
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(Balance | Beauty | Capital | Craft | Death | Father | Knowledge | Life | Measur- ing cup | Oven | Parents | Teacher | Tent) In a dream, the head represents leadership, presidency, or one’s capital. If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor. If one’s head looks smaller in the dream, it means loss of respect, rank and honor. If an intelligent person sees his head smaller in a dream, it means that he will turn to ignorance, or perhaps lose his job. Seeing oneself in a dream having two or three heads means victory over one’s enemy, wealth for a poor person, blessed children for a rich person, marriage for an unwed person, or attainment of one’s goal. Seeing oneself in a dream without a head cover means disobedience to one’s superior. If one sees his head down, or hanging loose in a dream, it means confessing to one’s wrongdoing, or experiencing a long life of humiliation and striving to please someone. If one’s head is fixed backward in a dream, it means delays in attaining his goals, hindrance of one’s travel plans, or it could represent someone’s return from a business trip slowly and without greed. If one sees his head severed without beheading in a dream, it means that he will shortly die, or it could mean his freedom. Seeing one’s head turning into a lion’s head in a dream, it means that he will rule and prosper. If it turns into a sheep’s head in the dream, it means that he will be just and equitable. If it turns into a donkey’s head in a dream, it means that he will revert to ignorance. If it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships. If it turns into a bird’s head in a dream, it means that he travels a lot. If it turns into an elephant’s head, or a wolfs head, or a tiger’s head in a dream, it means that he is looking to do things beyond his means, though he will still benefit from his ambition. If one’s head is hit with a stone in a dream, it means that he neglects to perform his night prayers before sleeping. If one contracts any pain in his head or neck in a dream, it means an illness. If one sees his head anointed with fragrances or oils in a dream, it represents his good endeavors and piety. Eating someone’s head raw in a dream means backbiting him. Eating it cooked in a dream means steeling money from him if he recognizes him. Otherwise, it means steeling from one’s own property or share. Holding one’s head between one’s hands in a dream means reorganization of one’s debts. Seeing someone’s head on a tray drenched with blood in a dream represents the head of a leader who lies, or wh is lied to. Blood in a dream means lies or falsehood. A turban in a dream rep . ,ents a crown or a flying ship. One’s head in a dream also represents knowledj. , wisdom, respect, children, followers, or money. Losing one’s head in a dream means carelessness, heedlessness, or inability to properly manage one’s interests. Cutting off one’s own head in a dream means committing suicide, severing one’s connection with one’s family, or betraying one’s father or teacher. Looking at one’s own head in a dream means examining one’s investment or capital worth. Seeing cattle heads gathered somewhere in a dream means profits. If one sees a king beheading him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will cleanse him from his sins and dispel his agonies and distress. If a money changer loses his head in a dream, it means that he may go bankrupt. (Also see Body 1 )…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Boy | Contemptible person | Enemy | Hidden treasure | Idolatry | Innovators | Power | Unjust ruler | Woman) A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity from one’s in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one’s neighbor. A sleeping snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. Owning a snake in a dream means gaining power and authority. Its flesh represents enemy money, or it could mean joy. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his enmity toward others. Killing a snake in a dream and staining one’s hands with its blood means destroying one’s enemy. A snake in one’s dream also represents a rich enemy, for its poison means money. If one sees snakes being killed in the streets in a dream, it means a war. A small snake in a dream represents a little child. Hunting snakes in a dream means tricking or deceiving one’s enemies. A black snake in a dream represents a strong enemy. A white snake in a dream represents a weak enemy. If one sees a snake talking to him and saying nice words to him in a dream, it means enjoying pleasant moments with one’s adversary, or benefiting at the hands of one’s enemy. If the snake talks harshly to him in a dream, it means suffering from tyranny and oppression caused by one’s enemy. Becoming a snake in a dream means being contemptible against one’s own religion. Seeing oneself as a half-snake half-human in a dream means being able to neutralize half of the enemy’s power. Discovering a snake skin which is made from gold in a dream means that one will discover a hidden treasure. If a snake swallows someone in a dream, it means that he will reach a powerful position. If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority. A field which is covered with snakes in a dream represents a destructive rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving one’s house in a dream means its destruction or demolition. Killing a snake in a dream means marriage. Tapeworms or other intestinal worms in a dream represent one’s relatives and their children. Seeing snakes eating on one’s table in a dream means separation between friends. Desert snakes in a dream represent highway robbers. In general a snake or a serpent in a dream represent jealousy, envy, perfidy, swindlingpeople’s properties, deceit and an avowed enmity. (Also see Belt | Sting)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

