
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Lawn) In a dream, grass represents religious awareness and blessings. If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a secret affair, and he will find her in the company of someone else. If one sees grass growing over his hand in a dream, it means that he will die shortly and grass will grow over his grave. If he sees grass growing in a place where it is not supposed to grow, such as inside one’s house or inside a mosque in a dream, it means a wedding. If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. If he sees grass growing on people’s hands or floating on water in a dream, it means a good harvest and prosperity for everyone. If weeds grow at the same time in the dream, they connote negative effects. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he is nearinghis death. Grass growing over one’s stomach in a dream means his death or his burial after death. If grass grows all over one’s body but does not cover his head in the dream, it means prosperity and wealth. If the grass covers one’s eyes and ears in the dream, it means that he will become heedless and loses the advantages of his religious life. The same interpretation is given if one sees feathers growing over his body. If poisonous weeds grow over one’s body in a dream, they represent an illness or death. As grass is cattle’s food and cattle represents people’s wealth, then gathering and eating grass in a dream means prosperity. If an ascetic sees himself eating grass in a dream, it means that he will revert to desiring the world and its pleasures, and consequently, he will be deceived by it. Wild grass in a dream represent bad earnings and a miserable life. Cutting and selling grass in a dream means dispelling stress and difficulties, or it could represent a police officer or a tithe collector. (Also see Meadows | Weeds)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

This is a very propitious dream indeed. It gives promise of a happy and well advanced life to the tradesman, rapid accumulation of wealth, fame to literary and artistic people, and a safe voyage through the turbulent sea of love is promised to all lovers. To see a rugged mountain beyond the green expanse of grass, is momentous of remote trouble. If in passing through green grass, you pass withered places, it denotes your sickness or embarrassments in business. To be a perfect dream, the grass must be clear of obstruction or blemishes. If you dream of withered grass, the reverse is predicted….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests. If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experienced. If you see grasshoppers between you and the sun, it denotes that you will have a vexatious problem in your immediate business life to settle, but using caution it will adjust itself in your favor. To call peoples’ attention to the grasshoppers, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business….

Cutting off

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Amputation | Beheading | Cutting | Decapitation | Scission | Chopping off | Severing) Cutting off one’s hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one’s obligatory prayers or being devoid of any need or an income that eliminates the need to ask others for anything, or it could mean repentance from sin. If one’s hand and heels are cut off in a dream, it means corruption in one’s religious life or forsaking the spiritual circles, or it could mean being barren or being freed from the duty to raise children. Cutting off one’s nose or ear in a dream means a punishment for a crime, or it could mean poverty or missing someone’s news. Cutting off one’s tongue in a dream means invalidating one’s argument or proof, or it could mean preventing him from asking for anything. If one sees himself dismembered in a dream, then it means that he will undertake extensive travels, or that members of his family will disperse into different locations, or it could mean severing one’s blood ties or paying a penalty. (Also see Beheading | Rupture of relations)…

Grass pea

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A grass pea in a dream represents profits and resting after a long journey….

