
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cage | Digging a grave | Duel | Golden cage | Pearl | Sanctuary | Silver cage) Marriage in a dream represents the providence of God Almighty and care for His servants. Marriage in a dream also means imprisonment, indebtedness, sorrow, distress, depression, carrying a liability, or endeavoring to achieve a high ranking position. If one marries a known woman in his dream, it means that he will endeavor to satisfy the normal responsibilities of a husband. If one marries an unknown woman, and if he could not see her in his dream, it denotes the nearing of his death, or it could mean moving from an old house into a new one. If a sick woman sees herself getting married to a man she does not recognize or know his name in a dream, it means that she may die from her illness. If the man who sees himself getting married in the dream qualifies, it means that he will attain a high ranking job or a suitable position. If one’s wedding ceremony is made with witnesses only in the dream, it means that he has made a covenant with God Almighty. If he performs a traditional wedding ceremony with its celebrations and festivities in the dream, it means a new job, or it could mean acquiring fame, or becoming renowned for one’s good reputation or character. Marriage in a dream is also interpreted in association with a trade. If one marries a woman who dies shortly after her wedding in the dream, it means that he will perform a job that earns him nothing but hard labor, toiling and stress. If one marries an adulteress in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer. If one marries a vicious, aggressive or a dominating wife in a dream, it means that his movements will be hampered with various restrictions. If one marries a deceased woman in a dream, it means that he will revive a profitable project he had earlier abandoned. If a man offers his mother in marriage to one of his friends in a dream, it means that he will sell his house. If a pregnant woman sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl. If she sees herself in her wedding night in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a mother who has a son sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will marry off her son. In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of an unwed woman in a dream means benefits. If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it means that she will become lost and impoverished. If a married man sees himself getting married to a second woman in a dream, it means profits. To marry the daughter of a known man of knowledge in a dream means prosperity. If a sick woman marries a man of knowledge in her dream, it means recovering from her illness. If a man sees himself marrying a living relative who is in a degree of consanguinity that precludes such a marriage in a dream, it means that he will sever his ties with such a relative, or with her family. Otherwise, if that relative is already dead, it means that he will contact her immediate relatives and establish a friendly relationship with them. (Also see Cage | Duel | Sanctuary | Wife | Yoke)…

Marriage bond

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

To rescind one’s bond of marriage in a dream means either death or dismissal from work. To revoke the bond of marriage in a dream also may mean selling a product for a term, requiring its return, or it may mean apostasy. (Also see Marriage | Yoke)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

For a woman Dreaming that she marries an old, decrepit man, wrinkled face and gray headed, denotes she will have a vast amount of trouble and sickness to encounter. If, while the ceremony is in progress, her lover passes, wearing black and looking at her in a reproachful way, she will be driven to desperation by the coldness and lack of sympathy of a friend. Dreaming of seeing a marriage, denotes high enjoyment, if the wedding guests attend in pleasing colors and are happy | if they are dressed in black or other somber hues, there will be mourning and sorrow in store for the dreamer. If you dream of contracting a marriage, you will have unpleasant news from the absent. If you are an attendant at a wedding, you will experience much pleasure from the thoughtfulness of loved ones, and business affairs will be unusually promising. Dreaming of any unfortunate occurrence in connection with a marriage, foretells distress, sickness, or death in your family. For a young woman Dreaming that she is a bride, and unhappy or indifferent, foretells disappointments in love, and probably her own sickness. She should be careful of her conduct, as enemies are near her. See Bride….

Marriage for pleasure

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Morganatic marriage. See Explorer)…

Morganatic marriage

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Marriage for pleasure. See Explorer)…

Second Wife

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Polygamy)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Life | Rain | River | Vapor) Water in a dream represents a happy life, money, prosperity, expansion of one’s business, increase in one’s income, or it could mean marriage. If one sees the water pure and abundant in his dream, it means lowering of prices, peace and social justice. If one sees himself chewing on water in a dream, it means toiling and hardships related to earning his livelihood. Drinking a glass of water in a dream means protection against any danger from one’s enemy and it denotes a prosperous year for the one who drinks it in a dream. Drinking more water in a dream than what one usually drinks in wakefulness means longevity. If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. If one immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people for water to drink in a dream means lying to them by claiming to be needy. Stagnant water in a dream means imprisonment, distress, or depression. It is said that stagnant water in a dream has weaker meaning than running water. Bad smelling or putrid water in a dream represents a wretched life. Bitter water in a dream means a bitter life. Boiling water in a dream means suffering from heat. If boiling water is used during the daylight in a dream, it means suffering from chastisement, afflictions and punishment for one’s sins. If used during the nighttime in a dream, then it means fear of evil spirits. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. Murky waters in a dream represent unlawful earnings. Black colored water in a dream means destruction or family problems. Drinking black colored water in a dream also may mean blindness. Yellow water in a dream means an illness. Boiling water, blazing water, or oozing water in a dream means change of one’s status, or being deprived of God’s favors for lack of gratitude and for being a hindrance against those who do good. Drinking polluted seawater in a dream means turbulences, distress and sufferings that will be brought about by someone in authority. If seawater runs inside one’s dwelling place or business, and if one drinks from it in a dream, it means an illness. If everyone drinks from it in the dream, then it means a plague. Murky water in a dream denotes a tyrant. If a sick person bathes in murky water then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is facing adversities, it means that he will be able to overcome them. If he is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. Pure potable water in a dream means salvation. Saltwater in a dream means distress. If one sees murky water gushing froth from a water well in a dream, it means a bad marriage. Walking on water in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. This is particularly true if while walking one also speaks words of wisdom and piety. Otherwise, walking on water in a dream could mean ascertaining something that is not too clear. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous trip and trusting in God Almighty for protection and guidance. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous venture. If one walks back from the water to dry land in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his needs or desire. Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. If one falls into a river and if he is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick. If he drowns in a river in a dream, it means his death. Falling into water in a dream also could mean happiness, joy, or blessings. Observing the reflection of one’s face in the waters looking beautiful in a dream shows kindness toward one’s household and neighbors. Reaching a pond of clear water in a dream means speaking good words. Pouring water inside a bag in a dream means spending money to please a woman. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. Floods in a dream means distress, suffering and corruption, depending on their strength. If the water level of a dam or a river rises and inundates people’s homes and businesses and becomes a threat to people’s lives in a dream, it means discord and trials after which evil people will be eliminated from that place. If one sees water flowing over his own roof in a dream, it means a quick distress, or a permanent stress that will be brought by someone in authority. Sweet potable water in a dream represents lawful earnings, a good heart, knowledge, revival, recovering from a dangerous illness, a wife, a husband, or marriage. If one drinks a sweet and a refreshing glass of water from a permissible cup in a dream, it means that his marriage is proper. Otherwise, if the container from which one drinks in his dream is unlawful, it means that his marriage is illegal from a religious point of view. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves. If a thirsty person quenches his thirst with water in a dream, it means comfort, appeasement of one’s bewilderments, prosperity verses poverty, or reuniting one’s family. Bathing in fresh spring water in a dream means payment of one’s debts. If sweet and potable water becomes salty in a dream, it means apostasy, or straying from the path of God Almighty and meeting with insurmountable difficulties. Car- rying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Clear water in a dream also means recovering from trachoma. The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life. Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances. If unexpectedly one is showered with hot water in a dream, it means a fever, an illness or a scare from evil spirits, the intensity of which is relevant to how hot is the water. If one’s garment gets wet in a dream, it means changes in one’s travel plans, or it could mean delaying a project, or failure of one’s plans. If a poor person sees himself carrying a container of water in a dream, it means money. If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a child. Carrying water in a purse, socks, a cloth, or in any porous material in a dream means pride about one’s wealth, status, attainments, fame and living conditions. Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married. Bathing in cold water in a dream means repenting from sin, recovering from an illness, release from prison, payment of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s fears. Drawing water from a well in a dream means earning money through deception and fraud. Channeling irrigations to water a garden or a farm in a dream means earning money from a woman. If the trees of one’s garden or farm do blossom in the dream, it means conceiving a child from such a woman. Watering a garden or a farm in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with one’s wife. If pure water gushes forth from one’s mouth in a dream, it means that he is a gnostic and people will benefit from his knowledge, wisdom and admonition. If one is a young merchant, it means that he is a truthful person. Sweet water in a dream also represents the element of faith in God Almighty, while saltwater represents the element of atheism. In a dream, water also means wealth. Seeping water from a crack in a wall means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law. (Also see Distilled water | Earth | Ophthalmologist | River | Walking on water)…