For a woman Dreaming that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend. Dreaming of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggles with fortune and remorse. To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunity of advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies. To walk over them, you will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish persons will seek to usurp your place in your companion’s life. If they bite you, you will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will injure your business. Dreaming that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent | if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse. Sickness, uneasiness and unkindness will increase to frightful proportions in your mind | but they will adjust themselves to a normal basis, and by the putting aside of imaginary trouble, and masterfully shouldering duties, you will be contented and repaid. Dreaming that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness. To handle them, you will use strategy to aid in overthrowing opposition. To see hairs turn into snakes, foretells that seeming insignificant incidents will make distressing cares for you. If snakes turn into unnatural shapes, you will have troubles which will be dispelled if treated with indifference, calmness and will power. To see or step on snakes while wading or bathing, denotes that there will be trouble where unalloyed pleasure was anticipated. To see them bite others, foretells that some friend will be injured and criticised by you. To see little snakes, denotes you will entertain persons with friendly hospitality who will secretly defame you and work to overthrow your growing prospects. To see children playing with them, is a sign that you will be nonplussed to distinguish your friends from your enemies. For a woman to think a child places one on the back of her head, and she hears the snake’s hisses, foretells that she will be persuaded to yield up some possession seemingly for her good, but she will find out later that she has been inveigled into an intrigue in which enemies will tantalize her. To see snakes raising up their heads in a path just behind your friend, denotes that you will discover a conspiracy which has been formed to injure your friend and also yourself. To think your friend has them under control, denotes that some powerful agency will be employed in your favor to ward off evil influences. For a woman to hypnotize a snake, denotes your rights will be assailed, but you will be protected by law and influential friends. See Serpents and Reptiles….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Tiara | Turban) A headgear in a dream means a presidency, travels, or marriage. If one receives a headgear, or a tiara in a dream, it means that he may undertake a distant trip. If one wears a headgear in his dream, it means that he may hold a seat in the government. If one is accustomed to wearing a headgear then wearing it in a dream represents his superior, the governor, his brother, his father, his uncle, his teacher, or a scholar, for they all have equal right upon him. Wearing a dirty and a worn out headgear in a dream means sorrow, difficulties and distress. If one’s headgear is stripped off his head, or if it falls to the ground in a dream, it means the death of his superior, or any of the abovementioned people. If a king offer someone a headgear or a tiara in a dream, it means that he will have the power to appoint people in different administrations. If a mishap befall one’s headgear or the turban of an Imam in a dream, it will reflect upon his faith and the state of his congregation. Wearing ablack turban in a dream means authority, or it could mean sitting in the judges’ bench. Wearing a headgear which is topped with a white feather in a dream means becoming a leader. Wearing a headgear that is made from animal fur or hide in a dream means becoming unjust and blinded to one’s own injustice, or it could portray the wicked personality of one’s superior at work. A headgear, a turban, or a tiara in a dream also could represent an ascetic. (Also see Overseas cap | Turban)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

The forehead in a dream represents the honor, standing and dignity of the person. If it is seen blemished or fractured in the dream, it means humiliation or loss of authority. If one sees a growth in his forehead in a dream, it means bearing a son who will attain leadership and glory in his life. If one sees his forehead made of stone, iron or copper in the dream, it denotes positive effects and particularly for a policeman. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing one’s forehead made of any solid element causes them to be despised by others. A normal broad forehead in a dream represents a good character, while a tight forehead in a dream means the opposite. If one sees his forehead broader in a dream, it means that he will develop stupidity after being intelligent, or become ignorant after being knowledgeable, or become stingy after being generous. If one sees his forehead turning black in the dream, it means disdaining from paying one’s due alms tax. However, its brightness represents one’s concern and caring for others. The forehead in a dream also represents one of the seven points in one’s prostration and in that sense, its growth or transformation may affect one’s devotion and assiduity in his prayers. (Also see Body)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see a person’s head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance. If you dream of your own head, you are threatened with nervous or brain trouble. To see a head severed from its trunk, and bloody, you will meet sickening disappointments, and the overthrow of your dearest hopes and anticipations. To see yourself with two or more heads, foretells phenomenal and rapid rise in life, but the probabilities are that the rise will not be stable. Dreaming that your head aches, denotes that you will be oppressed with worry. Dreaming of a swollen head, you will have more good than bad in your life. Dreaming of a child’s head, there will be much pleasure ill store for you and signal financial success. Dreaming of the head of a beast, denotes that the nature of your desires will run on a low plane, and only material pleasures will concern you. To wash your head, you will be sought after by prominent people for your judgment and good counsel….

