
American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of something that is absorbed in things that you are doing, it means that you are to much concantrated on your own stuff, ignoring people around you and not paying attention to them. Make sure, if you are not egoistic person and care about the others who are around you. This dream could also be the meaning of you not accepting the situacion you are in, or not feeling safe and comfortable in your own skin….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependance you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and trustful in your own skin. This means that maybe you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The meaning of the dream is the sign for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of an Academy this could be the meaning of new relationships or chances that you will be given in the future sign. It also symbolizes the luck in love, new family, new opportunities you will have in your life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of having an abortion, it represents your own insecurities of suspending and halting your increasement as individual. This also means that you are insecure and weak while moving forward in your life. The dream may also mean that you had an abortion and only now you are facing it. The dream signifies how guilty and disappointed you are of the actions you did in your life. This is the process of healing and moving forward for something you did in your past. The other meaning of the dream is that there might be possibility of unhealthy life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of Aborigine it signifies soft side of your personality. This means that you are innocent and decent person. The meaning of dream explains, how you need to find the connection with your natural self and insight you have in yourself. It also offers that you must become less high – pitched and forgiving beyond others. You may harm yourself thorough your abandonment. It also means that you are going to become psychologically unsteady….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of devoting an alimony, it represents you paying the debts for something you did before. Think of what you did in the past, maybe there are some things that were not done in a positive way, that’s why you have to repay for it now. This dream could also be the meaning of how responsible and reliable you are not only when it come to your own business, but in other people’s sake….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dreaming of abdomen, it means that you suppress your feelings and instincts. The abdomen might also mean that you have physiological problems and experiencing obstruction or diarrhea. The other symbol of seeing abdomen in your dream may mean, that there is something in your life you find hard to admit and can not accept it, and the meaning of it is that you want to get rid of it. If you see your abdomen is vulnerable, it signifies the abusiveness. The dream also can mean of you wanting, but being afraid to express the instincts you always had….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream that you abhor the other person, it signifies that there is someone you hate or abominate. This dream is the meaning that the person you abhor is not respecting you in one or the other way. If you see in your dream yourself being abhorred by the others, this represents your honest purposes among the others and it will abate into egoism. This means you are a decent person….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream that you can not find your abode, it signifies your fear of believing and trusting the people around you. The meaning of it says, that you do not trust or believe in people who are around you. If you dreaming, that you haven’t got abode in your dreams, it represents the bad luck or loss of someone or something. Be careful, avoid any investments in near future….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To dream of accessorizing yourself, could be the meaning that your wishes or your self-esteem is not fulfilled and accomplished. The dream represents unfulfilled intentions you have. Make sure, that you know what you want from life, what’s your expectations are. The dream wants you to start making the decisions and find the solution to the questions you have….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of being abducted, it represents you being commanded by other person in your life. If you dream seeing someone being abducted, it means that there is a possibility to unforeseen news in your life. Nevertheless, do not expect only for good news, as the meaning of the dream represents something unexpected, but not necessarily good, stay cautiuos and focused….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of yourself expressing the aggression it indicates your suppressed sexual needs. This dream could also be a sign of you fighting yourself while trying to make a new life. It shows you, that you should not be afraid of moving forward and making changes. This is the meaning your inner gut used to old lifestyle, but not necessarily good one….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To dream of aiming someone or something, represents that you should move on the right direction. Make sure you are facing only the destination you are directed to. There will be many circumstances that will disturb you from the actions you should do, but do not loose the vigilance, make sure you concentrated on one thing. When you dream of aiming the weapon it signifies your rage and hard feelings you have against someone. This dream could also be the meaning of your restrain sexual feelings. Maybe there is some things you are afraid to talk to your partner and do not feel fulfilled in sexual life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to you. This dream could also signifies your actual fear of dying not only in car accidents, but in general. Do not worry, just make sure you are careful….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of hearing an alarm it could be a sign of the disagreements you may have with your relatives, so be aware of that. This dream could also be the meaning of contradictions you may be in with your friends, your partner or your work. There might be many questions of the solutions you have done and now it is too late to fix them up. Make sure you are not grieving to much on yourself and be more forgiving yourself….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you are dreaming of saying happy adieus to someone, then it symbolizes happy time, fun parties, unexpected guests you are going to have very soon. When you see saying sad goodbye to someone, this is a sign of tough life ahead of you. It could also be the meaning of loosing someone you love, and how painful and unhappy you will be….