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of doing backlifts it means that you are willing to do something and put extra effort into it to just to make someone happy. Maybe there is something that people did not notice in what you have done and now you feel underestimated. If you want to know more about your dream, please check the meaning of Cartwheels….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To dream about the backyard denotes the mystery in you. Maybe there are some things that are unsaid or unseen to those around you. The other meaning of this dream could symbolize of an upcoming misery….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you are dreaming about Architecture, please look for the meaning of Building….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream that you are the android it means that you lost your spiritual aspect of yourself. Maybe you should go to church to look for some answers you have or maybe you should read some of religious literature to help yourself reclaim your spiritual views. The other meaning of this dream could be that you should consider to make sure what you say before things are being said. Make sure you are liable for your actions….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of anemones it is a sign that you shouldn’t trust someone or it might be the meaning of someone’s death. This dream represents your life as going completely upside down. There will be some changes that will make your life-style not as it is at these days. However, this not necessarily will be bad changes….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of angels it represents the dislocation in your soul. Usually angels represents chastity, innocence and purity. Make sure you heard what angels were trying to say to you in your dream, as this could be the main notification and key to your happy life and what you should do to reach that happiness. The other meaning of seeing angels in your dream could be that you are behaving irresponsibly without thinking of important things. If you see yourself as an angel it means that you behave very good with other people and this dream represents how good you feel about that. Seeing angels is always a good sign, it signifies spiritual and religious aspects of you, how deep you believe in God, how pure and innocent you are. If you see an angel holding the scroll it is very religious dream. Everything that is going to happen to you will appear in different colors as you will know how to act in one or another way….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing an anchor it represents the firm base you are standing on and tough personality. You are someone who is not afraid to stand for yourself and knows what wants to achieve. This dream also tells that your will always fight for your privacy. The other meaning of this dream could be that you can not let go your past, still looking behind your back, which leads you to instabilities. Make sure you think of your personal life or work that you do at the moment and find out the things you do not like….

Anal Sex

American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of having an anal sex, it is a sign of presentation. There might be something you are shy to talk about or to do. The main meaning of this dream is that you should be braver and more confident with yourself….