Migraine headache

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, headache represents sins. If one suffers from a headache in a dream, he should repent for his sins, refrain from what he is doing, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or strive to do good deeds. Headache in a dream means suffering from unhappiness or misery in one’s life. Headache also represents one’s employer or supervisor. If one who is suffering from a migraine headache in wakefulness sees his temples transformed into iron in a dream, it means that his illness will be cured….

Snake charmer

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Diphtheria | Quinsy | Tracer | Tracker) A snake charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself sitting with his snakes in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and live a long and a happy life. If the basket carries silkworms instead of a snake in his dream, it means repentance of a sinner, or prosperity of a poor person, or it could mean changing a bad profession for a good one. The presence of a snake charmer in a dream also represents the presence of a deceiver, any taunting profession, or it could mean an illness or suffocation. (Also see Tracker)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings. An ugly forehead, denotes displeasure in your private affairs. To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children. For a young woman Dreaming of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Headache in a dream represents one’s sins. Suffering from a migraine headache in a dream means that one should repent of his sins, curtail his plans, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or have a change of heart toward doing good deeds. Headache in a dream also means suffering from unhappiness and misery in one’s life. Headache in a dream also could represent one’s employer or supervisor….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A fountainhead in a dream represents blessings, grace, bounty and attaining one’s goal. If one sees many springs gushingforth inside his own house in a dream, and if he is not a discrete person, it represents a calamity that will bringhim and his family to their knees with sorrow and tears. If one sees himself taking a ritual ablution for prayers from a fountainhead in a dream, it means that he will receive lawful money. Discovering a fountainhead in a dream means prosperity. If the spring gushes forth inside one’s house or from the walls of one’s house in the dream, then it means a calamity or a misfortune that will be caused by a woman, a brother or a brother in-law. If the water flows into the street in a dream, it means that such a calamity or adversity will leave that house and peace will finally prevail. If the water is pure and clean in the dream, it means depression along with a strong and a healthy body. What is disliked in such dreams is the murky water. If one owns a stream in a dream, it represents one’s livelihood, his shop, business, work, or one’s good deeds that remain beneficial even after his death and until the Day of Judgment such as a blessed progeny, a school or a mosque he builds, a road he opens, a book of knowledge he leaves behind, or a charitable endowment. Seeing waters overflowing from a fountainhead and flooding one’s property means sadness, crying and sorrow and the same applies if one drinks from that water in his dream. If one sees several springs gushing forth in a dream, it means prospering through dirty actions and corruption. Seeing a spring in the valley in a dream means blessings for most people and particularly for the sick and the needy. A dried well in a dream means the opposite. If one who is suffering from depression sees a spring in his dream, it means relief from his difficulties, repayment of his debts, recovering from his illness, or repentance from his sins. A spring of sweet water in a dream also means collecting one’s profits or rents. If one sees a rivulet carrying pure and sweet water to his house in a dream, it means profits, easy life and blessings that will be driven to him. (Also see Rivulet | Spring)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property. On the other hand, a snake-cucumber in a dream may represent money that does not remain long in one’s hand. If a woman sees a snake-cucumber in a dream, it means that she is pregnant. (Also see Cucumber)…

Asp (venomous snake aspis; reptile)

American, Unitarianism E. Mis

When you dream of seeing an asp (aspis is any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region) of in your dream, it signifies failures, troubles and severities. This dream foretells that you might lose the trust of those you love. This dream indicates hard times ahead of you, but do not worry, as this is only for a temporarily period of time….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, an arrowhead represents talk, benefits or profits from business travels. An arrowhead which is made of lead in a dream means receiving a letter that explains one’s weakness. If the arrowhead is made from copper in the dream, it means material pleasure. If it is made from gold in the dream, it represents a letter one is forced to send. (Also see Arrows)…

Goliath’s head

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing rich headgear, you will become famous and successful. To see old and worn headgear, you will have to yield up your possessions to others….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see any one with a scaldhead in your dreams, there will be uneasiness felt over the sickness or absence of some one near to you. If you dream that your own head is thus afflicted, you are in danger of personal illness or accidents….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Head cover | Head)…

Pounding one’s head

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….

