
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of gathering gooseberries, is a sign of happiness after trouble, and a favorable indication of brighter prospects in one’s business affairs. If you are eating green gooseberries, you will make a mistake in your course to pleasure, and be precipitated into the vertex of sensationalism. Bad results are sure to follow the tasting of green gooseberries. To see gooseberries in a dream, foretells you will escape some dreaded work. For a young woman to eat them, foretells she will be slightly disappointed in her expectations….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you eat berries in your dream it symbolizes of an upcoming new adventures in personal life like relationships and communications. All of the new relationships are exciting and promising something new and unexpected. The best part of this dream shows that if you put enough of the effort, you will see that you can build up very strong base for something new and different. The berries could also represent some negative changes in you made by the others, but only if, the berries were spoiled and/or rotten….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing elderberries on bushes with their foliage, denotes domestic bliss and an agreeable county home with resources for travel and other pleasures. Elderberries is generally a good dream….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of strawberries, is favorable to advancement and pleasure. You will obtain some long wished-for object. To eat them, denotes requited love. To deal in them, denotes abundant harvest and happiness….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see mulberries in your dreams, denotes that sickness will prevent you from obtaining your desires, and you will be called upon often to relieve suffering. To eat them, signifies bitter disappointments….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you were dreaming of eating and/or seeing blackberries, it denotes to you as being incautious and irresponsible. It seems that you are not afraid to take risks and became fearless, which is not a good thing, as you have to look after yourself, because there is a possibility to meet negative consequences. The other possible meaning of this dream foretells about your sexual needs which you are not able to express. Maybe you are afraid to be misunderstood and think that your dreams that are related to sexual wishes are not acceptable. You should try to express those feelings and wishes, because it is never good to hold your emotions inside….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of blackberries denotes many ills. To gather them is unlucky. Eating them denotes losses….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Plum)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Eating mulberries or strawberries in a dream mean increase in one’s earnings, praiseworthy religious assiduity, good faith, certitude and leading a healthy life. Blackberries in a dream represent gold. The mulberry tree in a dream represents a wealthy person with many children. Mulberry in a dream also could mean borrowing money. A mulberry tree in a dream also represents a wealthy and a generous man with a large family. Eating black mulberry in a dream also means prosperity….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, plums in season represent health and welfare. Otherwise, out of season, plums represent distress and difficulties. However, everybody draws benefits from seeing a plum tree in a dream. If one sees himself eating a sweet and ripened plum in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his pleasures, passions, and wantonness. If it tastes sour in the dream, then it represents his fear. A plum tree in a dream also represents a rich person, or a spendthrift who is also dangerous but courageous when facing adversities, and who may become wealthy early in his life though he may die young. Eating plum out of season in a dream means suffering from a severe illness. Plucking a plum from its tree in a dream means seizing money from a dying person. Plums in a dream also represent the glad tidings of recovering what is lost if they are good, and a warningrn about what is evil should it happen again. A plum in a dream also represents a good brother, or a good looking and a respectable companion. The same interpretation applies for all types of berries. (Also see Tree)…

Sycamore tree

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(bibl. Fig tree | Mulberries tree | Maple tree) In a dream, this large shade tree represents beneficial and lawful earnings which keep multiplying. A sycamore tree in a dream also represents a rich and a strong person who benefits others. A sycamore tree in a dream also could be interpreted as a beautiful and a rich woman, or it may represent suffering from heart disease or sight problems. (Also see Mulberry tree | Tree)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Dried fruits | Fresh fruits) In a dream, a sweet tasting fruit represents blessings, knowledge or money. Even a sour tasting fruit means the same when it suits the taste of the person eating it in his dream. When a sour tasting fruit does not agree with the person’s taste in the dream, then it means unlawful earnings or aggravation of his illness. Eating or drinking any by-product that is made of fruit in a dream means debts or facing challenges in a foreign land. Seeing one’s most preferred fruit in a dream represent profits earned from one’s own sweat and such profits will equal the amount of efforts exerted to earn them. A large size fruit in a dream represents earnings that are not yet free from due alms. A fruit without seeds or hull in a dream represents success and lawful earnings. Eating fruits out of season in a dream means prosperity and comfort. A fruit that grows or which is plucked in cluster or as bunch in a dream means love and unity. Imported fruits in a dream represent their country of origin. Fruits in a dream also represent one’s wife, children, business agreements, exchanging knowledge, good deeds, family reunion, weddings, recovering from sickness or recovering lost money. Grapes in a dream represent wine, and water melon represents the alcoholic beverage which is fermented from its juices. To pick up a fruit that fell from a tree in a dream means leading a fight against a righteous person. If one sees a tree that bears fruit in warm weather bearing fruit in the winter in a dream, it means that he will associate with someone expecting to make a business deal, though their friendship will end in wasting time and money. To pluck a fruit from a tree other than its own in a dream represents a good brother in-law, an honest partner, or a profitable partnership. Wild berries in the mountains or prairies in a dream represent innate arts, abilities and knowledge given directly from God Almighty and no other teacher has a claim in it. Figs in a dream represent the best of fruits in a dream. Fresh fruits in a dream signify money that does not last, while dried fruits represent savings. Fruits for a poor person in a dream signify prosperity and for a rich person they signify increase in his wealth. If one is showered with fruits in a dream, it means that he will become known for his good deeds. (Also see Apricot | Dried fruit | Fruit salesman)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing a juniper tree, portends happiness and wealth out of sorrow and depressed conditions. For a young woman, this dreams omens a bright future after disappointing love affairs. To the sick, this is an augury of speedy recovery. To eat, or gather, the berries of a juniper tree, foretells trouble and sickness….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see raspberries in a dream, foretells you are in danger of entanglements which will prove interesting before you escape from them. For a woman to eat them, means distress over circumstantial evidence in some occurrence causing gossip….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: {I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.}…