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of overcrowded airport it represents your intentions of being free. This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life. This dream is a sign of the new beginning, new purposes and new tasks. Make sure of the new thoughts you are having and start realising them. This dream could also be the meaning of new relationships, new job or new happenings in your life. Do not worry, as these changes will be pleasurable. If you see the airport in a dessert it represents that your schedule will be changed not in a positive way. Anyhow, this is only for a temporarily period of time….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream as having an addiction to something, it represents the mania you are suffering from. This dream tells you, that there is someone trying to handle something that you are managing. The other meaning of this dream is that you are having troubles with people who are around you. Make sure if you spend enough time with your family, friends, colleagues. You should try to rebuild the relationships you had with those people….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of holding accounts from the others it represents of hard way in front you, while you will be controling your concerns. When you dream of accounts you are willing to pay, this represents how careful you have got to be, while managing your business. When you dream of paying the bills on time, it means you will not have any difficulties, while managing your business. It could also be the meaning of your personal life being succesful….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

To hear the accordion playing, symbolizes that the joy and the luck you had is becoming not so joyful and you could get depressed in your near future. If you see yourself playing the accordion in your dream, this could be the warning that you are not as healthy as you used to be. Make sure if you are rested and do not have any physical ailment. If there is someone playing accordion on the stage it could be the meaning of unexpected invitation to a party. If someone plays the accordion, this symbolizes the luck you will have without anyone helping you around. When you see that you are taking the lessons or someone is teaching you how to play accordion, this could be the sign of not trusting the man in your life, as this person could be the one, who is taking you away from succeed you were going to receive….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of an adder it signifies someone very smart, clever and tricky. Be careful, as you can not trust this person, do not believe anything he says, as the behaviour of this person could make you many problems. This dream could also be the meaning of losing someone or something. Make sure you are prudent at this time of your life….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of being accused of something, this could be a sign of your guilt. This dream could also be the meaning of you, not being sure what you want out of life. You have to know what choices you are making and what choices you have to do. If you see in your dream yourself accusing the others, it represents you having cases with people who are around you. If you dream that you are accused as a thief, it represents your financial losses you are going to have in the future. If you dream that you see someone accused, because of being not good person, it symbolizes your own problems you are going to have, in which case you will suffer as a person….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

A dream of lice contains much waking worry and distress. It often implies offensive ailments. Lice on stock, foretells famine and loss. To have lice on your body, denotes that you will conduct yourself unpleasantly with your acquaintances. Dreaming of catching lice, foretells sickness, and that you will cultivate morbidity….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of sitting on some person’s lap, denotes pleasant security from vexing engagements. If a young woman dreams that she is holding a person on her lap, she will be exposed to unfavorable criticism. To see a serpent in her lap, foretells she is threatened with humiliation at the hands of enemies. If she sees a cat in her lap, she will be endangered by a seductive enemy….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you spy upon others through a keyhole, you will damage some person by disclosing confidence. If you catch others peeping through a keyhole, you will have false friends delving into your private matters to advance themselves over you. Dreaming that you cannot find the keyhole, you will unconsciously injure a friend….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see larks flying, denotes high aims and purposes through the attainment of which you will throw off selfishness and cultivate kindly graces of mind. To hear them singing as they fly, you will be very happy in a new change of abode, and business will flourish. To see them fall to the earth and singing as they fall, despairing gloom will overtake you in pleasure’s bewildering delights. A wounded or dead lark, portends sadness or death. To kill a lark, portends injury to innocence through wantonness. If they fly around and light on you, Fortune will turn her promising countenance towards you. To catch them in traps, you will win honor and love easily. To see them eating, denotes a plentiful harvest….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of an ostrich, denotes that you will secretly amass wealth, but at the same time maintain degrading intrigues with women. To catch one, your resources will enable you to enjoy travel and extensive knowledge….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a pelican, denotes a mingling of disappointments with successes. To catch one, you will be able to overcome disappointing influences. To kill one, denotes that you will cruelly set aside the rights of others. To see them flying, you are threatened with changes, which will impress you with ideas of uncertainty as to good….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a jay-bird, foretells pleasant visits from friends and interesting gossips. To catch a jay-bird, denotes pleasant, though unfruitful, tasks. To see a dead jay-bird, denotes domestic unhappiness and many vicissitudes….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a panther and experience fright, denotes that contracts in love or business may be canceled unexpectedly, owing to adverse influences working against your honor. But killing, or over-powering it, you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings. Your surroundings will take on fair prospects. If one menaces you by its presence, you will have disappointments in business. Other people will likely recede from their promises to you. If you hear the voice of a panther, and experience terror or fright, you will have unfavorable news, coming in the way of reducing profit or gain, and you may have social discord | no fright forebodes less evil. A panther, like the cat, seen in a dream, portends evil to the dreamer, unless he kills it….