Snake bite

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Snake | Sting)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Shaving one’s hair in a dream relates to one’s personal customs. If he is used to have short hair and sees himself shavinghis head in a dream, it means that he will pay a fine as an atonement. If he sees his head shaved in the summertime, and if he is used to doing so, it means benefits, comfort, or recovering from a migraine headache. If one sees his hair shaved during the winter in a dream, it means difficulties, adversities, penalties, or a sickness. Shaving one’s head in a dream also means paying one’s dues, appeasement of one’s fears, and success in one’s life. Shortening one’s hair in a dream also means appeasing his fears. If one is suffering from depression and he sees his head shaved in a dream, it means an end to his trouble, or payment of his debts. It also means abasement, disgrace, deception, or death. If a soldier sees his head shaved in a dream, it means that he will lose his strength and esteem. If one sees himself chipping his hair in bits in a dream, it means that he will lose people’s respect. Shaving one’s head in a dream for someone who does not usually shave it also may mean an affliction or an illness. If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or the death of her husband. If she sees her hair sheared in a dream, it means confinement to her house. If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one’s debts. Trimming women’s hair in a dream means inability to conceive children. Cutting one’s hair in a dream means losing one’s strength. Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income and dignity. Plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream is worst than shaving it, and particularly when hair louses up one’s face or attractiveness. Nevertheless, plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream also could depict amelioration of one’s condition or look. Shaving one’s backside or abdomen in a dream means paying one’s debts. Shaving, clipping, or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lighteningone’s burdens, though it also could represent a mishap. If a rich person sees himself shaving his pubic hair or using a depilatory agent for that purpose in a dream, it means the loss of his wealth, or it could mean that he has overpaid for a property he has just purchased. If a poor person sees that, it means that he will become financially solvent. If one sees himself shaving it with a razor blade, it represents benefits from one’s spouse. (Also see Beard)…

Scratch Head

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you scratch your head, denotes strangers will annoy you by their flattering attentions, which you will feel are only shown to win favors from you….

