
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Alopecia | Baldheadedness | Balding | Hairless) In a dream, baldness means loss of job or falling in rank. If one sees himself bald-headed in a dream, it means that his superior will lose money in business to the authorities or by a fire that will eat up his property. It also can be interpreted as becoming needy, or if he is indebted, it means that he will pay off his loan. If one sees his hair thinned until it reaches baldness in a dream, it means that he may lose his wealth or perhaps it could mean losing face with the people. If one sees himself sitting with a bald-headed woman in a dream, it means that he is engaging in a project that is tainted with suspicion, or it could mean that he will become a victim to temptation. Seeing a baldheaded woman in a dream also signifies drought and scarcity. In a dream, baldheadedness also means money that is received from one’s superior at work and requires tremendous efforts to earn. Such earnings will costs more than what they are worth….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Stinginess, avariciousness , love to hoard things and to never share with others in a dream means finding a cure for one’s disease. Avarice in a dream also means hypocrisy associated with acts that lead to hell-fire. Avarice in a dream also means blame and criticism. If one sees himself repugnantly spending his money in a dream, it means his death. Avariciousness in a dream also means falling into sin….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of looking at a thermometer, denotes unsatisfactory business, and disagreements in the home. To see a broken one, foreshadows illness. If the mercury seems to be falling, your affairs will assume a distressing shape. If it is rising, you will be able to throw off bad conditions in your business….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness, or disquieting people. If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings. If the doctor pulls your tooth, you will have desperate illness, if not fatal | it will be lingering. To have them filled, you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness. To clean or wash your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune. Dreaming that you are having a set of teeth made, denotes that severe crosses will fall upon you, and you will strive to throw them aside. If you lose your teeth, you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs. Dreaming that you have your teeth knocked out, denotes sudden misfortune. Either your business will suffer, or deaths or accidents will come close to you. To examine your teeth, warns you to be careful of your affairs, as enemies are lurking near you. If they appear decayed and snaggled, your business or health will suffer from intense strains. Dreaming of spitting out teeth, portends personal sickness, or sickness in your immediate family. Imperfect teeth is one of the worst dreams. It is full of mishaps for the dreamer. A loss of estates, failure of persons to carry out their plans and desires, bad health, depressed conditions of the nervous system for even healthy persons. For one tooth to fall out, foretells disagreeable news | if two, it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged into from no carelessness on his part. If three fall out, sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow. Seeing all the teeth drop out, death and famine usually will prevail. If the teeth are decayed and you pull them out, the same, only yourself, is prominent in the case. Dreaming of tartar or any deposit falling off of the teeth and leaving them sound and white, is a sign of temporary indisposition, which will pass, leaving you wiser in regard to conduct, and you will find enjoyment in the discharge of duty. To admire your teeth for their whiteness and beauty, foretells that pleasant occupations and much happiness will be experienced through the fulfilment of wishes. Dreaming that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery, denotes that you are about to enter into some engagement which does not exactly please you, and which you decide to ignore, but will later take it up and secretly prosecute it to your own disquieting satisfaction and under the suspicion of friends. Dreaming that a dentist cleans your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find them rusty, foretells you will believe your interest secure concerning some person or position, but you will find that they have succumbed to the blandishments of an artful man or woman….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of looking upon clear, shining stars, foretells good health and prosperity. If they are dull or red, there is trouble and misfortune ahead. To see a shooting or falling star, denotes sadness and grief. To see stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously, there will be some strange changes and happenings in your near future. If you dream that a star falls on you, there will be a bereavement in your family. To see them rolling around on the earth, is a sign of formidable danger and trying times….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

A wail falling upon your ear while in the midst of a dream, brings fearful news of disaster and woe. For a young woman to hear a wail, foretells that she will be deserted and left alone in distress, and perchance disgrace. See Weeping….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash away impurities. Taking ablution inside a tunnel, or taking a complete ritual bath in a dream means recovering a stolen object. Taking one’s ablution and engaging in prayers in a dream means relief from distress and offering thanks to God Almighty for His protection and guidance. If a merchant sees himself praying without ablution in a dream, it means that he has entered into a business venture without capital. If a worker sees that dream, it means that he has no home to shelter him. If a ruler sees that dream, it means that he has no soldiers to protect him. If a sick person sees himself taking ablution while in bed in a dream, it means separation from his wife or a close friend. Taking ablution inside one’s house in a dream means that one will move to a new house. Taking ablution in the street or the marketplace in public or in a bathhouse in a dream means a scandal, loss and a curse. Taking ablution at the seashore or in a proper ablution area in a dream means dispelling one’s fear, sorrow or distress. Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him. Seeing a friend taking his ablution over one’s head in a dream means suffering harm or a scandal that will be caused by such a friend. Taking ablution in a dream also means dispelling fears, recovering from an illness, paying one’s debts or repenting from sin. Taking ablution with hot water in a dream means falling sick. Wanting to take ablution and failing to find the proper means to perform it in a dream means failure of a project or facing adversities. (Also see Tayammum | Enacting | Prayers | Ritual bath)…