Altar Boy

American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing yourself as an altar boy it represents simplicity and chastity. The other meaning of this dream is that you might meet the love of your life, the one you have been looking for a very long time. This dream could also symbolize your lack of believing in God or yourself….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing an ambulance it represents you as risky person which is not good as this might lead you to huge difficulties while dealing with your business. This dream could also represent your denial with health issues you are having. What you should do is to make sure you are not avoiding the help you are presented, you have to stop denying what is obvious. If you dream of seeing an ambulance filled with injured people it shows that you are terrified of becoming a new and better person and leaving the old personality behind. Do not let your bad habits and aggression to get onto the others. This dream could also be the meaning that your are related to someone who doesn’t do the good influence on you, you should be aware of those people. When you see someone being hit by an ambulance, it means that some part of your spirituality is harmed and needs to be healed….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream that your hands or legs are amputated it means that you haven’t open up yourself, especially your abilities to something you are really good at. This dream could also tell you that there will be something you will lose for a while. You will have no capacity to avoid these losses and you have to be strong and not to get depressed. This dream could also be the meaning of something you haven’t admitted yet and now is the time for you to face these things and deal with them. When you dream that your arms are amputated it means that you are missing promotion and stimulation. When you see concretely your legs being amputated it means that you have no idea what to do with your life and in which direction you should move on….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of seeing an antiques it represents your past and old roots. This dream shows something unique and exclusive about you. Make sure you keep good values from your past, as it might be very useful in the future. If you dream of seeing antiques, but not enjoying the view of it, it represents that some things in the past did harm you and now you are suffering from it. The other meaning of this dream could be , that you trying to avoid something, which you should not….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of seeing anus, it means that you are suffering from bad emotions and hidden feelings you are not expressing. This dream signifies your disgrace and fault. The main meaning of anus is representing your avarice. Keep in mind that this dream represents, that you should relax a little bit more….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being at the arcade, it shows that you must to look through your past and think of good moments that happened before and made you feel satisfied and pleased. The other meaning of this dream could be that you have been controlling the others or you feel like you are controlled. This dream could also represents you as being out of actuality for short period of time. Make sure you do not ignore the problems you have, try to pull yourself together and find the solution to these problems, as no one else but you have to solve them….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of a badger it shows of an upcoming accomplishment you will win over your rivals. The other meaning of this dream could also be the wordplay on irritating those around you….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of Armageddon, it means that you feel confused and do not know which direction you should move on. The main meaning of the dream is telling you that you are hiding your emotions deep down inside your mind and this is a sign that you must take a break. Make sure you are taking a holidays and having a rest….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of an aquarium it means that you realized your feelings, but have not encountered them. The other meaning of this dream could be, that you have hidden feelings and emotions or unexpressed sexual intentions. Maybe you do not know how to feel about your life, you have no idea where you are at the moment, and if this is the life you want. You keep finding yourself at the same place over and over again. Keep in mind, that dreaming of an aquarium could represent how tired and exhausted you are, so try to ease up….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of seeing growing apples on the tree, it symbolizes intelligence and good wealth. If you see yourself eating an apple in your dream, it signifies productivity, concord and enjoyment. Make sure you look after your health as well, as apples represents healthy life. The other meaning of seeing apples might symbolize your sexual behavior, as the apple is connected to the Garden of Eden. When you dream of seeing specifically green apples, it represents the love. Maybe you will be blessed to meet someone special in your life. To see putrid apples in your dream, means that the things you are hoping for will not be achieved the way you thought they will be achieved or it could represent imprudence….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being anxious at specific matter, it is a sign of you finally realizing what is happening with you life. Maybe there are some unsaid thing, hidden thoughts which makes you dream of being anxious. The other meaning of this dream is that you are not separating professional life with personal life. Make sure you are concentrating only on your business, because only then you will make it to the point where you will make a wealthy future for yourself….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of having an appetite, means that there are things in your life which have not been fully accomplished. The other meaning of this dream especially when you dream of wanting something to eat or to drink represents your sexual intentions. It means that you might make a right decision to the one you love….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of smoking and then using an ashtray it means that you want to get rid of your old sentiments and approaches. In other words this dream represents your wish to forget the things that happened in the past and requirement to move on. Alternatively, this dream represents relationships you have been into and now are not anymore, because they were too tough to stay on the track. The other possible meaning of this dream is your wish and attempt to quit smoking….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing yourself going bald, it is a sign of the fears you are having. Maybe you are worrying about being aged or maybe you do not trust yourself and underestimate yourself. Usually baldness represents modesty, innocence and dedication. This time of your life you feel clean and pure as you never did before. If you want to reveal more information abou your dream, please see the meaning of the Hair….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Pleasant pursuits, honor and riches Dreaming of studying them. For an author Dreaming of his works going to press, is a dream of caution | he will have much trouble in placing them before the public. Dreaming of spending great study and time in solving some intricate subjects, and the hidden meaning of learned authors, is significant of honors well earned. To see children at their books, denotes harmony and good conduct of the young. Dreaming of old books, is a warning to shun evil in any form….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a corset, denotes that you will be perplexed as to the meaning of attentions won by you. If a young woman is vexed over undoing or fastening her corset, she will be strongly inclined to quarrel with her friends under slight provocations….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you. If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness. If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own | but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart. If she is defiant, but innocent of offence, she will shoulder burdens bravely, and stand firm against deceitful admonitions. If you are self-reproached in the midst of a religious excitement, you will find that you will be almost induced to give up your own personality to please some one whom you hold in reverent esteem. To see religion declining in power, denotes that your life will be more in harmony with creation than formerly. Your prejudices will not be so aggressive. Dreaming that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow. (These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church worship in a dream as a warning against their contemplated action. If they live pure and correct lives as indicated by the church, they will see little of the solemnity of the church or preachers.)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesn…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you were dreaming that you were sitting on bleachers, which are known as tiered rows of seats and mostly used in United States especially in sport or any others events, shows the mirror effect on your work and how much of the advancement you have done. The other meaning of this dream could also remind you of the old days that you had and keep good memories from it or maybe in reality you see bleachers quite often, therefore you have this dream….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If the dreamer dreamed about seeing a bison then it symbolizes about wild, primary and powerful aspects of you. The best explanation of this dream is raleted to dream meaning of Buffalo. Please look into it and try to find out more about your dream….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you were dreaming of eating and/or seeing blackberries, it denotes to you as being incautious and irresponsible. It seems that you are not afraid to take risks and became fearless, which is not a good thing, as you have to look after yourself, because there is a possibility to meet negative consequences. The other possible meaning of this dream foretells about your sexual needs which you are not able to express. Maybe you are afraid to be misunderstood and think that your dreams that are related to sexual wishes are not acceptable. You should try to express those feelings and wishes, because it is never good to hold your emotions inside….