Plural marriage

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Polygamy)…

Celestial spheres

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Constellations | Firmaments | Heavens) Seeing oneself at the first celestial sphere in a dream means associating with a tyrant or a liar or befriending a mail carrier. The second celestial sphere represents the scribes of a king. The third celestial sphere represents a marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. The fourth celestial sphere represents leadership, prosperity and reverence. The fifth celestial sphere represents marriage to a most beautiful woman. Travelling in its orbit together with its stars in that galaxy in a dream means travelling to meet a ruler, a warrior, a pious man, or a perfect man. The sixth celestial sphere represents knowledge, blessings and steadfastness. The seventh celestial sphere represents the inner circles of a ruler. The eight celestial sphere represents the company of a great ruler. The ninth celestial sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or the all-encompassing sphere in a dream means meeting the greatest ruler. Orbiting a celestial sphere or a galaxy or seeing them in a dream means rising in station and honor, attaining one’s goals, or increase in one’s power. If one sees the all-encompassing sphere in a dream, it means that he will meet the Almighty Lord, the Master of the universes, God Almighty Himself or become the intimate friend of the greatest ruler in the world. If one sees himself in a dream changing the order of stars, galaxies or constellations, it means being unjust or trying to obscure the truth. If a woman sees herself under the first celestial sphere in a dream, it means that she will marry someone from the ruling class. (Also see Constellations, Dog | Moon | Skies | Star)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Boat | Human being | Might | Mother | Prison | Star | Salvation | Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought. If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly. If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp. If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven. If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape from the danger of his enemies. If one who is dismissed from his work sees himself on a boat in a dream, it means that he will be rehired to occupy the same office and regain his authority, or that he may take a dangerous trip during which he may either die or escape from death. If one thinks that the ship does not befit his class or rank in the dream, it means that he will face danger. If one’s ship is drowning, and if another ship comes to its rescue in the dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger to fall into the hands of a strong person, or that he will escape from a danger, though should he disobey its captain and abandon the second ship in his dream, it means that he may disobey his leader and go astray. Recovering one’s ship from the deep in a dream means regaining power. If the ship in one’s dream is interpreted as power, it means that he will lose his power or authority. If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine if he is ill. If one’s ship drown, and if he sees himself floating in the water holding to a panel or debris from the ship in the dream, it means that he will face the wrath of someone in authority. If he is holding a leadership position, it means that he may lose it. If he is a merchant, it means that he may go bankrupt. If he still dies from his trial in the dream, it means that he may be killed, and his death will still be an escape from something he feared most. An empty ship in a dream means business profits. Seeing a passenger ship transporting people in a dream means safety. If the ship is floating still in the dream, it means imprisonment. To hold to the rope of a ship in a dream represents a religious person who joins the company a pious teacher. Even if one sees himself dropping the ropes, or lowering the anchor in his dream, it means that he will remain in the company of such a person. Riding a ship along with one’s family, relatives and friends in a dream means honor, prosperity and escape from one’s enemies. If one sees himself crossing the sea with a small boat in the dream, it represents a danger he will face. Seeing a ship floatingnicely in a dream means happiness. Standing on the shore and watching a ship in the sea in a dream means receiving glad tidings. If one sees the ship ascending in the skies in a dream, it represents slow coming benefits, and if the ship is descending from the sky, it denotes fast coming benefits. The beams of a ship represent religious men, faith, holding fast to one’s religion, or they could mean complications. The sails of a ship in a dream represent its captain. The crew represents servants. The rowing oars, the rudders, or the propellers in a dream represent the movement of the ship, or the children of its owner. The condition of a ship represents the state of the person seeing the dream or his living condition. If one rescues a drowned ship in a dream, it means that he will discover a treasure, or it could mean marriage if one is unwed, or a financial gift for one who works for a governor. If one sees himself as a ship ebbing and stretching as the tide fall in the sea, then if the sea calms in the dream, it means that he will receive a high ranking appointment, leadership, authority and honor. If one sees a ship floating over a sea of blood in a dream, it means adultery. If the ship sinks, and if some of its debris and boards remain afloat in the dream, it may mean the death of one’s mother, for one’s mother was once his ship. Buying a ship in a dream means gettingmarried. Carrying oars in a dream means knowledge. A flying ship in a dream means the death of its rider. A flying ship in a dream also may represent another type of vehicle, or it could mean a coffin or a funeral. If one dies inside a ship that has sunk in a dream, it means that he will be saved from suffering in the hereafter, and he will also escape from what he fears most in this world. If he finds a hole in the ship in his dream, it means that he may escape from drowning. A ship in a dream also represents a heavy built woman. In a dream, a ship also represents the Bridge of Judgement (Stirdt) that will be stretched on the Day of Resurrection for the creation to cross into the land of the Grand Gathering. A ship in a dream also represents salvation, avoiding ignorance, or overcoming temptation. If a sick person sees himself riding in the morgue of a ship with dead people in a dream, it means that he will escape from the trials of this world. If a healthy person who is seeking knowledge does so in a dream, it means that he may meet with a spiritual teacher to benefit from his knowledge and wisdom, and to escape from ignorance. If an indebted person does so in his dream, it means that he will repay his debts, while for a deprived person, he too will find plenitude and acquire wealth from unexpected sources. If one sees his ship sailingto the shore, then if it becomes amphibious, driving him on dry land in the dream, it means that he will waiver in his faith and deviate from the path of truth to follow innovations, hypocrisy and insolence. If he is not seeking knowledge, it means that he will divorce his wife, then proceed to live with her in sin. If he is a merchant, it means that his business will stagnate and he will seek unlawful methods to market his merchandise. In a dream, a ship also represents good deeds, righteous companions, associating with a wise man, a good fellowship, praiseworthy deeds, a handcraft, stagnation of one’s business, fear, hope, salvation, a mosque, a marketplace, one’s father, one’s mother, master, teacher, educator, wealth, a house, an adulteress, a vehicle, one’s wife, or his servant. A ship in a dream also represents a tavern in the sense that one enters it sober and leaves it light headed. A ship in a dream also represents the human form and its body represents his body. Its oars represent his hands. Its front represents his head. Its contents represent his brain. Its boards represent his ribs, and its ropes represent his veins, etcetera. If one sees a ship sitting on top of a mountain in a dream, it means safety, or escape from a danger, or protection from one’s enemy. If it sinks in the sea in the dream, it also means that he is one of the dwellers of hell-fire. If the ship turns into iron in the dream, it means longevity. Eating the wood of a ship in a dream means receiving a sizeable inheritance, or it could mean eating forbidden meat. If one sees a ship talking to him and soothing his understanding in a dream, it means that he will listen to the admonition of a wise man. Seeing Noah’s arc in a dream means happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relief from stress and worries, protection from drown- ing, marriage and a presiding position, or victory over one’s enemy. (Also see Boat | Helm)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Greeting someone in a dream means receiving benefits from him. If one greets an opponent in a dream, then it represents evil or war between them. If one sees an unknown old man greeting him in a dream, it means safety from the divine chastisement for one’s sins. If the old man is known to him, then it means prosperity. If one is a farmer, it means that he will buy seedlings of fruit trees for his farm. If the greetings are given by an unknown young person in the dream, it means that one will escape from the blow of his enemy. If one is seeking marriage, then the greetings mean a positive reply. Otherwise, if one greets someone he does not know in a dream, and if the other person does not reply, it means that his request for marriage will be denied. If two merchants greet one another in a dream, it means that their business will succeed, and if the second merchant does not reply to the greetings in the dream, it means that their partnership will dissolve. If one’s enemy greets