Ascending in the skies

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Climbing | Rising) To see oneself ascending in the skies in a dream means falling in rank, or it could mean oppressing oneself. If one sees himself ascending in the skies until he reaches the stars, merges with them and if he becomes a star in the dream, it means that he will receive titles and powers. If one sees himself ascending a mountain it means depression, stress and travels. However, rising in a dream means elevation of status, and descending means a backslide. If one sees himself walking up a steep road in a dream, it means rising in status, but involving toiling and hardships. If one sees himself climbing a mountain, then the mountain in a dream is interpreted as one’s goal. Thus, one’s dream may mean attaining one’s goal as far as he reaches in his climb. In dream interpretation, any ascent of a mountain, a trail, a hill, an elevation or even climbing a roof means attaining one’s goal or satisfying one’s needs. To see oneself climbing flat on his back in a dream then means uncalled for, or unnecessary hardship. (Also see Air | Ascent | Climbing a mountain | Flying)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Celestial beings | Heavenly beings) If one sees the heavenly angels (arb. Mala’ika) coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with patience, through which he will attain success in this life and in the hereafter. If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized. If one sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory. If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive God’s utmost blessings. If one feels scared of the angels in his dream, it means that a fight, an argument or awesome trials will befall that locality. In general, to see the angels descending from the heavens to the earth in a dream means enfeeblement of those who have doubt, and strength for those who have faith and certitude. If one sees the angels prostrating to him in a dream, it means that all his needs will be satisfied and he will be endowed with good conduct, good behavior and a blessed fame. If one sees them looking like women in the dream, it means that he lies before God Almighty. If a pious person sees an angel telling him in a dream – “Read God’s Book.” It means that one will attain happiness in his life. If an impious person sees an angel in a dream telling him – “Read your own records.” It means that he may go astray. If one sees the angels giving him glad tidings and congratulating him in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son who will grow to be righteous and an example to be followed. If one sees a gathering of angels in a town in his dream, it means that a pious man, or an ascetic, or a great scholar will die in that locality. If one sees himself looking at the angels in the skies in a dream, it means that he may suffer the loss of a son or his wealth. Seeing the celestial angels {arb. Ruhaniyyeen) in a dream means gaining honor, dignity, blessings in one’s life, profits and a good fame, developing spiritual inner insight, or becoming a business manager. Near the end of one’s life, one who sees such a dream also will suffer from people’s slander and backbiting. He will also lose his good reputation to people’s envy and evil qualities and he will live in tight financial conditions. If one becomes an angel in a dream, it means that he will receive honor, power, overcome his adversities, dispel his distress and win his freedom, or it could mean that he will rise in station. If one sees the angels greeting him and shaking hands with him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will endow him with wisdom, clarity and insight. Angels in a dream also represent one’s closest witnesses, guardians, police officers or the emissar- ies of a ruler. Wrestling with an angel in a dream means loss of status. Wrestling with an angel in a dream also means suffering from distress, trouble, humiliation and falling in rank. Seeing angels entering one’s house in a dream means that a thief will burglarize such a house. If angels disarm someone in a dream, it means that he will lose his wealth and strength, or that he may divorce his wife. If angels offer the person a tray of fruits in the dream, it means that he will depart from this world as a martyr. If angels curse someone in a dream, it means that he has little care for his religion. If one sees a gathering of heavenly angels together with the angels of hell-fire in a dream, it means enmity and divisiveness. If a sick person sees himself struggling with an angel in a dream, it is a sign of his death . If one sees an angel taking the form of a child in a dream, it represents one’s future. If he sees an angel as a youth, the youth then represents the present time and whatever events that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how to recite his final rites in a dream, it means glad tidings and attainment of what his heart desires, a guarantee of his safety, happiness, joy and of having a blessed and a good heart. If he sees them angry with him or beating him or subduing and taming him in a dream, it means that he may revert to sin, earn the displeasure of his parents, disdain