Body 1

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Abdomen | Anus | Aorta | Back | Bones | Brain | Breasts | Buttocks | Chest | Earlock | Ears | Eyes | Eyebrows | Face | Feet | Fingers | Fingernails | Forehead | Hand | Head | Heart | Heels | Intestines | Jugular vein | Kidney | Knee | Legs | Limb | Lip | Livers | Loins | Lungs | Marrow | Mouth | Nails | Navel | Neck | Nerves | Nose | Rear end | Ribs | Penis | Sexual organs | Shoulders | Skin | Spinal column | Spleen | Stomach | Temple | Testicles | Thighs | Throat | Tongue | Umbilicus | Veins) In a dream, the head and the brain represent man’s controller, strength, benefits, longevity, wisdom or power. One’s ears in a dream represent his wife, daughter, sister or aunt. The eyes represent one’s faith, religion or children. The right eye represents his son and the left eye represents his daughter. The forehead in a dream represents one’s beauty, son, power, honor, wealth, leadership or the point of prostration in one’s prayers. A wide forehead in a dream means prosperity, while a narrow forehead means tightness. The eyebrows represent one’s protection or spiritual guardianship. As for the human nose in a dream, it represents honor, longevity and respect. Whatever comes out of one’s nose in a dream is good and whatever goes into it in a dream may not be beneficial. A bleeding nose in a dream means receiving or giving money. If one’s nose is cut off in a dream, it means circumcision, falling in rank, or it could mean his death. Inhaling water and clearing one’s nose in a dream represents someone who deceives his wife. If a bird or an animal comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that a cattle, a pet, or a domesticated animal will give birth to its babies in such a house. A large nose in a dream represents honor and respect. Smelling a nice fragrance in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean relief from difficulties. One’s face in a dream represents his happiness or his sorrow. Seeing the forehead and the face in a dream means money, honor and a beautiful woman. The earlock and the temples represent two noble and blessed daugh- ters. A bright face in a dream means glad tidings, while a yellowish face in a dream means bad news or miseries. Frowning in a dream means a misfortune. If a woman sees herself frowning in a dream, it means the death of her husband. The two lips in a dream represent one’s helpers. The lower lip is stronger in meaning than the upper lip. It is also said that lips in a dream represent one’s relatives. The upper lip represents the male relatives and the lower lip represents the female relatives. Sealed lips in a dream mean difficulties or adversities. The mouth in a dream represents a key, one’s livelihood, the conclusion of one’s life, death, illness, strength, a coffer, a marketplace, a door attendant, a chief minister, or a door. If one’s mouth is sealed in a dream, it means a scandal. One’s tongue in a dream represents his or her translator. A long tongued person in a dream may mean winning an argument, or it could mean innocence from allegation. An elongated tongue of a judge in a dream means clarity and justice. A tied-up tongue in a dream means poverty, sickness, depression, a calamity, or it could represent an unworthy person. Having two tongues in a dream means praiseworthiness and acquiring two types of knowledge. Seeing what is inside one’s mouth in a dream means exposing one’s ills. Biting on one’s tongue in a dream means regret. Watching one’s tongue in a dream means protecting oneself from pitfalls. Carrying one’s tongue by hand in a dream means receiving indemnity for bodily injury or receiving blood money. If one sees his throat blocked in such a way that he could not speak in a dream, it denotes his stinginess toward his own family. If one sees one of his limbs speaking against him in a dream, it means that someone will report him to the authorities or become a witness against him in court. If one sees himself in a dream riding over the shoulders of his enemy, it means that he will commit a wrongdoing or a shameful act. If there is no enmity between them, and if he sees himself riding over the shoulders of a friend in a dream, it means earning something from him. Carrying something over one’s shoulders in a dream means debts. If one sees himself carrying a hypocrite over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he may work in a lumberyard or carry wood to earn a living. One’s shoulders in a dream also represent his parents, brothers, partners, station, or beauty. Anything that affects them in a dream will manifest in any of the above. In a dream, one’s neck represents an embrace, a donation with terms, a legal will, or a conditional endowment. The neck and the shoulders in a dream represent one’s trust or trustworthiness. A healthy and strong neck in a dream means trustworthiness and ability to meet one’s obligations. Wounds, festering or purulence in one’s neck in a dream mean betraying God’s trust. If one sees a nice bird sitting over his neck in a dream it means benefits or an alibi. If it is not a gentle bird, then it becomes a bad omen, or a rebuke. If one sees a necklace, a rope, a wire, or a thread around his neck in a dream, it means fulfilling one’s promise, acquiring knowledge and honor. A long neck in a dream could mean four things, that is justice, leadership, attainment of one’s goals or calling people to prayers. The left hand represents one’s helper, friend, savings, or a compassionate relative. Longhands in a dream represent a charitable person, or a capable one, and short hands mean the opposite. Long hands also could mean longevity, wealth, helpers, borrowing money, governing, fulfilling one’s commands, profits from one’s business or having business sense. If one’s hand is cut off in a dream, it means the death of his brother, his father, his partner, or a close friend or his assistant. If the right hand is cut off in a dream, it means a vow one takes to deprive someone from his rights. It also means loss of one’s job or cuttingoff one’s blood ties, or it could mean that he has committed a theft. If a righteous person sees his hand cut off in a dream, it