him and brings a gift to him in a dream, it means that he is seeking reconciliation and is willing to pay damages for a settlement. If one is greeted with an unknown expression and to which he replies with a common greeting in the dream, it means that he will be saved from a fatal accident, though he will be rewarded for his reply. However, if he does not accept it, or reply to it in the dream, it means the opposite. If one sees himself shaking hands with someone, then embracing him in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, good news, hear good words to which his reply will be the same, or it could mean a knowledge he will teach to others. If one sees himself shaking hands and embracing his enemy in a dream, it means that their disagreement will cease. If one sees the angels greeting him in a dream, it means that his insight will grow. Greetings in a dream represent submissiveness, surrender, or the need for a reply concerning an interest one has with the other party. If one commences talking to someone before greeting him in a dream, it means innovation, and the same interpretation is given if he does not reply to a greeting, or if he replies with a gesture. Payingthe regards of peace at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means pursuing one’s path, following the proper traditions, completing one’s job, resignation from one’s job, appointment, dis- missal, travels and profits. If one ends his prayers beginning his greetings from the left, then proceeding to the right in a dream, it means that he pursues the road of evildoing and innovation. If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in a dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his profit, than in protecting his capital investment. (Also see Prayers 2 )…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(King | The Fourth heaven | Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. If one sees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream. If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government. If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate. If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons he sees in his dream, or it may mean that he will acquire a knowledge coupled with fame. If one sees that he owns the sun in a dream, it means that his words will be respected and listened to by someone in authority. If someone in authority sees the sun looking clear and brilliant in the dream, it means that his authority will grow, or that he will assist someone in leadership. Otherwise, it means that he will live happily and acquire lawful wealth. If a woman sees such a dream, it means that she will enjoy her marriage and receive what pleases her from her husband. If the sun rises inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he will receive an important political appointment, or that he should be careful about his asso- ciation with someone in authority, or it may mean marriage. If the sun rises inside one’s house and lights the entire house in the dream, it means that he will receive honor, dignity, rank and fame. If a woman sees the sun rising inside her house in a dream, it means that she will marry a wealthy person, and that her horizon will expand. The radiance of the sun in a dream means reverence, might and justice of the ruler of that land. If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will be honored and commended by the governor. If one sees the sun or the moon talking to him, and if he then strolls away with them in the dream, it represents his death. If one sees the sun rising from an unusual direction in a dream, it represents a beneficial knowledge he will acquire. If the sun shines over one’s head and not the rest of his body in a dream, it means that he will receive a prominent responsibility. If its rays rise to shine over his feet and not the rest of his body in the dream, it means a farming project that brings him prosperity and lawful earnings. If the sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy. If it shines over his chest and not the balance of his body in the dream, it means a sickness. If a woman sees that the sun has embraced her from her neck down in a dream, it means that she will marry a person in authority and for one night only. Should such a person divorce her the next morning, it means that she may become a prostitute. If the sun rises from one’s open belly in a dream, it means his death. If one sees the sun setting and himself walking behind it, it also means death. If one sees himself walking behind the sun in a dream, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If one sees the sun turned into an old man in a dream, it means that the governor will become a pious and God-fearing person. Otherwise, if the sun turns into a young man in the dream, it represents his weakness. If one sees blazes of fire straying away from the sun in a dream, it means the impeachment of some members of the governor’s cabinet or someone from his counsel. If one sees the sun turned red in a dream, it means corruption. If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness. If it turns black in the dream, it means losses. If one seeks the sun after it sets in a dream, it means that whatever is destined for him whether it be good or bad has passed. If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country. If one sees himself with the sun in a dream and should he be working in the government, or the army, it means that he will betray his superior, or the ruler of that land. Otherwise, it means that his condition will deteriorate and life will turn against him. If the sun has no rays in the dream, it means that the governor or the general of the army will lose respect. If he is an administrator, it means that he will be dismissed from his function. If he is a subject or an employee it means that he will lose his source of income. If a woman sees a sun that has no rays in a dream, it means that her husband will deprive her of her needs. If one sees the sun split in two in a dream, it means losing one’s dominion. If one sees the sun falling down in a dream, it means that a major calamity will befall the inhabitants of the earth. If it falls over the earth in the dream, it means the death of one’s father. Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality. If a traveller sees the sun too bright in a dream, it means that he will return home safely. If one sees the sun rising from the East and setting in the West with a clear brightness in a dream, it means blessings for that land. If one swallows the sun in a dream, it means distress, sorrow or death. If the sun rises from the West, then it means defamation, exposingthe ills of the person seeing it, or divulging a secret. The rising of the sun from the West also means recovering from an illness, and for a businessman, it means profits from that direction, but in general, it may mean revealing a secret, or it could mean a scandal or death. The same interpretation is given if one sees the sun rising from the South to set in the North. If the sun changes its nature in a dream, it means trouble in that land. If one sits under the sun in a dream, it means that he will receive honor and blessed profits. Grabbing some rays of the sun in a dream means receiving undiminishing wealth. The sunrise in a dream also means waking people up to go to work, seeking one’s livelihood, begetting a son, or releasing a prisoner. If one is hiding something, then seeing the sun in his dream means that his secret will be exposed. If one sees the rays of the sun falling over his bed or threatening him in a dream, it means a painful sickness, or inflammation of the skin. If the sun rays which are falling over his bed provide him with good energy in the dream, it means a good harvest, or good health. If travellers see many suns in the sky in a dream, it means profits and prosperity. Running away from the sun in a dream means that one may leave his wife, or he may run away from the governor of that land, or escape from an evil. If the sun and the moon meet in one’s dream, it means a royal marriage, or a marriage between a beautiful woman and a wealthy man. Clouds covering the rays of the sun in a dream means an illness. If one carries the sun in a bag in a dream, it means money. The sun in a dream also could represent a wise man, or a teacher one whose company is sought. Otherwise, the sun in a dream could represent, the governor, one’s husband, wife, child, mother, daughter, aunt, father, or grandfather and the above interpretations will relate to such a person. Whatever happens to the sun in the dream, will then affect such people. If one sees the sun rising, then immediately setting in the same direction in a dream, it means a newborn who may die shortly after his birth, returning an ex-prisoner to jail shortly after his release, earning amazing amounts of money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife. If one sees the sun and the moon shinning on him in a dream, it means that his parents are pleased with him. If one sees himself prostrating to the sun or the moon in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin, or a heinous crime. In a dream, the sun also represents one’s livelihood, earnings, spiritual guidance, following the truth, new garments, or recovering from a serious illness. Seeingmany suns in the sky in a dream means the spread of religious innovations. If the brightness of the sun grows beyond normal to become unbearable in the dream, it means adversities. Eating up the sun in a dream means benefiting from its services and prospering from its rays, or that one may become a man of knowledge, a scholar, an astrologer, or a fortuneteller. If the rays of the sun cause burns to someone in a dream, it means that he will fall in love with a beautiful face, or perhaps he will be hurt by someone he adores, or it could mean loss of spiritual direction, or it could be a severe warning about a woman he loves. If a woman sees herself carrying the sun in a dream, it means that she will find a husband, or bear a son. If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will discover a mystery or acquire knowledge about spirits, or he could become a translator, an analyst, or a consultant. Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars together in a dream denotes adversities, jealousy on the part of one’s own family, or they could denote fear. If the rays of the sun burns the crop in a dream, it means a devastation and a plague or rising prices. (Also see Eclipse | Heavens)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Combat | Competition | Contest | Marriage) In a dream, a duel signifies strength or a dispute with someone or disruption, dispersion or a fight. A duel with weapons in a dream means marriage to someone whose character is similar in interpretations to the weapon one is carryingin his dream. Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat. A duel with swords in a dream means honor. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becoming known in one’s field. (Also see Marriage | Sword)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was – “You have not seen him.” Asim Bin Kulayb once said – “I related to Ibn Abbas, God bless his soul and that of his father, that I saw God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Ibn Abbas replied – “Describe him to me.” Asim Bin Kulayb added – “I described him as resembling Al-Hassan son of ‘Ali, upon both of them be peace.” Ibn Abbas replied – “Indeed you have seen him.” Ibn ‘Arabi once explained that the essence of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said – “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means – ‘Expounding upon what he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said – “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. If one sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, God bless his soul, in- terpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying – “Has truly seen me,” to mean – “has truly seen my physical form,” that the blessed companions knew, while seeing him in another form in a dream means that one’s dream connotes personal interpretations. Following the explanation of Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, Imam Al- Nawawi commented by saying – “This is a weak explanation. A stronger inter- pretation is to say that one who sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream has seen him in reality however his resemblance may appear. Whether the resemblance in the dream is known or not.” In a separate commentary, Shaikh Al-Baqlani added – “What Al-Qadi ‘Iyad has said does not contradict what Imam Al-Nawawi has said.” This is because the first dream does not require interpretation, according to Al-Qadi ‘Iyad. In the second type of dream, that is discussed in Imam Al-Nawawi’s comments, one’s dream does require interpretation or analysis. This is to mean that since no Satan can impersonate God’s Prophet (uwbp), then whatever appearance he displays in one’s dream is true. The meaning of God’s prophet’s saying – “For Satan cannot impersonate me, “implies that since God’s guardianship (‘Isma) is inviolable, and since God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is sacrosanct, then as he was protected during the time of delivering God’s message to humanity, he is still protected by the same guardianship after God Almighty took him back to Himself. Thus, whoever sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in any appearance in a dream, it is as if has seen him in reality, regardless whether one sees him as a young man, or at the time of delivering his message, or as an old person. If one sees him looking old in a dream, it means peace. If one sees him looking young in a dream, it means war. If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means that one is truly emulating his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appear- ance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. Ibn Abi Jumrah once said – “Seeing Him (uwbp) in a beautiful appearance denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can recognize his own state. This interpretation is also given by Ibn Hajar Al-Hutaymi, God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of ‘gharh al-S_hama-il’ of Imam Al- Tirmithi, it is also stated that Satan cannot impersonate God Almighty, His signs, prophets or angels. If someone suffering from distress sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his difficulties will be removed. If a prisoner sees him in a dream, it means that he will be released form prison. If one is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities. Seeing him in his beautiful, radiant and impeccable appearance as best described by his companions in a dream means glad tidings of attaining a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world and in the hereafter. The state and clarity of one’s heart and how well polished is his own mirror determines in what appearance he may see him, upon whom be peace. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) comes toward someone in a dream, or leads him in prayers, or if one sees himself accompanying him on the road, or if one eats something sweet from his blessed hand, or receives a cloak, or a suitable shirt, or if God’s Prophet promises him something, or prays for him, then if the one seeing the dream qualifies for leadership, and if he is a righteous and a just man who commands what is good and forbids what is evil, and if he is learned and practices what he knows, and if he is a pious worshipper and a devout Muslim, he will then attain the station and company of the blessed ones. If the one who sees the dream is a disobedient servant of God Almighty, it means that he will repent for his sins and return to his Lord. If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided. Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord. If one is fearing oppression, persecution, or loss of his property and wealth sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means putting an end to such fears, for he is the best of intercessors to restore anyone before God Almighty. If one who follows innovations sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he should fear God Almighty, heed to His warnings and correct himself and particularly if he sees Him (uwbp) walking away from him, or turning his back to him. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream also means receiving glad tidings and happy news, or it could signify justice, establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank among the members of one’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord. If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers. If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army. If calamities, starvation and drought has befallen a land and someone sees Him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that such calamities will be lifted and life will return to normal in that place. If a woman sees him in a dream, it means that she will reach a high spiritual station, honor, righteousness, chastity, trustworthiness and perhaps be given a blessed progeny, or if she is wealthy, it means that she will spend her wealth on God’s path. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means facing adversities, bearing patience and suffering from one’s enemy. If an orphan sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach an exalted station and the same goes if a foreigner sees him in his dream. If a physician sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that people will benefit from his medicine. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or consolidating and paying one’s debts, or recovering from an illness, or attending a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or triumphing over one’s trials, or cessation of one’s adversities, or fertility of a barren land, or the pregnancy of a barren woman. If a visitor to his mosque sees himself in a dream coming before God’s Prophet (uwbp) and finds him standing up, it denotes one’s correct religious standing, and it means that he will have commanding authority over the Imam of his time. If one finds him (uwbp) deceased in the dream, it means that a noble person from the family of the person seeing the dream will shortly die. If one sees the funeral of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall that country. Following his funeral procession up to his grave (uwbp) in a dream means that the person seeing the dream will yield to innovations. Visiting his grave (uwbp) in a dream means receiving a great treasure. If one sees himself as the son of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, and even if one is not one of his descendents, it denotes one’s sincerity, true faith and certitude. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) by one person does not exclude the remainder of the believers, but the blessings encompass all of them. Receiving something from him (uwbp) such as food or a drink in a dream means benefits and profits. If one receives food which substance connotes negative circumstances, such as a melon or the like elements in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger, though he will toil and suffer from hardships during his trials. If one sees that one of the limbs that belong to God’s Prophet (uwbp) has become his own in a dream, it means that he is following innovation and making changes in the laws God’s Prophet (uwbp) brought to humankind. If one sees himself in a dream embodying the form of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or wearing one of his garments, or receives his ring, or sword, then if the person is seeking to govern, he will attain that and the people will accept his leadership. If one is suffering from persecution, or humiliation in the land, then seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) standing in a dream means that God Almighty will grant him victory and make him rise above his enemies. If one is poor, his needs will be satisfied, or if he is unmarried, he will get married. If one sees him (uwbp) in a ruined place in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt. If one enters a room and finds him (uwbp) sitting there in a dream, it means that a miraculous sign, or a major event will take place in such a locality. If one sees him (uwbp) making the call to prayers in a dream, it means that prosperity will spread in that place. If one sees him establishing the prayers (Iqdmah) in a dream, it means that the Muslims will reunite and dispel their differences. If one sees him (uwbp) placing kohl over his eyelids in a dream, it means that he will find safety and correct his religious stand, or it could mean that one will study and become a scholar in the field of the prophetic sayings (Ahadith). If a pregnant woman sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If one sees him (uwbp) having a black beard with no gray hair in it in a dream, it will bring happiness, joy and prosperity to one’s life. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) is seen as an old man in a dream, it means strength in one’s life and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him (uwbp) in his most exalted state in a dream means that the Imam, or the ruler of the country will rise in station and that his authority will expand. If one sees his blessed neck wide, it means that the Imam is holding firmly to his trust. If one sees him (uwbp) having a large chest in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country is generous toward his subjects. If one sees his blessed stomach (uwbp) empty in a dream, it means that the treasury of the country is empty. If one sees his right hand closed in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country does not pay his employees, or distribute the collected alms tax. If one sees his blessed right hand (uwbp) open in a dream, it denotes the generosity of the ruler and his compliance with the distribution of charities and alms tax as prescribed in God’s book. If his hands are locked together in a dream, it means complications in the life of the Imam, or the ruler of the country. The same will affect the life of the person seeing the dream, including suffering from distress and adversities. If one sees his blessed leg beautiful and hairy in a dream, it means that one’s clan will become stronger, and his tribe will grow. If one sees the blessed thighs of God’s Prophet tall in a dream, it denotes longevity of the Imam or the ruler of the country. If one sees him (uwbp) standing in the midst of soldiers and everyone is laughing and joking in a dream, it means that the Muslim army will be defeated and humiliated in a war. If he is seen with a small army that is ill equipped and everyone is looking down in the dream, it means that the Muslim army will triumph in that year. If one sees him (uwbp) combing his blessed hair and beard in a dream, It means that one’s distress and adversities will be dispelled. Seeing him (uwbp) in his own mosque, or in any mosque, or in his usual place in a dream it means gaining power and honor. If one sees him standing in the midst of his companions delivering a revelation in a dream, it means that one will acquire a greater knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Seeing the grave of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity and profits for a merchant, or the release of a prisoner from his jail. Seeingoneself in a dream as the father of God’s Prophet (uwbp) means that one’s faith will diminish and his certitude will weaken. If a woman sees herself in a dream as one of the wives of God’s Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. If one sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights. To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness. To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver, jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. If one sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and to help the needy. If one sees him (uwbp) bare footed in a dream, it means that one has neglected to do his regular prayers. To see him (uwbp) and to shake hands with him in a dream means that one is truly his follower. If one sees his blood mixed with that of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that one will marry a woman from among his descendents, or that one will marry the daughter of a great religious scholar. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) gives someone some type of greens or herbs in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger. If he (uwbp) gives him something fresh or honey in the dream, it means that one will learn the Holy Qur’an and acquire a great knowledge and wisdom according to the amount he receives in his dream. If one returns the gift to God’s Prophet (uwbp) it means that he will follow innovation. To see him (uwbp) delivering a sermon in a dream means that he is commanding people to do good and to eschew evil. If one sees the color of his skin (uwbp) tan in a dream, it means that one will think about repenting from his sins and abstain from young people’s ignorance. If the color of his skin is white in the dream, it means that one will repent for his sins and turn to God Almighty for acceptance. If he (uwbp) reprimands someone in a dream, it means that one must refrain from innovation and follow the prophetic traditions. If one finds that God’s Prophet (uwbp) has died in a specific location in a dream, it means that the person seeing the dream will die in that same place and God knows best. (Also see Visiting holy sites)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Interpreter | Pen | Speech writer | Stinger | Translator) In a dream, one’s tongue represents his translator or his business manager. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the chief cause of sin. Moving one’s tongue without speaking in a dream means committing a sin. Seeing an increase in size, width, or length of one’s tongue in a dream means strength and overcoming one’s enemy. If one’s tongue becomes elongated with no cause for dispute or argument in a dream, it means having a bad tongue, or backbiting others, speaking ill about others, or using base and despicable language. Having a long tongue in a dream also could mean clarity in one’s speech and eloquence in one’s expressions. Having two tongues in a dream means acquiring a second language or a second trade, using a proof other than one’s own in a court of justice, or winning victory over one’s enemy. If one finds his tongue tied in a dream, it means stagnation of his business, or it could mean poverty. If black hair grows over one’s tongue in a dream, it means a fast coming evil. If gray hair grows over one’s tongue in a dream, then it means a slow coming adversity. Hair growing over one’s tongue in a dream also means writing or reciting a poem. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the perfect alibi, the beauty and eloquence of one’s presentation, a professional presentation, good fame and good conduct. If a governor’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means the death of his interpreter or his speech writer. The human tongue in a dream also represents his pen and his signing authority. If one’s tongue becomes long and reaches the skies in a dream, it means that he will be impeached or deposed from his leadership position following his tyranny and injustices. If the tongue of a leader or a ruler becomes long in a dream, it also signifies the expansion of his power and the infallibility and effectiveness of his commands. One’s tongue in a dream also symbolizes a milk suckling baby, a lion in his den, or an intelligent warrior. Thus, if one lets a lion out of a lair in a dream, it denotes his tongue, or hurting people’s feeling or reputation with one’s tongue. If one sees himself without a tongue in a dream, it may mean the death of an infant. If one has to appear in court and sees his tongue cut off in a dream, it means that his proof will be rejected by the judge. If only the side of one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he has doubts about the testimony of his witness. If he is a merchant, it means that he will lose an important business deal. If he is a student, it means that he will not complete his schooling. It is also said that when one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he is a forbearing person. If the wife’s tongue is cut off in a dream it means that she is a chaste and a pious woman. If a wife cuts off the tongue of her husband in a dream, it means that she will flirt with him and show him tenderness and love. Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil. If a poor person cuts off the tongue of another poor person in a dream, it means a fight between them. If one’s tongue sticks to his palate in a dream, it means that he will deny or reject someone’s right, refute the truth, or lie about a trust he received to keep for a time. Eating one’s tongue or biting on it in a dream represents an act one will regret. If a governor sees that in a dream, it means that he swindles people’s money and receives bribes. Biting on one’s tongue in a dream also means remaining mostly silent, withholding one’s advice, or controlling one’s fury and anger. Biting one’s tongue in a dream also could denote gluttony. Cutting off one’s tongue in a dream means invalidating one’s argument or proof, or preventing him from asking for anything. The cutting off of a poet’s tongue in a dream means giving him money for his recitation. Seeing one’s tongue black in a dream means that one may preside over his own people. If he is a wretched person, it means that he is a liar. If someone who is scared of something sees his tongue in a dream, it means that he will lose his battle and become subject to defamation and humiliation. If a wretched person sees himself having many tongues in a dream, it means that he will have a large family. Having many tongues in a dream also means speaking many foreign languages. If one’s tongue is split in half in a dream, it means that he is a liar. Having many tongues and of many colors in a dream means telling different and contradictory stories, or it could represent a music writer. If people touch one’s tongue or suck it in a dream, it means that they are acquiring his knowledge. It also represents people toadying or lobbying in official business. One’s tongue in a dream also repre- sents a hidden treasure, a hidden knowledge, a toadying servant, an employee, one’s house, a vehicle, a skilled enemy, a seedling of a fruit bearing tree, a bad wife, a barren woman, one’s spoken and irretrievable words, earnings, collecting garbage, following someone’s traces, a policeman, or a prisoner. An animal’s tongue in a dream represents one’s life or death, because for an animal, his tongue is like a hand through which he takes things. If a scholar’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument, or it could mean the death of his assistant, student or son. Losing one’s tongue in a dream represents the malicious joy of one’s enemy, family, or neighbors for one’s losses, or it could mean the death of a beloved, severing a relationship, or a plant disease that will affect one’s fruit bearing trees. Perhaps losing one’s tongue in a dream could mean separation between husband and wife, divorce, losing one’s job, or moving to a new town. Having two tongues in a dream also means backbiting others, or having two faces with people, for people say that so-and so has two tongues or two faces. If the second tongue does not impede the person from speaking in the dream, then it denotes his truthfulness, love and affection toward others. One’s tongue in a dream also may represent something one fears, such as the collapsing of a roof over his head, or it could represent an enemy. It also means isolating oneself from people of knowledge and wisdom, or it could mean remaining mostly silent, minding one’s own business, or offering devotion and being grateful to God Almighty for His gifts and blessings. One’s tongue in a dream also represents a captured prisoner of war, or a snake hiding in its pit. Looking at one’s tongue in a dream means controlling what comes out of it. (Also see Body’ | Exhaustion from speaking | Language | Spell out)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Multiple spouses | Plural marriage | Second wife) Having a second wife along with the first in one household in a dream means sickness, losses, harm, blindness, bad deeds, exposing one’s private life, divulgingone’s secrets, distress, dismay and sorrow….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bedchamber | Bedroom | Room | Suite) A chamber in a dream means safety, security, marriage, a newborn, or the lady of the house. Seeing a chamber from a distance means joy, satisfaction and happiness. To be inside a chamber with two or three compartments in a dream also means security. Walking scared into a room whose owner is unknown in a dream means security, safety and appeasement of one’s fears. If one is sick, then it means entering paradise or recovering from his illness, rising in rank, enjoying an elevated position in the world, presiding over people through knowledge, experience, leadership or spiritual attainment. If a poor person sees himself inside a new room in a dream, it means satisfaction and wealth. However, if a rich person sees that in a dream, it means loss of money or business. If a destitute sees himself inside an old room in a dream, it means that he will become increasingly poor and penniless, and if he is rich, it means that his wealth will increase. Building a room on the second floor in a dream means marrying a second wife. (Also see Bedroom)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source. If one sees a fish colony gathering at seabed, where he is fishing, bringing them up and eating them raw as he pleases, or if he places them into baskets and divides them into lots in the dream, it means that he will prosper and invest his wealth in different ventures and savings plans. A whale in a dream represents the minister of sea life, while the sea itself represents the king or the country. A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison. A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality, or it could represent someone who tries to tempt his servant or his assistant to indulge in a loathsome act. If one sees himself fishing in murky waters in a dream, it conveys evil, sorrows, or distress however it may happen. If one sees himself fishing in clear waters in a dream, it means money or hearing nice words or conceiving a son, while fishing in salty waters in a dream means difficulties. If one sees himself fishing with a fishhook in a dream, it means excitement, pleasure or losing benefits. A soft skin fish in a dream means benefits for someone intending to trick or to swindle people’s money. Mostly fishing with a pole and a fishhook in a dream means difficulties or slow coming benefits, or a slow and loose business. Any large cyprinoid freshwater fish or a barbel fish (cyprinus bynni | barbus) in a dream denote positive benefits for someone intending marriage or to enter into a business partnership. Seeing a herring or any of its clupeid type fish in a dream represent evil work or toiling for something one will never get. A fish in the pond in a dream is also a sign of benefits, though may be little benefits. Seeing dead fish floating in the water in a dream has an ominous connotation, or they could represent a hopeless case. Taking fish from the water and eatingthemalivemeansprofits, or an appointment to a high raking position in wakefulness. In a dream, if a sick man or a traveller finds fish in his bed it also connotes bad or a painful sickness or suffering from arthritis, or he may drown because he would be sleeping with them. Seeing sea fish covered with salt in a dream means lasting richness, because fish are preserved in salt, or it could mean burdens. If one’s wife is pregnant and he sees a fish coming out of his male organ in a dream, it means that his wife will beget a son. If a fish comes out of his mouth, then it means speaking ill of a woman. A fried fish in a dream means that one’s prayers will be answered. A broiled fish in a dream means travels or seeking knowledge. A large fish in a dream means money, while a small fish means difficulties, burdens and stress, because it carries more spikes than meat, beside, small fish are more difficult to eat. Mixed sized of different kinds offish in a dream represent money, trouble, liking social events or mixing with all types of people, the good and the bad ones. Buying a fish in a dream may mean marriage. Eating a rotten fish in a dream means pursuing adultery and avoiding a lawful marriage. If one sees himself attempting painstakingly to catch a whale in a small pond in a dream, it means money that he will fight for, though he cannot get hold of it without having to cross major obstacles. If one finds a pearl or two in the belly of a fish in a dream, it means that he will marry a rich woman and conceives one or two sons with her. If he finds a ring in the belly of the fish in a dream, it means that he will gain authority and might. Finding fat in the belly of a fish in a dream means acquiring money from a woman. Seeing oneself fishing on a dry land means committing adultery, a sin, or it could mean hearing good news. Catching a fish with excessive bones and scales denotes the necessity to pay one’s dues or to distribute alms tax on one’s liquid assets, because one cannot enjoy his catch unless he first cleanse it. Seeing sea fish swimming toward sweet waters, or river fish swimming toward the sea in a dream means hypocrisy, falsehood or the rise of an innovator or an impostor. If one sees fish swimming on the water surface in a dream, it means ease in attaining his goals, exposing secrets, unveiling hidden past, reviewing old books or redistributing an old inheritance. If one sees fish that have the look of human beings in a dream, it means business, trading or meeting with an interpreter, or a translator, or associating with people of good character. If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good. Otherwise, if the fish look ugly in the dream, then it means that he has associated himself with evil companions. If one sees an aquarium in his house filled with all types of catfish, or angelfish or similar fish that live in a home aquarium in a dream, it means being charitable or taking care of orphans or adopting children. If one sees himself reaching with his hand to the bottom of the seabed to catch fish in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive knowledge in his profession and prosper from his trade. Otherwise, it could mean that one will become a spy. If the sea opens and unveils its treasures, and if one catches a goldfish from its belly in the dream, it means that God Almighty will reveal new spiritual knowledge to him in order to help him understand his religion and to receive guidance. If the goldfish leaves his hand and returns to the sea in the dream, it means that he will join the company of righteous people and saints from whom he will learn about the inner spiritual knowledge, or that he will find a good companion for a journey he intends. If one eats a fish without cleaning or cooking it in a dream, it means that he will speak ill of his own friends, slander his associates, commit adultery, acquire money from trickery and falsehood, or become inflicted with a dangerous disease or suffer from a stroke. If one sees fish on the shore rather than in the water in a dream, it means that he may change his profession. The different types of fish in a dream represent human beings and their professions. A fish in a dream also could mean that death will take place where it is found, because of the departure of its soul, its stench, weight and one’s responsibility to bury the deceased. Eating a fish in a dream also means receiving easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings. (Also see Meat)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

For a Muslim, a crown in a dream represents the Holy Qur’an, knowledge, prosperity or marriage to a wealthy woman. Wearing a crown in a dream means begetting a son, moving into a new city or forcing an enemy to retreat. If a woman sees herself wearing a crown in a dream, it means marriage to a noble and a high ranking person. If she is married and pregnant, it means she will beget a son. If a prisoner sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means that he will be released from jail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to a wealthy person from another country. If the crown is made of gold in the dream, it means that she will marry an old man whom she will shortly inherit. If an unjust ruler sees himself wearing a golden crown in a dream, it means that he will lose his eyesight, while if he sees himself wearing a golden crown inlaid with gems in the dream, it means establishing trading interests with a foreign country. If a woman’s crown is stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Turban)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Decree | Flyer | Letter | Publication | Public announcement | Record | Scroll | Write | Writing) Holding a book or a letter in one’s hand in a dream signifies power. A book or a letter in a dream also signifies fame or public knowledge. If one sees himself carrying a sealed letter in a dream, then it means that he will receive confidential news or a report. If a book or a letter is carried by a child in a dream, it means glad tidings. If it is carried by a servant or a housekeeper, then it means glad tidings and good news. If a letter is carried by a woman, then one could expect a quick relief from his trouble. If the letter which the woman is carrying in the dream is an open letter, and if the woman is wearing a veil, it means that the news she is bringing must be treated carefully. If the woman is wearing perfume, then one could expect good news and a commendation for his work. If one sees himself holding a closed book in a dream, it means the end of his life in this world. If one sees a flyer or a public announcement in display by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will gain leadership, happiness and income. If one sends a sealed letter to someone, which is returned to him unopened in the dream, it means losing a war to one’s enemy. If he is a merchant, it means that he will suffer losses in his business. If he is seeking marriage, it means the denial of his request. If one sees himself carrying a book, a record, or a letter in his right hand in a dream, and if he had an argument, or a confusing deal, or doubt about something, it means that he will bring clarity to that problem. If he is incarcerated or if he is suffering from persecution, it means that he will bring proof of his innocence and escape from his difficulties. If he is depressed, it means that he will be able to dispel his worries. If he is travelling in a foreign country, it means that he will find a way back to his mother land, where he will find happiness again. Carrying a book or a letter in one’s left hand in a dream means that he has done something bad, or something which he will regret. Carrying a book in the right hand denotes a prosperous year. If a stranger takes one’s book away from him in the dream, it means that someone will take away from him his most precious and endeared thing. Tearing a book into pieces in a dream means getting rid of one’s trouble or becoming free from trials or evil encounters and receivingbenefits. Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior. Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor. If one is seeking marriage and sees a sealed book in his hand in a dream, it means that his betrothal to someone will end in marriage. Seeing or receiving a blank letter or a book from someone in a dream means absence of his news, or not knowing where he lives. If one sees a book descending to him from the heavens and if he thinks in the dream that he understood the contents, then whatever good or bad news it brings, it will be the same in wakefulness. A book in a dream also represents one’s companion, or an intimate friend. Seeing a book in a dream also could signify recovering from an illness. A hardcover book if the content is unknown represents dishonesty, deceit, a cheap product or selling a sealed package with undisclosed contents, or it could represent an old woman. Bringing books into one’s home in a dream signify hearing news about an honest and a pious person, learning happy stories from a reporter or becoming acquainted with religious thoughts. (Also see Encyclopedia | Letter | Write | Writer)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a well inside one’s house means prosperity, riches, a wife, business, a teacher, poverty, deception, fulfillment of one’s needs, travels, goals, stinginess, generosity, or it could mean a servant. The structural condition of each well in a dream has its own interpretation. A well in a dream also represent a woman who has a loud laughter, or it could represent a pleasant and an in- spiring woman. If a woman sees a well in a dream, it means meeting a man of good character. If one sees himself looking into a well in a dream, it means that he is thinking about a particular woman for marriage. A well in a dream is also interpreted to represent knowledge, marriage, a big man, prison, ties, or deception. If one digs a well and finds water in it in his dream, it means that he will marry a wealthy woman whom he will deceive. If the water gushes forth, rises and runs outside of an old well in the dream, it represents crying and grief in that place. Digging a well and finding water to channel for one’s garden in a dream means taking an herbal remedy to cure one’s impotence, or to save his marriage. Falling into a well of muddy waters in a dream means that one may become subject to the tyranny of an unjust ruler. If the water he falls into is clear in the dream, it means that he will willingly work to serve a righteous man and for a nominal wage. Falling into a well in a dream also means demotion, or it could mean travels. Sitting at the edge of a well in a dream means dealing with a deceiving person. A collapsed well in a dream represents a dying woman. Reaching a well which is dug for the general public to draw from its water means getting relief after suffering from difficulties. Finding a well adjacent to a barmaid in a dream means finding a spiritual teacher, or joining a fellowship and a school for the seekers. If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people in a particular neighborhood other than Mecca in a dream, it means that a gnostic will come to that town, and whose knowledge and wisdom will greatly benefit its people. It also may denote the bounty and blessings which are imparted to that town, or it could denote the victory of its people over their real enemy. Drinking from such a well in a dream means fulfillment of one’s intentions and satisfaction of his needs. In a dream, a well also means a prison or depression. If one is in such a state, it means that his adversities will dissipate, and that he will reestablish himself in the circles of people in authority. If the person in the dream is a seer who predicts events, then he may be involved in the circles of governors, particularly to interpret their dreams. It is possible that he also might receive emissaries of notable people who will bring him what pleases him. It also could mean a fight in one’s family involving jealousy, envy, betrayal, though at the end one will triumph over them. Falling into a well in a dream also means being indicted in an alleged crime from which one is clearly innocent. A well in a dream is also interpreted as levying taxes, or it could mean circumcision. Digging a well in a dream also represents a crafty and an artful deceiver….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, an inkwell represents honor, governing power, exaltation, wife, or money. An inkwell in a dream also represents marriage, business, or a servant. If one is presented with an inkwell in a dream, it represents a fight with a relatives or with a woman. If a respected witness is present when the inkwell is handed to the person seeing the dream, then it means a marriage to a relative. Licking an inkwell in a dream means engaging in sodomy or homosexuality. An inkwell in a dream also could mean that one may seduce his servant for an unlawful sexual intercourse and that she will no longer serve that house. To buy an inkwell in a dream means that one’s marriage will see no happiness since one’s writing pen comes out of it with ink only. An inkwell in a dream also means ulcer. The pen represents iron (See Iron), and the ink means time. If one sees a section of his body transformed into an inkwell, whereby he can draw ink from it and write in a notebook in the dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance. An inkwell in a dream also means medicine. If one is sick, then seeing an inkwell in a dream also means finding the right medicine and, God willing, one will be cured from his illness. (Also see Pederasty | Sodomy)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Eye makeup | Makeup) Kohl in a dream represents money and clarity. If one is given some powdered kohl in a dream, it means money. If a righteous and God- fearing person places kohl on someone’s eyes in a dream, it means blessings and guidance. Finding a container of kohl in a dream means receiving money. Smearing one’s eyes with kohl in a dream means becoming more religious. If a blind person smears his eyes with kohl in a dream, it means that he will miraculously recover his sight. If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives. If one coats his eyelids with butter or lather in a dream, it means that he is pursuing an unlawful heterosexual, or a loathsome homosexual relationship. Beautifying childrens’ eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a dream means molesting them. If one uses kohl as medicine for his eyes in a dream, it means that he will correct his religious performance and commit his life to a godly cause. If his intention is made to beautify himself with kohl in the dream, it means that he is seeking material success, or worldly promotion. If someone smears one’s eyes with kohl to the degree of blinding him in the dream, it means that he will defraud him of some money. If a virgin girl or a widow places kohl over her eyelids in a dream, it means her marriage. Coating or encrusting one’s eyes with blood or ashes in a dream means corruption and a non-acceptable marriage, or an illegal marriage. (Also see Makeup)…