Cutting remark

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Oversight) A slip of one’s tongue or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface in wakefulness or vice-versa. (Also see Slippery surface)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Interpreter | Pen | Speech writer | Stinger | Translator) In a dream, one’s tongue represents his translator or his business manager. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the chief cause of sin. Moving one’s tongue without speaking in a dream means committing a sin. Seeing an increase in size, width, or length of one’s tongue in a dream means strength and overcoming one’s enemy. If one’s tongue becomes elongated with no cause for dispute or argument in a dream, it means having a bad tongue, or backbiting others, speaking ill about others, or using base and despicable language. Having a long tongue in a dream also could mean clarity in one’s speech and eloquence in one’s expressions. Having two tongues in a dream means acquiring a second language or a second trade, using a proof other than one’s own in a court of justice, or winning victory over one’s enemy. If one finds his tongue tied in a dream, it means stagnation of his business, or it could mean poverty. If black hair grows over one’s tongue in a dream, it means a fast coming evil. If gray hair grows over one’s tongue in a dream, then it means a slow coming adversity. Hair growing over one’s tongue in a dream also means writing or reciting a poem. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the perfect alibi, the beauty and eloquence of one’s presentation, a professional presentation, good fame and good conduct. If a governor’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means the death of his interpreter or his speech writer. The human tongue in a dream also represents his pen and his signing authority. If one’s tongue becomes long and reaches the skies in a dream, it means that he will be impeached or deposed from his leadership position following his tyranny and injustices. If the tongue of a leader or a ruler becomes long in a dream, it also signifies the expansion of his power and the infallibility and effectiveness of his commands. One’s tongue in a dream also symbolizes a milk suckling baby, a lion in his den, or an intelligent warrior. Thus, if one lets a lion out of a lair in a dream, it denotes his tongue, or hurting people’s feeling or reputation with one’s tongue. If one sees himself without a tongue in a dream, it may mean the death of an infant. If one has to appear in court and sees his tongue cut off in a dream, it means that his proof will be rejected by the judge. If only the side of one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he has doubts about the testimony of his witness. If he is a merchant, it means that he will lose an important business deal. If he is a student, it means that he will not complete his schooling. It is also said that when one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he is a forbearing person. If the wife’s tongue is cut off in a dream it means that she is a chaste and a pious woman. If a wife cuts off the tongue of her husband in a dream, it means that she will flirt with him and show him tenderness and love. Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil. If a poor person cuts off the tongue of another poor person in a dream, it means a fight between them. If one’s tongue sticks to his palate in a dream, it means that he will deny or reject someone’s right, refute the truth, or lie about a trust he received to keep for a time. Eating one’s tongue or biting on it in a dream represents an act one will regret. If a governor sees that in a dream, it means that he swindles people’s money and receives bribes. Biting on one’s tongue in a dream also means remaining mostly silent, withholding one’s advice, or controlling one’s fury and anger. Biting one’s tongue in a dream also could denote gluttony. Cutting off one’s tongue in a dream means invalidating one’s argument or proof, or preventing him from asking for anything. The cutting off of a poet’s tongue in a dream means giving him money for his recitation. Seeing one’s tongue black in a dream means that one may preside over his own people. If he is a wretched person, it means that he is a liar. If someone who is scared of something sees his tongue in a dream, it means that he will lose his battle and become subject to defamation and humiliation. If a wretched person sees himself having many tongues in a dream, it means that he will have a large family. Having many tongues in a dream also means speaking many foreign languages. If one’s tongue is split in half in a dream, it means that he is a liar. Having many tongues and of many colors in a dream means telling different and contradictory stories, or it could represent a music writer. If people touch one’s tongue or suck it in a dream, it means that they are acquiring his knowledge. It also represents people toadying or lobbying in official business. One’s tongue in a dream also repre- sents a hidden treasure, a hidden knowledge, a toadying servant, an employee, one’s house, a vehicle, a skilled enemy, a seedling of a fruit bearing tree, a bad wife, a barren woman, one’s spoken and irretrievable words, earnings, collecting garbage, following someone’s traces, a policeman, or a prisoner. An animal’s tongue in a dream represents one’s life or death, because for an animal, his tongue is like a hand through which he takes things. If a scholar’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument, or it could mean the death of his assistant, student or son. Losing one’s tongue in a dream represents the malicious joy of one’s enemy, family, or neighbors for one’s losses, or it could mean the death of a beloved, severing a relationship, or a plant disease that will affect one’s fruit bearing trees. Perhaps losing one’s tongue in a dream could mean separation between husband and wife, divorce, losing one’s job, or moving to a new town. Having two tongues in a dream also means backbiting others, or having two faces with people, for people say that so-and so has two tongues or two faces. If the second tongue does not impede the person from speaking in the dream, then it denotes his truthfulness, love and affection toward others. One’s tongue in a dream also may represent something one fears, such as the collapsing of a roof over his head, or it could represent an enemy. It also means isolating oneself from people of knowledge and wisdom, or it could mean remaining mostly silent, minding one’s own business, or offering devotion and being grateful to God Almighty for His gifts and blessings. One’s tongue in a dream also represents a captured prisoner of war, or a snake hiding in its pit. Looking at one’s tongue in a dream means controlling what comes out of it. (Also see Body’ | Exhaustion from speaking | Language | Spell out)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Beauty | Grass | Green | Knowledge | Paradise | Wisdom) In a dream, a meadow represents an easy and a trouble free money, or it could represent a wife who has little reservation and tactfulness. Seeing a meadow in a dream also means receiving inner knowledge that is imparted directly by God Almighty through mystical inspirations, or it could mean establishing a charitable endowment. A meadow with its pasture, streams, perennials and spireas in a dream represents the world, its ornaments, attractions and wealth. A meadow in a dream also may mean a place of business or a work place. To see and cherish a green meadow without being able to unfold its reach in a dream represents the vastness and essence of Islam. If a poor person sees himself walking through the meadows, gathering grass, leaves, herbs, flowers and eating them in his dream, it means prosperity. If a rich person sees that in his dream, it means that his wealth will increase. If someone who has renounced the pleasures of this world or an ascetic sees such a dream, it means that he will return to desiring it, or that he will be seduced by the world again. Walking between meadows in a dream means going on a business trip or changing one’s profession. The same interpretation is given if one sees himself walking between two different markets. If one sees a deceased person sitting in the meadows in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Meadows in a dream also represent the world and its pleasures, or they could represent a rich wife. Seeing an unusual meadow which is admired only when beheld, and enjoyed especially when visited in a dream represents a revered place, a house of God, a mosque, the grave of a prophet, or the graves of the righteous ones. A meadow in a dream also may represent the Book of revelations, the Qur’an, knowledge, wisdom, or paradise. If one sees himself walking from the midst of meadows into a salt swampland or a marsh in a dream, it means that he follows innovations, or that he indulges in sinful actions. Hearing the call to prayers from inside a meadow in a dream means a good deed, guidance after heedlessness, repentance, attending the congregational prayers, or following a funeral proces- sion….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

For a young woman dreaming of crossing a plain, denotes that she will be fortunately situated, if the grasses are green and luxuriant | if they are arid, or the grass is dead, she will have much discomfort and loneliness. See Prairie….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of walking upon well-kept lawns, denotes occasions for joy and great prosperity. To join a merry party upon a lawn, denotes many secular amusements, and business engagements will be successfully carried on. For a young woman to wait upon a green lawn for the coming of a friend or lover, denotes that her most ardent wishes concerning wealth and marriage will be gratified. If the grass be dead and the lawn marshy, quarrels and separation may be expected. To see serpents crawling in the grass before you, betrayal and cruel insinuations will fill you with despair….

Slip of a tongue

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cutting remark | Oversight) A slip of one’s tongue, or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface, or vice- versa. (Also see Slippery surface)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

For a man, a beard in a dream signifies wealth, honor and dignity. If it is moderately long or well trimmed in the dream, it means earning respect, rising in rank, prosperity, beauty and sovereignty. If only the sides of one’s beard are long and not the middle section in the dream, it means that one will work to save money for someone else. If one’s beard is too long and lacks proper trimming in a dream, it means indebtedness, distress and suffering from depression. If it becomes long to the extent of reaching the floor in the dream, it means death. If one’s beard grows long and thick in a dream, it means longevity or increase in one’s wealth. If it reaches his belly in the dream, it means that he does not obey God’s commands. If it grows longer than one’s grip in the dream, it means that one lives from the interest he earns from usury. If the hair of one’s beard is black in the dream, it means prosperity and satisfaction in one’s life. If its color is greenish-black in the dream, it means extended wealth, power and rulership, unless if one is a tyrant, for the color of Pharaoh’s beard was greenish-black. If the color of one’s beard yields to yellow in the dream, it means poverty and illness. If its color is blondish in the dream, it means a scare. If one grabs his own beard in the dream and if its hair falls into his hand, and if he keeps holding to the hair, it means incurring financial losses then recovering them, unless one discards the hair in the dream. Pulling someone’s from his beard in the dream means inheriting him. If one sees a young boy who has not reached the age of puberty having a beard in a dream, it means the child’s death. If the child’s beard is just starting to grow in the dream, it means that he will grow to lead and command people. If one’s beard is shallow and if it makes him look fatuous in a dream, it means payment of one’s debts or easing of his trouble or dispelling of his distress. If one’s beard looks childish or completely immature in the dream, it means losing people’s respect. If the color of one’s beard is gold in the dream, it means that he will lose some respect and perhaps half of his wealth. Seeing one-half of one’s beard shaved in a dream means poverty. If an unknown young person shaves one’s beard in a dream, it means loss of dignity and injury caused by one’s enemy or competitor or someone who carries the same name. If an old man shaves his beard in a dream, it means that he will lose his good reputation at the hand of a profiteer and an overpowering enemy. If one’s beard is cut off in a dream, it means financial losses valued at how far it is trimmed. Clipping what is longer than man’s grip of one’s beard in a dream means paying the due alms tax. Cutting off someone’s beard in a dream means swindling his inheritance. A white beard in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. If one’s beard turns gray, leaving few black hairs in the dream, it means earning respect. If all its hair becomes gray in the dream, it means poverty and loss of integrity. Seeing one’s wife having a beard in a dream means increase in one’s wealth or growth of the son’s business, or sickness of one’s wife, or it could mean that she will no longer be able to conceive children, though if she had a son, it means that he will control the entire family. If a woman sees herself having a beard in a dream, it means losing her husband and if she is a widow, it means that she will marry a hard-working man who is compatible with her. If a pregnant woman sees that in a dream, it means that she will beget a son, and if she has a quarrel with someone, it means that she will win the battle and stand for herself with dignity and courage. Plucking one’s facial hair or beard in a dream means wasting money. If one’s beard and head is shaved in a dream, it means recovering from an illness, satisfying one’s debts or dispelling sorrow and distress. Having an extraordinarily long beard that one can spin and weave as a cloth, then sells it in his dream means that he will forge a testimony. Clipping one’s beard in a dream also means losing money. One’s beard in a dream also represents his job, business, clothing, gains and losses. Cutting off the hair of one’s beard with one’s own teeth in a dream means sufferings, distress and trouble. Swearing by the honor of one’s beard in a dream may denote either one’s truthfulness or lies, his stinginess or generosity. One’s beard in a dream also could represent his wife. If a farmer finds the hair of his beard black in a dream, it means that he should start harvesting his crop. A white beard could denote illness or frailty. If one’s beard in wakefulness is gray and he sees its color black in a dream, it means strength, determination, firmness, certainty, having great energy and exuberance. If one’s beard in his dream seems longer than the usual, it means being a spendthrift, wasting money, engaging in gambling and sportinggames, or suffering from depression, or beingtroubled by circumstances. If a subversive and a sinful person sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means that he will repent of his sins. If a misguided person sees himself having a beard in his dream, it means that he will receive guidance. If a woman grows a beard in her dream, it means that she is trying to be a man, or it could mean insolence or engaging in wrongdoing. If a child sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means longevity. Loving a beard and kissing it in a dream means lacking determination or will, regardless if it is his own beard or if it is someone else’s beard. If a straw or anything sticks to one’s beard in a dream, it means hearing bad words. Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income or loss of one’s dignity. Holding the beard of one’s uncle in a dream means unjustly inheriting him. If a woman sees herself having a beard like a man in a dream, it means that she will never beget children, unless if she has a reddish beard as the natural color of her hair. However, for a man, to have a reddish beard in a dream means trials and temptation and particularly if some gray hair is also mixed with it. (Also see Face | Scissors | Shaving | Twisting a rope)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you are annoyed by the quacking of geese, denotes a death in your family. To see them swimming, denotes that your fortune is gradually increasing. To see them in grassy places, denotes assured success. If you see them dead, you will suffer loss and displeasure. For a lover, geese denotes the worthiness of his affianced. If you are picking them, you will come into an estate. To eat them, denotes that your possessions are disputed….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of walking through a well-kept park, denotes enjoyable leisure. If you walk with your lover, you will be comfortably and happily married. Ill-kept parks, devoid of green grasses and foliage, is ominous of unexpected reverses….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of catching frogs, denotes carelessness in watching after your health, which may cause no little distress among those of your family. To see frogs in the grass, denotes that you will have a pleasant and even-tempered friend as your confidant and counselor. To see a bullfrog, denotes, for a woman, marriage with a wealthy widower, but there will be children with him to be cared for. To see frogs in low marshy places, foretells trouble, but you will overcome it by the kindness of others. Dreaming of eating frogs, signifies fleeting joys and very little gain from associating with some people. To hear frogs, portends that you will go on a visit to friends, but it will in the end prove fruitless of good….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a butterfly among flowers and green grasses, indicates prosperity and fair attainments. To see them flying about, denotes news from absent friends by letter, or from some one who has seen them. To a young woman, a happy love, culminating in a life union….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To feel the dew falling on you in your dreams, portends that you will be attacked by fever or some malignant disease | but to see the dew sparkling through the grass in the sunlight, great honors and wealth are about to be heaped upon you. If you are single, a wealthy marriage will soon be your portion….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you are walking in a narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstructions, denotes that you will have a rough encounter with adversity, and feverish excitement will weigh heavily upon you. Dreaming that you are trying to find your path, foretells that you will fail to accomplish some work that you have striven to push to desired ends. To walk through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers, denotes your freedom from oppressing loves….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a prairie, denotes that you will enjoy ease, and even luxury and unobstructed progress. An undulating prairie, covered with growing grasses and flowers, signifies joyous happenings. A barren prairie, represents loss and sadness through the absence of friends. To be lost on one, is a sign of sadness and ill luck….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Jami | Masjid) The main city mosque or the central mosque in a dream represents the king, the governor, or the ruler of a Muslim country, since he takes care of establishing the divine laws as well as he is the symbol of Islam and the decisive judge between the lawful and the unlawful. Smelling an apple inside a mosque means getting married. A mosque in a dream is like the central market that people intend daily and endeavor to make profit therein. It is a place where people will profit according to their deeds and efforts. A mosque in a dream also represents one who is to be obeyed, respected and revered such as a father, a teacher, a shaikh or a man of knowledge. It also asserts justice if one who enters a mosque in his dream is unjustly treated. The main city mosque in a dream represents the Qur’anic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and washing one’s sins, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and shrouding of the dead, medicine, silence, focusing one’s intention and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca. Seeing the main city mosque in a dream also means to recognize something good and to act upon it. It also could be interpreted as the shelter from one’s enemy, and a sanctuary and a shelter of the believer from fear, and a house of peace. The ceiling of the mosque represents the intimate and vigilant entourage of a king. Its outstretch represents the dignitaries. Its chandeliers represent its wealth and ornaments. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and his knowledgeable advisors. Its doors represent the guards. Its minaret represents the king’s vice-regent, the official speaker of the palace or it announcer. If the main mosque in the dream is interpreted to represent the ruler of the land, then its pillars represent the element of time. Its lights represent the noble retinue and the wise men of his epoch. The ceiling represents the knowledge contained in the books that protect his justice and his references. The minaret will then represent his chief minister or advisor. The pulpit represents his servant. The prayer niche represents his wife, or it may represent his lawful earnings, or a righteous and a chaste wife. If one sees a mosque burning in a dream, it means death, losses and political changes in the country. The main mosque of the town also represents the pious people dwelling therein, the men of knowledge, the wise men, devotion, or a hermitage. Its niche represents the leader of the people (Imam). The caller to prayers (Muezzin) represents the judge or a gnostic from that town or country who calls people to the right path and whose call is harkened to by the believer. The doors of a mosque in a dream represent the trustees and guards who shelter people from outside attacks. If one sees any of that in a dream, or whatever condition these elements are in, they represent the current condition of the people, and this is what the central mosque represents in one’s dream. If one sees grass growing inside a mosque in a dream, then it means a wedding. (Also see Imam | Ka’aba | Masjid | Minaret | Minbar | Muezzin)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Labor pangs | Labor throes | Quake | Shaking | Shock) A tremor in a dream represents plants blooming, grass growing, vegetations sprouting, the blossoming of garden flowers, and the ripening of fruits. If a pregnant woman sees an earth tremor in her dream, it represents labor throes. (Also see Earthquake | Shock | Tremble)…

Watering hose

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Water) A watering hose in a dream means rain, or watering the grass or the garden plants. A watering hose in a dream also represents positive developments in one’s life, or it could mean correcting oneself, becoming more vigilant, having less need for excessive sleep, or it could mean overcoming one’s adversities….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, weeds represent someone who is loved by his family, though they do not benefit from him. He differs with those close to him and draws himself closer to those who envy him. He lives distant from his true friends, but close to his enemies. (Also see Grass | Unwanted)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cage | Dwellings) In a dream, one’s house holds different meanings. One of them is the wife. If one sees himself entering his house in a dream, it means that he will get married, or have sexual intercourse with his wife. Building one’s own house in a dream means that a sick person will recover from his illness. If such construction is hard and if it is customary in that family to bury its dead within the compound of the same property, then it means the death of a sick person in the family. If no one is sick in that house and the construction is accompanied with music and celebrations in the dream, then it means adver- sities, trials and hardships. If under such circumstance the person in the dream is unmarried, it means marriage, and if he is married, it means that he will marry off one of his daughters. If one sees himself tied up and imprisoned inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity. If one sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife. If one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down. If the house has no roof, whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household. A house without lights in a dream represents a woman of evil character, and if a woman sees that house in her dream, then it represents a man of evil character. Demolishing one’s house in a dream means a fight within that family. If one sees grass growing inside his house in a dream, it means a wedding. (Also see Cage | Dwellings | Glass house)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Intoxicating drug and a wild grass obtained from the hemp plant. In a dream, marijuana means contemptible earnings, a sickness, and a miserable life. (Also see Intoxicants)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…Eyes in a dream represent one’s religion or wealth. If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. One’s eyes in a dream also represent his faith and the road to victory in this life and in the next. One’s eyes in a dream also could represent his guidance or his heedlessness. Having many eyes throughout one’s body in a dream represents one’s piety, vigilance and excellence of character. If one sees the eyes of his heart in a dream, it means that he sees with the light of clarity. If one sees a man looking at him with a side glance in a dream, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, mistrust, disapproval, suspicion and disdain at the hand of such a man. If such a man opens his eyes and looks at him straight forward in the dream, it means that he will help him in his business or support his interests. If one’s eyes turn into iron in a dream, it means distress, a scandal or serious suffering from one’s community. If one sees himself looking at women in his dream, it means that he commits adultery with his eyes by looking and desiring what is unlawful. If one looks at someone’s eyes in a dream and likes them, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, religious corruption or jealousy. If one sees himself having an extra eye inside his body in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. If one sees himself having an extra eye over his shoulder in a dream, it means that he will be named to receive money in absentia. If one sees his eyes transfixed in a dream, it means that he looks suspiciously at a relative or someone else’s wife. Black eyes in a dream represent a religious person. A bluish-black eyes in a dream denote opposing one’s religion. Blue eyes in a dream mean religious innovations. Green eyes in a dream mean a religion which is different from all religions. Sharp sight in a dream means blessings, while weak sight means joblessness and living from the generosity of others. If a father sees weakness in his sight in a dream, it means that a sickness will inflict his children. If one loses his eyes in a dream, it means the death of his children. If a poor person or a prisoner sees that in a dream, it means that he will never become free again, or see any light for the rest of his life. If an oppressed person sees weakness in his eyes in a dream, it means that someone will help him overcome his adversities. If a traveller sees that dream, it means that he will never return to his homeland. If one sees that his eyes belong to an unknown person in a dream, it means that he will become blind. If he recognizes that person in the dream, it means that he will be married to his daughter. If one’s eyes fall into his lap in a dream, it means the death of his brother or son. The eyes of a human being in a dream also represent his beloved, his son or his faith. Any defect in them in the dream may reflect in such people. Having one hundred eyes in a dream means money. The eyes of a ruler represent his spies. Eyes in a dream also represent a controller, a man or a spring. Treating one’s eyes with medicinal ointment in a dream means correcting one’s religious life or begetting a son who will become the jewel light of his father’s eyes or if one’s brother is exiled or deported from his homeland, it means that he will solicit him and entrust him with duties toward his family. If one sees his sight better than what people think in the dream, it means that his inner character is better than what people think, or if he sees his sight weakened though people do not know about it in the dream, it means that he keeps his faith to himself. If one’s eyes become white in a dream, they represent sorrow, or loss of a beloved. If one sees his eyes white, and if the white veil is lifted in the dream, it means that he will be reunited with his beloved and his distress will be dispelled. The right eye in a dream represents one’s son and the left eye represents one’s daughter. If a father sees one of his eyes being transposed to mix with the other eye in a dream, and if he has a son and a daughter, he should separate their bedrooms. Eating someone’s eye in a dream means steeling his money. Seeing one’s eyes without eyelashes in a dream means defying God’s laws. If one unplugs his eyelashes in a dream, it means that he will expose himself to his enemy. Seeing beautiful eyes in a dream could denote, sorcery, black magic, life or death. Eyes in a dream also represent one’s family, relatives, children or workers. Eyes in a dream also signify mourning someone or they could denote a sickness. Smearing one’s eyes in a dream means calamities, sufferings and punishment for one’s sins. To guard one’s eyes from looking at what is unlawful in a dream means heeding God’s commands. (Also see Body 1 )…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of this little flower starring the grass at your feet, is an omen of joys laden with comfort and peace….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a floor cleaner represents someone who investigates people’s conditions and likes to help them. Cleaning throughout a farmland in a dream means seeking the company of righteous people. Cleaning through a vineyard in a dream means investigating the living condition of a woman. Cleaning a tree in a dream means investigating the living conditions of religious people. Sweeping a street in a dream means travelling an equal distance to such a street. If one sees himself cleaning the road to Mecca in a dream, it means that he will perform a pilgrimage. Cleaning through a grass field without knowing the owner in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Cleaning the floors of someone’s house in a dream means finding how he is doing. (Also see Sweeping the floor | Washer | Washing)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of sliding, portends disappointments in affairs, and sweethearts will break vows. To slide down a hillside covered with green grass, foretells that you will be deceived into ruin by flattering promises….