means abstaining from wrongdoing or eschewing evil. If one’s left hand is cut off in a dream, it means reestablishing his relationship with his family and rediscovering the benefits of good qualities. If one’s hand is broken in a dream, it means an adversity, illness, loss of business, or loss of a dear person. The cracking skin of one’s hands in a dream means loss of wealth. Stretched hands in a dream means ill caused by a close friend. Stretching one’s hands in a dream also could mean generosity. If one’s hands are cut off without causing him any pain in a dream, it means that he may fall in love. If one sees his hands joined together in a dream, it means haviiig a family reunion, or a wedding. If one’s hands are trembling in a dream, it means weakness, illness, old age or longevity. If one’s hands feel dry in a dream, | it means that such a person does little good in his life. If one enters his hand under his arm’s pit in a dream, then brings it out bright and radiant in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge and may develop wisdom. Otherwise, it could mean profits. If he brings forth his hand from under his arm’s pit in the dream, and if it reveal a flame in his dream, it represents a manifestation of divine power and a blessed victory. If one pulls his hand from under his arm’s pit and it brings forth water in the dream, it means that he will receive great benefits and growth in his life, or perhaps that a long awaited traveller will shortly arrive to his doorsteps. If a right-handed person sees himself being left- handed in a dream, it means hardships. If one sees himself walking with his hands in a dream, it represents his dependence on a relative to provide for his needs. If one’s hands say something nice to him in a dream, it means financial comfort. If one’s hand is cut-off in a dream as punishment for a sin, it could mean marriage, a bad wife, or lack of trustworthiness. If one washes his hands with soap in a dream, it means that he will abandon something he initiated, or that his intention will not be fulfilled. If a form of life or a good spirit comes out from one’s hands in a dream, it indicates benefits. If such a life is a malignant one, then it means the opposite. If one takes someone by the hand in a dream, it means that he will help him and save his life. If something sprouts in one’s hands or if one’s hands turn into iron, or a vegetable in a dream, it means negative repercussions in wakefulness. Hands in a dream are interpreted in twelve ways – that is a brother, a sister, a partner, a son, a compassionate friend, one’s strength, wealth, leadership, money, proof, a craft, or work. The condition in which the palm of one’s hand looks in a dream indicates the state of one’s health and fitness. Clapping one’s hands in a dream could either mean joy and happiness, or it could mean nothing. Wearing a glove in one’s hand in a dream means ceasing the course of wrongdoing. Slapping one’s own face with both hands means sorrow, sadness or calamities. Hitting the back of one’s hand into the palm of the other hand in a dream means separation. In a dream, the fingers of the right hand represent the daily five time prayers. The thumb represents the pre-dawn prayer, the index represents the midday prayer, the middle finger represents the mid-afternoon prayer, the ring finger represents the sunset prayer, and the little finger represents the evening prayer. As for the fingers of the left hand in a dream, they are interpreted to represent one’s nephews. To cross or intertwine one’s fingers in a dream means difficulties and poverty. One’s toes in a dream represent the beauty of his character and denote his straight- forwardness. Any defect or crookedness in them in a dream will mirror in wakefulness. If a toe or a finger is bitten or crushed in a dream, it denotes evil or perhaps an accident. If one sees milk coming forth from his thumb and blood coming forth from his index finger in a dream, it means that he will marry a mother, then will he marry her daughter, or it could mean that he will rape the mother, then her daughter. Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives or being sarcastic or making fun of other people. If one’s fingers are paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has committed an awful sin. If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means injustice toward a weak person or inflicting losses upon an innocent person. If one’s left hand is paralyzed in a dream, it means the death of his brother or sister. As for the fingernails in a dream, they denote beauty, courage, strength, a religious covenant, or money. If one’s fingernails are chipped, extracted, or broken in a dream, they means loss of money and strength. If they look nicely clipped in a dream, they mean both spiritual and material benefits. Long nails at the point of a near breaking in a dream mean distress, sorrow, fears and depression. If one’s nail becomes a claw in a dream, it means rising against one’s enemy and opposition. If one does not have fingernails in a dream, it means bankruptcy. If one’s fingernails turn yellow, green or blue or if they are broken in the dream, it means death. Clipping them in a dream means dispelling calamities or distress. If a thorn or a chip of wooden enters under one’s fingernails in a dream, it means loss of power or money. If one sees himself in a dream knocking his fingernails against his teeth in a dream, it means committing a despicable and a loathsome act. As for seeing one’s chest in a dream, if one sees himself having a broad and a nice looking chest (See Chest), it means repentance of a sinner, or being eager and willing to follow the truth and to comply with it, or to make easy what was earlier difficult. One’s breasts in a dream (See Breast) represent his daughter. Man’s breast in a dream means a woman, and woman’s breasts in a dream represents a man. Breasts in a dream mean five things – a little boy, a little girl, a servant, a friend, or a brother. One’s abdomen in a dream means money, children, relatives or prosperity. If one sees his abdomen being cut open and washed, then stitched back to normal in the dream, it means blessings