Trumpet of Resurrection

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Hearing the sound of the trumpet of the Day of Res- urrection in a dream means hearing the truth. Blowing in the trumpet of the arc angel Israfil (uwbp) in a dream means salvation of the righteous ones. In a dream, the sound of this trumpet invokes fear incurring news that cause shivers and trembling in people’s hearts. If one hears it alone, then the news are exclusive for him. If everyone hears its sound in the dream, then it is a public affair. If one hears the sound of the trumpet and anticipates that everyone has heard it too in a dream, it means plagues and adversities, for the first blow indicates the end of the world and the death of everyone in it. The second blow indicates their resurrection back to life, which will be followed by the Grand Gathering for the Day of Judgment. If a sick person hears the first blow in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his illness. If the town is inflicted with a calamity, then hearing it in a dream means that people’s adversities will be lifted. If there is a drought, it will end and food prices will go back to normal. If one hears the second blow of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream, it means prosperity, revealing what is hidden, exposing long kept secrets, recovering from an illness, release from prison, reunion of beloveds, or meeting with people who have just arrived from a long journey. (Also see Blowing | Rising of the dead | Resurrection)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(The eight heavens | Firmament | Planets | Skies) If one sees himself dwelling in the lower heaven, and if he qualifies, it means that he will be appointed at a ministerial office, or work for a minister in the government. This is because the lower heaven is the sphere of the Moon and the moon is inter- preted as a chief minister or as a secretary. The second heaven is the sphere of the planet Mercury. If one sees himself in the second heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge, diligence and writing style. In turn, people will seek him to learn from him. The third heaven is the sphere of the planet Venus. If one sees himself in the third heaven in a dream, it means that he will prosper, or employ a female servants, or it could mean possessingjewelry and living in happiness and comforts. The fourth heaven is the sphere of the Sun. If one sees himself in the fourth heaven in a dream, it means that he will reach leadership, gain authority and win respect, or that he will serve such people. The fifth heaven is the sphere of the planet Mars. If one sees himself in the fifth heaven in a dream, it means that he will preside or leads a police squadron, a mountain patrol, a small army, a band of thieves, or manage a brothel. The sixth heaven is the sphere of the planet Jupiter. If one sees himself in the sixth heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire deep spiritual understanding, religious assiduousness, or become a judge, if he qualifies. He also could become an ascetic, or a true worshiper and he will have strong faith, good managerial ability, or he could become a treasurer. The seventh heaven is the sphere of the planet Saturn. If one sees himself in the seventh heaven in a dream, it means that he may buy a house, a property, a farmland, or it could mean longevity. If one does not qualify to receive any of the above, then such award will reach his superiors, or someone in his progeny, or a close friend. If one sees himself standing beyond the seventh heaven in a dream, it means exaltation, though his new station will be the direct cause of his death. (Also see Mars | Jupiter | Skies)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees himself being buried after his death in a dream, it means that he will undertake a long journey during which he will be short of money. If one sees himself being buried alive and if he recognizes the one burying him in the dream, it means that the latter will assault him, oppress him, imprison him or cause him injustice. If he dies in his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he may die from such sufferings. Should he survive such adversities in the dream, it means that he will escape from such fear, prison or injustice. If he sees the other person driving him to the edge of his grave in a dream, it means that he will lead him to his death, though his name will be praised after his death. If the other person places him inside a coffin in a dream, it means that he will move to a new home. If the other person fills the grave with dirt on top of him in the dream, it means that he will be piled with money equal to the amount he is being buried under in the dream. It is said that to be buried alive in a dream means losing one’s spirituality or religious commitment, unless one comes out of it alive. If one walks out of his grave covered with dirt, then shakes off the dust in the dream, it means that his state is hopeless or that his repentance has little chance to hold. To be buried alive in a dream means imprisonment or despise by others, or a severe punishment which makes one’s chastisement an exemplary lesson to others, If a gnostic or a wise man is seen buried alive inside his own house, or if he is brought out of it alive in a dream, it means that one will inherit him in knowledge, wisdom and status. The same interpretation is given if one sees a prophet or a holy man walking out of his grave alive. To be buried after death, after sunrise, at noon or at the sunset hour in a dream means that one is being warned about doing what is good and abstaining from what is evil. To be buried alive in a dream is wrong and means betrayal. It could also mean marriage, prosperity or peace and tranquility after suffering and hard- ships. If one sees a deceased person burying him alive in a dream, it means that one’s due debts are not payed, or that one will be imprisoned to satisfy his debts, or that his collateral was not accepted. To bury a dead person twice means that one is covering his faults. If one sees a deceased person burying another deceased person in a dream, it means unity, clearing of the hearts, love and friendship between relatives, or perhaps it could mean imprisonment, marriage, a sickness, a trust, or guaranteeing a loan. Seeing oneself being buried after death in a dream means that one needs to repent before death. Should he still walk alive from his burial in the dream, it means that he may repent again. God knows best. (Also see Cemetery | Grave)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A cross in a dream represents a high ranking person who is worthy of respect or it could represent a religious person. Carrying a cross in a dream could mean marriage, or an unsuitable marriage, or begetting a son. Seeing a cross in a dream also could mean adultery, rape or conceiving a son in sin. Seeing a cross in a dream is also interpreted to mean death, opposites, opposition, war, fight, distress, temptation, lies, false testimony or slander….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Traveller | Migrator | Nomad) In a dream, an explorer represents an outgoing woman from a wealthy family. Seeing an explorer in a dream also represents a morganatic marriage or a marriage for pleasure which is governed by duration. An explorer in a dream also represents orphans, or children of sin….

Dome 2

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cupolead structure | Qubba | Shrine) Building a dome in a dream means marriage. Demolishing a dome means death or a divorce. A dome also signifies power and ruling if one owns it, or if he stands under one in his dream. Seeing a dome and birds surrounding it in a dream also means exaltation. Building a dome over clouds in a dream means marriage, power and rank. Seeing green domes standing between the heavens and the earth in a dream means that one’s deeds are raised to be worthy of blessing, or that he might die as a martyr. If one sees four men demolishing a dome in a dream, it means that a renowned scholar in that locality will shortly die and his elements of earth, fire, water, air and either will destroy one another. (Also see Pavilion | Shrine | Tent)…