from complying with God’s commands, or he could even come to deny the necessity of God’s religion. Such angels in a dream also represent the emissaries of a governor or his deputies. If a dying person is told in the dream that no angels have come to see him, then it is a testimony of his good character and piety, or it could mean payment of one’s debts or recovering from an illness. Angels in a dream also could represent scholars, gnostics or translators who understand people’s languages and speak in many tongues. As for Munkar and Nakir, the angels who come to one’s grave upon his burial to question him, seeing them in a dream means prosperity for a poor person, and finding work for a jobless person. (Also see Castration)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Corridor | Hallway | Lane | Long narrow lane) Entering a lane in a dream means falling under suspicion and particularly if it has curves. A lane in a dream also means breaking one’s oath or mixing and confusing values, or it could mean a road, a method of operating a business, or the techniques used by a craftsman in his trade. (Also see Lane | Road)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bitch | Canine | Desire | Greyhound | Japanese spaniel | Pekingese | Lust | Puppy | Shepherds’ dog | Tyke) In a dream, a dog represents an insolent man who dares to indulge in sinful actions. If he barks in the dream, it means that such a man is impudent and has a repulsive and an abominable character. A dog bite or his scratch in a dream means harm caused by one’s enemy and its effects will depend on the amount of pain one suffers in the dream. It could also mean falling sick or suffering from great affliction or harm caused by a close companion or a servant. If a dog tears off one’s clothing in a dream, it means that a vile person is slandering and backbiting him. If one does not hear the barking of the dog in the dream, it signifies that one’s enemy has left him inflected with a small loss. A dog in a dream also could represent a vile and an insolent woman who belong to a group of evildoing people and who are persistent in their enmity. A puppy in a dream represents a loved child. If it is a white puppy in the dream, it means that such a son will grow to be a believer. If it is a black puppy in the dream, it means that he will grow to govern the household and to presides over its people. A puppy in a dream also represents a child of adultery, a foundling who is left in the street, wrapped in a swaddle and who is brought home by an insolent person to rear him. A shepherd’s dog in a dream represents profits and benefits. A pet dog in a dream represents an astringent and a bitter enemy. Seeing a greyhound in a dream means gaining authority, control and wealth. A greyhound in a dream also represents the backbone of an army general or his best helper or it could represent a good strategist, though he lacks principals and moral integrity. A Japanese spaniel or a Pekingese in a dream signifies mixing with, or doing business with a foreign counterpart. Bringing-up a dog for companion- ship in a dream means befriending a servant for whom one has great love and affection. Hunting with a dog in a dream means satisfying one’s lust or desire. Killing a dog in a dream signifies vanquishing one’s enemy. Seeing an expedition of hounds leaving a town for a chase or a hunt in a dream means blessings and prosperity for everyone, or it could mean taking action. Seeing the expedition of hounds returning from a hunt or a chase in a dream means dispelling people’s fears, or it could mean lack of work. If one sees such expedition entering a town in his dream, it also means a high rate of unemployment. Seeing a sick house dog in a dream means illness and financial losses or loss of appetite or losing the pleasure of living. A barking bitch in a dream signifies harm and deceit which is caused by abominable people. A dog in a dream also means suffering from extremely high fever and in relation to Dog star or the stars Procyon and Sirius of the constellations Canis Minor and Canis Major. In a dream, all breeds of dogs represent lowly, obsequious and despicable people. Seeing dogs that are reared for bantering or dallying with in a dream signify fun and enjoying one’s life. In the dream, anything that happens to such a breed of dogs means suffering from distress, sorrow or loss of one’s pleasure of living. If one is transformed into a dog in a dream, it means that God Almighty has taught him great knowledge which he abused and discarded, then God Almighty stripped him from such a knowledge. A dog in a dream also represents a police informer or a police dog. A dog in a dream also represents a weak enemy or a niggardly person. If a dog barks at someone in a dream, it means that one will hear something he despises or hates to make public from someone who lacks any sense of honor or virtue. Eating a dog’s meat in a dream means cracking down at one’s enemy. A dog in a dream also represents a guard or an innovator. Drinking dog’s milk in a dream means a scare. Laying one’s head on a dog or relaxing with a dog or using the dog for a pillow in a dream, the dogthen represents a friend or a good companion. A dog in a dream also represents a street boy, a beggar or an obsequious, lowly and a despicable person who maintains affection toward his master and jealously guards him, his children and property. A dog in a dream also means greed, love for the worldly pleasures, committing a dogfight to win them and failingto have any reserve or savings. In a dream, all types of dogs also represent people. A hunting dog in a dream represents honor and profits. A shepherd’s dog represents a good neighbor who cares more about his neighbors than about his own household. Adopting a dog as a pet in a dream means wavering, or paying financial damages, or it could mean unemployment. Taking a dog for a companion on a journey in a dream means disappearing. A dog in a dream also means disbelief, ingratitude or losing hope, belying, fear, imprisonment, or becoming a fugitive. Seeing a dog in a city in a dream also means renewal of one’s business contract….