from God Almighty, forgiveness for one’s sins, and it could mean that one will receive spiritual guidance. One’s abdomen in a dream also denotes his good conduct, amiable character, blessed enterprises and protection from the evil of the accursed Satan. If one sees a newborn son or daughter coming out of his abdomen in a dream, it means that such a child will be born and will grow to govern that household. As for one’s livers in a dream, they represent knowl- edge, money or children. If a man of knowledge sees his livers flying away from his body like birds in a dream, it means that he will forget his knowledge, or if one has children, they may die, or perhaps the government may seize his property even if he has nothing. If one sees himself eating his own livers in a dream, it means earning his livelihood. If they are cooked in the dream, then they represent a lawful income, or they could mean gobbling the property of one’s own children. If a liver is removed in a dream, it means the death of a child. Removing a liver in a dream also could mean injustice. One’s kidney in a dream means having a good business connection, dispelling adversities, distress, trouble, safety from danger, a husband and a wife, one’s parents, or it could represent two lovers. One’s kidneys in a dream also represent a strong, courageous and a hard working man who serves someone in authority, or he may become a personal guard, or an assistant to the governor. As for one’s lungs in a dream, they represent joy, happiness, or sorrow. Donating a lung to someone known or unknown in a dream means receiving happiness in return. Eating a broiled lung of a domesticated animal in a dream means profits. Otherwise, it could mean acquiring unlawful money. Seeing one’s lung torn in a dream means nearing one’s death. One’s spleen in a dream (See Spleen) represents money. As for seeing one’s intestines in a dream, they represent earnings, leadership, a child, unlawful money, intercession, hatred, livelihood, work or they could mean changing one’s mind about doing something which could cause a disaster. One’s stomach in a dream represents longevity, livelihood or children. A healthy stomach in a dream means enjoying strength and a long life. The same interpretation is given to the intestines or the umbilicus or the navel and the three of them represent one’s relationship with his wife. As for the ribs (See Ribs) in a dream, they represent women. The loins or the spinal column in a dream represent one’s progeny. One’s back in a dream (See Back) represents his strength, wealth, glory, fame, master, destruction, end, poverty, old age and burdens. If one sees himself carrying a heavy load in a dream, it means that he is carrying his sins. If he carries merchandise in the dream, it means debt. If he carries woods in the dream, it means backbiting others. If one sees himself carrying a dead person on his back in a dream, it means that he takes care of orphans. As for one’s heart (See Heart) in a dream, it means intelligence, vigilance, aware- ness, guidance, clarity and piety. One’s buttocks and the rear end in a dream represent his earnings, job and profits. If one sees himself licking someone’s rear end or buttocks in the dream, it means giving high praises to an unworthy and an impious person or commending him. The male and female sexual organs in a dream represent a good father or one’s profession. What comes or goes into the male organ or woman’s vagina in a dream of good or bad will reflect in their lives. Seeing one’s penis in a dream means children, money, pride, state, or authority. The testicles represent one’s livelihood, one’s daughters, protection and maintenance. The meaning of the penis and the testicles may be transposed in the dream interpretation. One’s anus in a dream means a pouch, a store, a resting place, or a coffer. The knee represents one’s capital or one’s attendance to his work and earning his livelihood. As for the legs, they too represent one’s capital, paying attention to one’s work and conduct. Man’s leg represents a woman, and a woman’s leg represents a man. If one’s leg turns into wood or iron in a dream, it means that he will fail to earn his livelihood. One’s feet represent his parents, his livelihood, a journey or his wealth. (See Feet | Foot). If one foot is broken or cut off in a dream, it means either the death of a parent or loss of half of one’s capital. If one’s feet turn into iron or copper in a dream, it means longevity. If they turn into glass in the dream, they denote his short life. The human bones represent his livelihood, religion, glory or money. Collecting bones in a dream means saving money. The bone marrow in a dream repre- sents hidden money, good awareness, patience and gratitude. The veins and nerves in a dream represent one’s clan, modesty and progeny. As for seeing the human skin in a dream, it means ornaments, presiding over others, a veil, blessings, livelihood, provisions, life and a garment. (Also see Aorta | Face | Finger | Five fingers | Gall bladder | Heel | Jugular vein | Marrow | Nails | Palm | Pluck | Spleen | Teeth | Tongue | Tooth)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a spearhead means patience, determination, bearing difficulties, facing evil people, or it could mean a bridge or tools….

Shaved head

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband….

Head cover

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Headdress | Scarf) If a religious Muslim woman sees herself without a head cover in a dream, it means that her husband has left her with the intention not to return to her again. If she is not married, it means that she may never marry….

Shaking one’s head

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Shacking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an old age….

Kissing a snake

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Weasel)…

Smiting one’s forehead

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Blow | Pound | Shake | slap) In a dream, pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s face means begetting a son at an old age….

Shaved head


If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband….