
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing turkeys, signifies abundant gain in business, and favorable crops to the farmer. To see them dressed for the market, denotes improvement in your affairs. To see them sick, or dead, foretells that stringent circumstances will cause your pride to suffer. Dreaming you eat turkey, foretells some joyful occasion approaching. To see them flying, denotes a rapid transit from obscurity to prominence. To shoot them as game, is a sign that you will unscrupulously amass wealth….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a donkey braying in your face, denotes that you are about to be publicly insulted by a lewd and unscrupulous person. To hear the distant braying filling space with melancholy, you will receive wealth and release from unpleasant bonds by the death of some person close to you. If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and make many explorations into places difficult of passage. To see others riding donkeys, denotes a meagre inheritance for them and a toiling life. Dreaming of seeing many of the old patriarchs traveling on donkeys, shows that the influence of Christians will be thrown against you in your selfish wantonness, causing you to ponder over the rights and duties of man to man. To drive a donkey, signifies that all your energies and pluck will be brought into play against a desperate effort on the part of enemies to overthrow you. If you are in love, evil women will cause you trouble. If you are kicked by this little animal, it shows that you are carrying on illicit connections, from which you will suffer much anxiety from fear of betrayal. If you lead one by a halter, you will be master of every situation, and lead women into your way of seeing things by flattery. To see children riding and driving donkeys, signifies health and obedience for them. To fall or be thrown from one, denotes ill luck and disappointment in secular affairs. Lovers will quarrel and separate. To see one dead, denotes satiated appetites, resulting from licentious excesses. Dreaming of drinking the milk of a donkey, denotes that whimsical desires will be gratified, even to the displacement of important duties. If you see in your dreams a strange donkey among your stock, or on your premises, you will inherit some valuable effects. Dreaming of coming into the possession of a donkey by present, or buying, you will attain to enviable heights in the business or social world, and if single, will contract a congenial marriage. Dreaming of a white donkey, denotes an assured and lasting fortune, which will enable you to pursue the pleasures or studies that lie nearest your heart. For a woman, it signals entrance into that society for which she has long entertained the most ardent desire. Woman has in her composition those qualities, docility and stubbornness, which tallies with the same qualities in the donkey | both being supplied from the same storehouse, mother Nature | and consequently, they would naturally maintain an affinity, and the ugliest phase of the donkey in her dreams are nothing but woman’s nature being sounded for her warning, or vice versa when pleasure is just before her….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see one soaring above you, denotes lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires. To see one perched on distant heights, denotes that you will possess fame, wealth and the highest position attainable in your country. To see young eagles in their eyrie, signifies your association with people of high standing, and that you will profit from wise counsel from them. You will in time come into a rich legacy. Dreaming that you kill an eagle, portends that no obstacles whatever would be allowed to stand before you and the utmost heights of your ambition. You will overcome your enemies and be possessed of untold wealth. Eating the flesh of one, denotes the possession of a powerful will that would not turn aside in ambitious struggles even for death. You will come immediately into rich possessions. To see a dead eagle killed by others than yourself, signifies high rank and fortune will be wrested from you ruthlessly. To ride on an eagle’s back, denotes that you will make a long voyage into almost unexplored countries in your search for knowledge and wealth which you will eventually gain….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Cocoanuts in dreams, warns you of fatalities in your expectations, as sly enemies are encroaching upon your rights in the guise of ardent friends. Dead cocoanut trees are a sign of loss and sorrow. The death of some one near you may follow….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of decorating a place with bright-hued flowers for some festive occasion, is significant of favorable turns in business, and, to the young, of continued rounds of social pleasures and fruitful study. To see the graves or caskets of the dead decorated with white flowers, is unfavorable to pleasure and worldly pursuits. To be decorating, or see others decorate for some heroic action, foretells that you will be worthy, but that few will recognize your ability….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream, signifying great honor and recognition from high places. For a young woman Dreaming of her lover presenting her with diamonds, foreshows that she will make a great and honorable marriage, which will fill her people with honest pride | but to lose diamonds, and not find them again, is the most unlucky of dreams, foretelling disgrace, want and death. For a sporting woman Dreaming of diamonds, foretells for her many prosperous days and magnificent presents. For a speculator, it denotes prosperous transactions. Dreaming of owning diamonds, portends the same for sporting men or women. Diamonds are omens of good luck, unless stolen from the bodies of dead persons, when they foretell that your own unfaithfulness will be discovered by your friends….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of being on docks, denotes that you are about to make an unpropitious journey. Accidents will threaten you. If you are there, wandering alone, and darkness overtakes you, you will meet with deadly enemies, but if the sun be shining, you will escape threatening dangers….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you are annoyed by the quacking of geese, denotes a death in your family. To see them swimming, denotes that your fortune is gradually increasing. To see them in grassy places, denotes assured success. If you see them dead, you will suffer loss and displeasure. For a lover, geese denotes the worthiness of his affianced. If you are picking them, you will come into an estate. To eat them, denotes that your possessions are disputed….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of gulls, is a prophecy of peaceful dealings with ungenerous persons. Seeing dead gulls, means wide separation for friends….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you see a hare escaping from you in a dream, you will lose something valuable in a mysterious way. If you capture one, you will be the victor in a contest. If you make pets of them, you will have an orderly but unintelligent companion. A dead hare, betokens death to some friend. Existence will be a prosy affair. To see hares chased by dogs, denotes trouble and contentions among your friends, and you will concern yourself to bring about friendly relations. If you dream that you shoot a hare, you will be forced to use violent measures to maintain your rightful possessions. See Rabbit….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a hawk, foretells you will be cheated in some way by intriguing persons. To shoot one, foretells you will surmount obstacles after many struggles. For a young woman to frighten hawks away from her chickens, signifies she will obtain her most extravagant desires through diligent attention to her affairs. It also denotes that enemies are near you, and they are ready to take advantage of your slightest mistakes. If you succeed in scaring it away before your fowls are injured, you will be lucky in your business. To see a dead hawk, signifies that your enemies will be vanquished. Dreaming of shooting at a hawk, you will have a contest with enemies, and will probably win….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of goldfish, is a prognostic of many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of a wealthy union with a pleasing man. If the fish are sick or dead, heavy disappointments will fall upon her….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see bright coals of fire, denotes pleasure and many pleasant changes. Dreaming you handle them yourself, denotes unmitigated joy. To see dead coals implies trouble and disappointments….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing flowers blooming in gardens, signifies pleasure and gain, if bright-hued and fresh | white denotes sadness. Withered and dead flowers, signify disappointments and gloomy situations. For a young woman to receive a bouquet of mixed flowers, foretells that she will have many admirers. To see flowers blooming in barren soil without vestage of foliage, foretells you will have some grievous experience, but your energy and cheerfulness will enable you to climb through these to prominence and happiness. {Held in slumber’s soft embrace, She enters realms of flowery grace, Where tender love and fond caress, Bids her awake to happiness.} See Bouquet….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Detergent | Discards | Filth | Loan | Tithe) Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin. If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. If one donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person. If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in a dream, it means that she will repent of her sin. If he gives a charity to a thief in a dream, it means that the thief will cease his profession. Charity in a dream also could mean suppressing the envy or spite of one’s rivals or subdue the jealousy of one’s enemy, averting his dislikes, or suppressing evil in general. If an angry person sees himself secretly distributing charity in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sin of anger. Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge. If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and if he complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. If he is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teache them his trade. If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft. If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one’s fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating God’s praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good. To spend money on God’s path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness. (Also see Alms tax | Endowment | Good deeds | Loan)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy. To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures. To see one empty, proclaims the near approach of deadly enemies. For a young woman to fall into a clear pond, omens decided good fortune and reciprocal love. If muddy, the opposite is foretold….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

This is an unfortunate dream. Females may lose the respect of honorable and virtuous people. Deadly enemies are at work to defame character. Sweethearts will wrong each other….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you see your uncle in a dream, you will have news of a sad character soon. Dreaming you see your uncle prostrated in mind, and repeatedly have this dream, you will have trouble with your relations which will result in estrangement, at least for a time. To see your uncle dead, denotes that you have formidable enemies. To have a misunderstanding with your uncle, denotes that your family relations will be unpleasant, and illness will be continually present….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, bragging represents a tyrant, an unjust person, or an aggressor. If the person seen in a dream is already dead, it is a warning for his family. It also means failure to satisfy one’s religious obligations. If the person noted in the dream is sick, then it means that he may be nearing his death. If he is healthy, then bragging while yawning in a dream means affliction with an illness. (Also see Boast)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees himself being buried after his death in a dream, it means that he will undertake a long journey during which he will be short of money. If one sees himself being buried alive and if he recognizes the one burying him in the dream, it means that the latter will assault him, oppress him, imprison him or cause him injustice. If he dies in his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he may die from such sufferings. Should he survive such adversities in the dream, it means that he will escape from such fear, prison or injustice. If he sees the other person driving him to the edge of his grave in a dream, it means that he will lead him to his death, though his name will be praised after his death. If the other person places him inside a coffin in a dream, it means that he will move to a new home. If the other person fills the grave with dirt on top of him in the dream, it means that he will be piled with money equal to the amount he is being buried under in the dream. It is said that to be buried alive in a dream means losing one’s spirituality or religious commitment, unless one comes out of it alive. If one walks out of his grave covered with dirt, then shakes off the dust in the dream, it means that his state is hopeless or that his repentance has little chance to hold. To be buried alive in a dream means imprisonment or despise by others, or a severe punishment which makes one’s chastisement an exemplary lesson to others, If a gnostic or a wise man is seen buried alive inside his own house, or if he is brought out of it alive in a dream, it means that one will inherit him in knowledge, wisdom and status. The same interpretation is given if one sees a prophet or a holy man walking out of his grave alive. To be buried after death, after sunrise, at noon or at the sunset hour in a dream means that one is being warned about doing what is good and abstaining from what is evil. To be buried alive in a dream is wrong and means betrayal. It could also mean marriage, prosperity or peace and tranquility after suffering and hard- ships. If one sees a deceased person burying him alive in a dream, it means that one’s due debts are not payed, or that one will be imprisoned to satisfy his debts, or that his collateral was not accepted. To bury a dead person twice means that one is covering his faults. If one sees a deceased person burying another deceased person in a dream, it means unity, clearing of the hearts, love and friendship between relatives, or perhaps it could mean imprisonment, marriage, a sickness, a trust, or guaranteeing a loan. Seeing oneself being buried after death in a dream means that one needs to repent before death. Should he still walk alive from his burial in the dream, it means that he may repent again. God knows best. (Also see Cemetery | Grave)…

Arched bridge

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bridge | Stone bridge | Viaduct) An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream represents suspicious matters or mundane questions or worldly vs. ungodly concerns. An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream also could represents one’s wife, or it could mean dispelling of one’s worries or trouble. Driving over an arched bridge or through a viaduct in a dream means riding a vehicle. An arched bridge or a stone bridge in a dream also signifies richness, luxury, longevity, a sickness, renouncing one’s allegiance, or it could mean breaking a promise. An arched bridge in a dream also could represent a middle man, a wise man, or a ruler, except if the bridge leads to a loathsome place, or to a dead end. Crossing an arched bridge that leads to the palace of a ruler in a dream means receiving money, or it could mean getting married to a noble person. An unknown bridge in a dream represents the world and particularly if it connects the city with the cemetery. It also could represent a ship, or the Bridge of the Day of Judgement, for it is the last hurdle before reaching paradise. If one crosses an arched bridge in his dream, then it means that he will cross the abode of this world into the abode of the hereafter and particularly if one meets departed souls from the world or enters unknown places or sees uncommon structures, or if a bird carries him by air, or if a beast swallows him, or if he falls into a ditch or flies into the heavens in his dream, all of which also means recovering from an illness or undertaking a long journey, or it could mean returning home from a long journey. If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money, benefits and prosperity. If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites. (Also see Bridge)…


Indian (Hindu), Hinduism Sivananda Saraswati

Father loves you. If the father is dead, it shows a sign of affliction….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of vultures, signifies that some scheming person is bent on injuring you, and will not succeed unless you see the vulture wounded, or dead. For a woman Dreaming of a vulture, signifies that she will be overwhelmed with slander and gossip….

Yellow Bird

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a yellow bird flitting about in your dreams, foretells that some great event will cast a sickening fear of the future around you. To see it sick or dead, foretells that you will suffer for another’s wild folly….

Yew Tree

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a yew tree, is a forerunner of illness and disappointment. If a young woman sits under one, she will have many fears to rend her over her fortune and the faithfulness of her lover. If she sees her lover standing by one, she may expect to hear of his illness, or misfortune. To admire one, she will estrange herself from her relatives by a mesalliance. To visit a yew tree and find it dead and stripped of its foliage, predicts a sad death in your family. Property will not console for this loss….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dreaming that you are attacked or assaulted by a bear it signifies rampancy, shattering barriers and competition. There is a possibility that you will feel distracted and might not know which direction you should go. The bears could also represent endless round between life and death. Do not worry, as nothing bad is going to happen, only you might feel one of the following characteristics: dead, alive or reborn-ed. The dream could also represent the research you are doing with your inner-self. Consider that the dream could also represent your soul and unexpressed or hidden thoughts. The dream wants you to open up and let it all away. If you dream of a polar bear it symbolizes the revival. Perhaps you will start to see things completely different way, everything will appear in different colors. These changes might affect not only your thinking, but the actions as well. If you would like to find out more about your dream, please look for the meanings of dream about Polar bear….


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

If you dream of a beaver that is building a dam, it denotes to hard work that must be done if you want to reach your targets. The beaver represents someone who is very hard working, no matter what the circumstances are. There might be unpleasant conditions, unfriendly people you have to do business with, but remember, that no matter how dissimilar you are, there always must be solution if you want to complete the target. The patience is the most important thing that has to dominate in your life. If the beaver is dead: the accusation is not avoidable for your own behaviour….

Day of Reckoning

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Accountability | Intercession | Reckoning | Resurrection | Rising of the dead)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death | in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the subjective mind, taking the sound of your ancestor’s voice from coming in contact with that part of your ancestor which remains with you. A certain portion of mind matter remains the same in lines of family descent….