
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Buttonhole | Fastener | Man) A button in a dream represents protection, guarding one’s honor, a just contract, money, or profits particularly if the button is made of silver or gold. A button and a buttonhole in a dream also represents a man and a woman. If an unwed person sees himself buttoning a shirt in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will play an important role in uniting two people, or to bring peace between two partners, or that he will revive an old and a forsaken project. Tying one’s buttons in a dream means getting married, or going through difficult financial circumstances. Wearing a buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances, or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or marriage of an unmarried person. (Also see Clothing)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Band | Belt | Clerical garment | Rope) The priest’s cincture in a dream represents a son. A broken cincture in the dream means the death of one’s son. Wearing a cincture in a dream is also a sign of devotion, abstinence, ascetic detachment and a sign of obedience for Christians. As for a Muslim person, wearing a cincture in a dream is a sign of faith, certitude and determination, fulfilling God’s commands, goodwill or opposing fallacies. A cincture in a dream also means adultery, fornication or being a middle aged person. Whatever good or bad that may happen to one’s cincture in a dream will reflect in his life. If one wears a new cincture over his gown in a dream, it means begetting a son. If one wears his cincture under his gown in the dream, it means fallaciousness, dissent, heinous corruption in one’s spiritual life and evil in his worldly aspirations. (Also see Belt | Waistband | Waist belt)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Crown | Headgear | Tiara) In a dream, one’s turban represents his family tree, his paternal uncle, or his paternal aunt. In a dream, one’s turban also represents his crown, strength, integrity, state, or wife. If one’s turban is taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may lose his job, divorce his wife, or lose his wealth. The same interpretation is given for one who sees himself wearing a golden turban in a dream. If a prophet of God Almighty, or a ruler crowns someone with a turban in a dream, it means that he will receive an important appointment, or that he may marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it means a spiritual appointment, and if it is made of silk in the dream, then it means living a corrupt state of mind, or earning unlawful money. Wearing a second turban on top of the first one in a dream means increase in one’s power. Fixing a turban for oneself in a dream means taking a journey. A yellow turban means sickness. A black turban means happiness and unity. Wearing a turban in a dream also could mean that one may lose his sight. If a bewildered person sees himself wearing a turban in a dream, it means that his fears will dissipate. (Also see Crown | Headgear)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite. Finding oneself ill in a dream means enjoying a good health for that year, or it could mean loss of devotion and lack of piety. If a warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded. If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations. If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death. A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. If one’s sick child recovers from an illness in a dream, it means his death. If one sees the entire city suffering from an illness in a dream, it means a war, or a siege. If one sees himself ill in a dream, it also means victory over his enemy and enjoying a happy life. Otherwise, seeing anyone suffering from an illness in a dream means lack of work, and for a rich person it means becoming needy. If a business traveller sees himself ill and desiring something in his dream, it means that his business deal will not fall through, for physicians mostly do not grant their patients their wishes. If a bedridden person sees himself freeing a slave from bondage in a dream, it means his death, for a dead person has no property. Seeing a friend sick in a dream means that one will suffer from the same illness. Illness in a dream also signifies spending money, repentance, prayers, supplications, im- ploring, while falling in love in a dream means a sickness. Seeing two of one’s children sick in a dream means that one may suffer from trachoma or ophthalmia, for one’s eyes in a dream represent his children. Illness in a dream means that one has lost something to his adversary. Seeing one’s father ill in a dream means having a migraine headache, for one’s father in a dreams also represents his head. An illness in a dream also signifies falsehood and corruption. If one sees himself suffering from a terminal illness in a dream, it means that his sins will be forgiven, and he will die with God Almighty pleased with him. An illness in a dream also signifies a calamity, distress, fear of something, desiring something, or trouble. The illness of a woman in a dream represents her step daughters from her husband. Man’s sickness in a dream also could signify abstaining from sexual course with his wife during her menstrual period. The illness of scholars means weakness in their religious adherence. The sickness of a ruler means religious failure, or that he may die in that same year. The illness of a teacher in a dream means separation from his students. The illness of a child in a dream means distress and worries for his parents. The death of a suffering old person, or someone with a terminal illness in a dream means relief. The death of an animal in a dream means lack of benefits. A plague in a dream means drought, or prosperity for physicians as well as for undertakers. Complaining about some pain in a dream means distress, unless if the one complaining in the dream is an opponent, then it means victory and joy for the person seeing the dream. (Also see Thief)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Breaking wind | Passing gas | Foolishness | Wind) Passing gas in a dream means hearing or speaking vile words, or suffering from adversities, or it could mean dispersing a group of people, telling a shocking news, stupidity, belittling people, lies, using insulting words, or it could represent the sound that could emanate from beating someone. If one breaks wind with a loud sound in a dream, it means that he will address someone with harsh words. If one sees himself sitting with people and unwillingly passes gas or breaks wind in a dream, it means that his difficulties, sorrows or stress will be dispelled, though with horridness and repulsiveness. If one breaks wind intentionally in such a gathering in a dream, then it means committing an evil act and suffering from its consequences. If one passes gas without noise in his dream, it means that he will receive a sarcastic commendation that matches the smell of his fart. If one breaks wind in a dream while sitting with a group of people who are experiencing difficulties, it means that their difficulties will be dispelled, and their suffering will ease. If they are merchants, it means that their merchandise will move faster. If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear. If one breaks wind along with passing gas in his dream, it means that he will attain success in his life, and he will receive honor and profits from an important business trip. However, it is possible that his interests will become diverse, or that he could lose his focus, then he will return home free from such burdens. To fart from the mouth in a dream means faltering or a slip of a tongue, an accident, suffering from gum irritation, a stroke that will affect one’s speech, or it could mean developing ill habits that will cause him to feel ashamed of himself in public….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Holy Mecca | Imam) In a dream, the Holy Mecca represents the Imam of all the Muslims. Whatever happens to it in a dream will manifest in his life. The city of Mecca in a dream also could represent the spiritual and religious standing of the person seeing such a dream. If one sees himself living or owning a house in Mecca in a dream, it means honor and knowledge. If one sees himself living in Mecca in a dream, it also may mean that he will give his daughter in marriage to a noble person. Walking away from Mecca in a dream means separation from one’s superior. If one sees that Mecca is demolished in a dream, it means that he does not perform his prayers. Entering Mecca in a dream also could mean getting married to a girl everyone is hoping to marry. If a sinner sees himself entering the city of Mecca in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one has a dispute and sees himself entering Mecca in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument. Entering Mecca in a dream also means reaching safety and peace in one’s life. Leaving one’s homeland and travelling to Mecca in a dream means that God willing, he will shortly join the pilgrimage caravan and perform his Hajj. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that his illness will be long and that he may die from it, or he may join the company of the dwellers of the heavenly paradise. Seeing oneself in Mecca and residing in the lodge one usually uses in a dream means extension of one’s contract, or reappointment at a previously held position. If Mecca becomes one’s home in a dream, it means that he may move to live there. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls in a dream means that one will die as a martyr. Visiting the holy Ka’aba in Mecca during a business trip in a dream means concern and attachment to material gains and worldly profits. Walking on the road to Mecca in a dream means going on a pilgrimage. If one sees Mecca fertile in a dream, it means benefits, and if he sees it barren in a dream, it means the opposite. (Also see Circumambulation | Masjid | Visiting holy sites)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Childbearing | Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman’s success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one’s fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material gains. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or beingbisexual or a deviate, or suffering from dropsy, or perhaps it could mean that a thief will enter his house to steal something, or to hide a stollen object, or that one may steal something and hide it from its true owner, or that he may get sick from eating spoiled food, or it could mean that he may bury a dear person, or that he is affected and a liar, or he may hide his real beliefs and show a better standing in public, or it may represent an accident or a fire. As for a woman, her pregnancy in a dream means losing her virginity before marriage, or that she will marry an unsuitable person. If a barren woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means a bad harvest for that year, or it could mean a robbery in her neighborhood. If an unmarried woman or a young virgin sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means that she will find a compatible husband. Pregnancy in a dream has many meanings. In a dream, woman’s pregnancy means wealth, and man’s pregnancy means pain and sorrow. However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a dream also could mean prosperity and material success. The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one’s growth in the dream. This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream. If a young boy who is under the age of puberty sees himself pregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if a young girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother. If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success. If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream. If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she will discover a hidden treasure. A pregnant animal in a dream denotes benefits or profits. (Also see Carrying someone | Delivering a baby | Transformation)…

Call to prayers

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Azan | Muezzin) Hearing the call to prayers in a dream denotes the pilgrimage season or announces its holy months. It also may indicate backbiting, a theft, announcing a major move or blowing the trumpets of war, or it could denote rank and honor or obeyed commands of the one seeing the dream, or perhaps announcing a wife for an unmarried man, and it could mean telling the truth. Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting. If one sees a woman calling to prayers, standing on the top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and trials. If children give the call to prayers in a dream, it means that people filled with ignorance will rule the land. This is particularly true when the call is made outside the proper time. If a suitable person sees himself adequately calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern a land which is as vast as his voice can reach in the dream. If one does not fit the conditions of ruling, then it means that his enemies will increase in number. If he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow. Hearing the call to prayers in a dream also may represent invocations, supplications and good prayers. If one sees himself calling to prayers from inside a well in a dream, it means that he will call people from another land to walk the path of God Almighty, to follow the jurisprudence He made obligatory upon humanity, and to adopt the divine laws as their way of life and religion. If calling from inside a well is done from within a Muslim country in the dream, it means that he is a spy or an innovator who is introducing changes to God’s laws. If one sees himself calling to prayers from the top of the Scared House of Ka’aba in a dream, it means that he is an innovator. If he calls to prayers while laying down in his bed in a dream, it means that his wife is backbiting and slandering the neighbors. If he makes the call at the door of a king in a dream, it means that he will testify to the truth in a court of justice. If one’s call is made while travelling in a caravan or in a marketplace in a dream, it means that he will expose a band of thieves. If he makes the call to prayers from inside a ruin in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt and people will live in it. If one sees himself calling to prayer from inside a bathhouse or while under the shower in a dream, it means that he will suffer from a fever. If he sees himself calling and no one is answering his call in a dream, it means that he belongs to the company of unjust people. If he calls with a beautiful voice and the people hearken to his call in the dream, it means that he is seeking the approval of people in authority. If he sees himself calling to prayer while being naked, it represents his recklessness and contempt about his own religion. Calling to prayer standing on a pile of trash in a dream means calling a stupid person to make peace but to no avail. Hearing the call to prayers given inside a marketplace means the death of one of the merchants….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

God Almighty, Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universes. There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the Al-Seeing Lord. Seeing Him in a dream can be interpreted according to one’s state of being. If one sees Him in His glory and majesty, without descriptive designation, without ascrip- tion of human characteristics to Him and without depiction or portrayal in the dream, it is an indication of glad tidings for both this world and the hereafter. These blessings also may continue to affect the lives of one’s progeny. If one sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him. If an ailing person sees Him in a dream, it means that he will soon die and come to meet Him. If a straying soul sees God Almighty in a dream, it will find guidance. If an oppressed person sees Him, it means that justice will prevail and he will triumph over his oppressors. Hearing God’s words without designation represents the imagination of the person in the dream. Perhaps hearing His words in a dream appeases one’s heart and increases the person’s drive for success. Hearing God’s words without seeing Him represents the rising of one’s station. If one receives revelations from behind a veil in a dream, it means mental confusion and innovation. This is most true if a messenger comes in one’s dream and describes the one who spoke as God. In this case, the dream is a nightmare, because God Almighty cannot be depicted according to human descriptions. If one sees a picture of God in his dream, it means that he is a liar who ascribes images to God Almighty that do not befit His Majesty and Glory. If one hears God Almighty talking to him directly and if he can focus at Him in the dream, it means that he will be encompassed with God’s mercy and blessings. If one sees God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will look at His Divine countenance in the hereafter. Seeing God Almighty seated on the Divine Throne in a dream means elevation of one’s rank, knowledge and increase in his wealth. If one sees himself running away to hide from God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will change the course of his devotion into heedlessness. Seeing a veil separating between the servant and his Lord in a dream means that one will commit major sins and abominable actions. If one sees his Lord frowning at him, whereby he could not bear the effulgence of God’s light, or if he is seized by a shock and immediately commences to repent and pray for forgiveness in the dream, it means that such a person is indulging in abominable actions, and that he is a despicable sinner who follows his own mind and desires, and that he is an innovator of religious thoughts who misleads the people. If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it represents an admonition and a warning to abstain from sin. If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it also means that one is more assiduous in his recital of the Qur’an. If one hears God Almighty talking to him with words he cannot understand, then if He anoints him and blesses him in the dream, it means that God Almighty will bring him nigh unto Himself and exalt his station. If one sees God Almighty in a form resembling one’s father, a brother or a relative and showing His kindness or blessing him in a dream, it means that he will be afflicted with a calamity and a major illness. If a righteous person sees himself standing before God Almighty in reverence and filled with awe in a dream, it means that mercy will encompass him and help him to further his growth. The same interpretation applies if one sees himself prostrating before Him. If God Almighty speaks to someone from behind a veil in a dream, it can also represent a good worshipper, but if the Divine address takes place without a veil in the dream, it means falling into sin. If God Almighty names someone in his dream with his birth name, then adds another title to it, it means rising in station and rank. If one sees God Almighty angry with him in a dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. This description includes seeing oneself falling from the skies or from the top of a mountain. If a devoted servant sees God Almighty kissing him in a dream, it applies to his growing devotion and reward. Fearing God Almighty in a dream reflects eminence, peacefulness, quiescence, wealth of being and disregard for material needs. (Also see Carriers of the Divine Throne | Divine Throne | Educator | God’s will | King)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages. Silver coin is unlucky Dreaming about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families. For a maiden Dreaming that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him. Copper coins, denotes despair and physical burdens. Nickel coins, imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you. If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Idol) A statue in a dream represents falsehood, inventions, make-shift, fiction, illusion, heedlessness, or a nice looking person who is full of deception. Worshipping a statue in a dream means lying to God Almighty, or that one worships what his mind tells him to worship, whether it is a physical object or a child of one’s imagination. If it is a carved wooden statue in the dream, it means that he ingratiates himself to rich people, or to an unjust person in authority through his religion. If the statue is built from wood in the dream, it means that one seeks religious arguments or disputes. If the statue is made of silver in the dream, it means that one elicits sexual relationship with his servant, or with a foreign woman, or perhaps just a friendship. If the statue is made of gold in the dream, it means that one may commit an abominable action, or a religious inequity, or seeks profits from someone at the expense of displeasing God Almighty and consequently, one will suffer financial losses or health problems. If the statue combines mixed material of bronze, copper, steel, iron, or lead in the dream, it means that such a person uses his religious garb to make profits, and that he often forgets about his Lord. A statue in a dream also means travels. Seeing a golden or a silver statue in a dream also could mean prosperity. Seeing a bronze statue of a young woman moving around in a dream means a good harvest, prosperity, or travels. If the statue is bigger than life-size, then it means a fright. Statues in a dream also represent one’s children, his sexual drive, or his determination. If one sees himself worshiping a statue in a dream, it means that he is engaged in falsehood, giving preference to his personal desires and passions over obeying his Lord’s commands. If one sees himself worshiping a golden statue in a dream, it means that he will solicit business from someone who worships God Almighty, though he will also suffer losses from such an association. It also means that he will lose his investment and it will show the weakness of his faith. If one sees himself worshiping a statue made of silver in the dream, it means that he uses his religion to make business out of it, or to betray others through it, or that he will solicit the help of someone to do evil, or that he may sexually abuse a young girl who trusts his religious appearance. If one sees a statue and does not associate it with worship, or if he does not see anyone worshiping it in his dream, his dream then represents financial gains. A statue in a dream also means to be enamored with a woman or a boy. Statues in a dream also could mean deafness, idiotic behavior, dumbness, attachment to anything in this world, making an idol out of it, such as one’s love and attachment to his position, status, business, wife, beloved, house, or child, etcetera. If one owns a statue in a dream, it means that he may marry a deaf, or a dumb, or a non-intelligent woman, or that he may beget a child who will grow up having one or more of these defects. In whatever condition one sees the statue in his dream, it will reflect on any of the above. A statue in a dream also represents a generation. If the statue is missing something in the dream, such defect will definitely manifest in one’s society. Seeing a statue in a dream also could reflect one’s strength and determination. If one breaks a statue, or lames it, or damages it in a dream, it means that he will vanquish his enemy and earn rank and fame. If the statue in the dream portrays a particular woman, or if it is interpreted to represent a specific woman, then she will be quiet, intelligent and serene, or it could mean that she is stupid and has pride….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity. A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place. A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it. A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable. A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than seeing a woman one knows. A young woman in a dream represents an enemy. An old woman in a dream represents the world. If one sees his wife looking like a man in a dream, she then represents his grandfather, or she could represent prosperity for that family. If one sees his wife carrying him in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or perhaps that he may become rich. Seeing a female of unknown species in a dream means loss of money. If one sees his wife getting married to someone else in a dream, it means that he may deviate from God’s path, then repent for his sin. A woman in a dream also represents wealth, the world, a farm, pleasures or authority, for a wife governs the needs of her husband and controls his life in one way or another. If a woman sees her crown stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or it could mean the death of her husband. (Also see Belt | Crown | Glass bottle | Glass | Gray hair | Ribs | Silver | Vat | Women)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet. If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness. If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness for a rich person and bad news for a poor person. Drinking a glass of apple juice in a dream means benefits drawn from a servant or an employee, a service offered by a powerful person, or it could mean a stressful life. If one drinks something to cure an illness in a dream, it means recovering from that illness if it exists. Otherwise, it means that he might suffer from such an illness and take such a drink as a cure. Any constipating drink in a dream means stinginess, while taking a laxative in a dream means generosity. A headache reliever or a pain killer means kindness or diplomacy and the same goes for any drink that cleanses the kidney. Beside that, drinks denote architecture, religious studies, addressing matters promptly or hiding secrets. Colorful drinks in a dream represent happiness, joy, festivi- ties, celebrations and correcting one’s behavior. Fruit drinks in a dream may denote the fruit itself. Drinking rose water in a dream means lack of trust in someone’s promises. Drinking an unknown but fragrant drink in a dream means strengthening one’s certitude, loyalty or fulfilling one’s vow. Drinking a smelly or a spoiled drink and particularly in a golden cup or a silver cup in a dream means denying the true source of favors or becoming an apostate. If one sees a deceased person handing him a sweet and a fragrant drink in a dream, it means guidance or admonition and it could mean that the deceased person dwells in paradise. Drinking with a regular cup in a dream represents the last drink. Drinking an unknown drink in a dream also represents the drink of the righteous and elect among God’s creation. (Also see Cold water)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A mirror in a dream means illusion, arrogance, pride, or a woman. If one looks into a mirror and sees his beard black in a dream, it means honor, respect and dignity. If one looks into a mirror and sees the reflections of someone who looks like him in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will look like his father and carry his trade. Looking into a mirror in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or getting married. If one is already married, then it means the return of his wife from a journey. Looking at the back of a mirror in a dream means loss of one’s crop, or entering one’s wife from the anus during sexual intercourse. It is said that a mirror in a dream also represents manhood, virtues and station, all of which are subject to the size of the mirror one sees in his dream. Looking into a silver mirror in a dream means loss of one’s status, it also means suffering from adversities, distress and fear. Looking into a golden mirror in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, religious commitment, prosperity after poverty, redemption and regaining one’s position and status. A broken mirror in a dream means the death of one’s wife, for a husband and a wife are mirrors to one another. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of a youth means facing an adversary or a competitor. If one sees an old person, then he has seen a good friend. Looking into a clean and a shiny mirror in a dream means dispelling one’s distress. A corroded mirror in a dream connotes a bad state or a trying situation. If the mirror is spurious, or not genuine in one’s dream, then it represents a great distress or a calamity. Gazing at a mirror and looking at oneself extensively in a dream means that God Almighty is not pleased with him and that he is disobeying God’s commands both in public and in private. Consequently, one will suffer from financial losses or feel down. If a sick person looks into a mirror in his dream, it means his death. A mirror in a dream also means travels or a pregnancy. If a woman looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl, and if a man looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that he will beget a boy. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of someone else in a dream means hallucination, craziness, or loss of money. If a man looks into a mirror and sees the reflection of a woman in a dream, it means either begetting a daughter, or getting married. If a prisoner looks into a mirror in his dream, it means that he will be released from jail. If one becomes a mirror in a dream, it means that he will meet with people’s wrath and despise. (Also see Basin)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Eye makeup | Makeup) Kohl in a dream represents money and clarity. If one is given some powdered kohl in a dream, it means money. If a righteous and God- fearing person places kohl on someone’s eyes in a dream, it means blessings and guidance. Finding a container of kohl in a dream means receiving money. Smearing one’s eyes with kohl in a dream means becoming more religious. If a blind person smears his eyes with kohl in a dream, it means that he will miraculously recover his sight. If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives. If one coats his eyelids with butter or lather in a dream, it means that he is pursuing an unlawful heterosexual, or a loathsome homosexual relationship. Beautifying childrens’ eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a dream means molesting them. If one uses kohl as medicine for his eyes in a dream, it means that he will correct his religious performance and commit his life to a godly cause. If his intention is made to beautify himself with kohl in the dream, it means that he is seeking material success, or worldly promotion. If someone smears one’s eyes with kohl to the degree of blinding him in the dream, it means that he will defraud him of some money. If a virgin girl or a widow places kohl over her eyelids in a dream, it means her marriage. Coating or encrusting one’s eyes with blood or ashes in a dream means corruption and a non-acceptable marriage, or an illegal marriage. (Also see Makeup)…

AqTqah rites

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Hair of a newborn | Immolation offered on the seventh day for a newborn | Islamic tradition of shaving the hair of a newborn on the seventh day after his birth | Sacrament | Weighing the shaved hair of a newborn and distrib- uting an equal measure in gold or silver in charity for his benefit.) The offering of an ‘Aq’iqah ceremony in a dream represents glad tidings, the arrival of a long awaited person, recovering from an illness, or the release of a prisoner. Partici- pating in the sacrament of the ‘Aq’iqah rites in a dream also could represent a growing faith and certitude, and emulating the blessed traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. If the sacrifice presented in one’s dream on that day is a permissible one and if one fulfills all the necessary rituals in his dream, then it denotes his praiseworthy character and the success of his endeavors. If one offers a non-permissible sacrifice in his dream and presents it to people to eat from, then his dream represents a recalcitrant child, or a rebellious son. (Also see ‘Aq’iq canyons | Carnelian-red)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Jeweler) In a dream, a goldsmith represents celebrations, joy, happiness or perhaps mixing truth with falsehood. A goldsmith in a dream also could represent falsehood, lies, cheating, forging, defrauding, or he could represent a poet, knowledge, guidance or children. A goldsmith in a dream also represents an evil person, for he molds words from fire and in smoke. If one is seen heating gold or silver in a dream, it means lies and deception. If one is seen placing gems on a ring in a dream, it means that he will bring unity between people and deal with a subject matter that begins with evil and ends in goodness, (Also see Gold | Jeweler)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…One’s skin in a dream represents the element that cloaks the human being, veils his wealth and what he wills for his heirs. Skin in a dream also represents the elements of father, might, wealth, garment, farm, state of worship, faith, polytheism, or it could mean one’s enemy, friend, wife, house, beloved, son, or what protects the human being from harm. Ahealthy skin in a dream represents a healthy life, and a diseased skin means weakness. A discolored skin in a dream means sickness. If a deceased person is seen wearing a healthy and a beautiful skin in a dream, it represents his good state or condition in the life after death. If a sick person sees himself being skinned like a goat in a dream, it means his death. Being skinned in a dream also represents a robbery in one’s house, or it may represent a tyrant, or an unjust ruler. If he is healthy, it means that he will become poor and his ill qualities will be exposed. Fat which is collected under the skin represents the strength of one’s faith and religious adherence. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his animosity toward others. In general, wearing animals skin in a dream means receiving an inheritance. If one sees himself having a fat tail like that of a sheep in a dream, it means that his livelihood will depend on the revenues of his offspring. If he sees his body grown, it means that he will prosper accordingly. Being fat in a dream means prosperity and knowledge, and being emaciated means poverty and ignorance. (Also see Body’ | Body 2 | Shell)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

For a man dreaming of wearing epaulets, if he is a soldier, denotes his disfavor for a time, but he will finally wear honors. For a woman dreaming that she is introduced to a person wearing epaulets, denotes that she will form unwise attachments, very likely to result in scandal….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cincture | Cummerbund | Fastening | Sash | Waist belt) In a dream, a belt depicts the carrier of burdens. It also implies travels, money, savings or stinginess. It also could mean serious endeavors and assiduity in seeking knowledge. A belt or a waistband in a dream could represent one’s wife or his property. If a woman sees herself wearing a waistband, then it represents her brother, brother in-law, or father in-law. If she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a daughter. If a man sees himself wearing a waistband in a dream, it represents a woman in his family to whom it is unlawful for him to marry. A brokenbelt in a dream means a fight with one’s wife. If one’s waistband becomes a snake in the dream, it means enmity with his brother in-law. If his waistband is drenched in blood in the dream, it means that he may get killed because of his wife, or that he may conspire to kill his wife. Wearing a belt in a dream also represents bundles of money one carries, or an unanticipated misfortune he may attract. Buying a new belt in a dream means protecting one’s property, money or knowledge. (Also see Cincture | Cummerbund | Waistband | Waist belt)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Crash helmet | Face mask | Hard hat | Warrior’s helmet) In a dream, a helmet means safety, money, a wife, employment, travel, or one’s head. A white helmet in a dream means relaxing, or peace in one’s life, or it could mean recovering from a migraine headache. Wearing a warrior’s helmet in a dream also means safety of one’s property and protection from an accident. Wearing a rounded expensive helmet in a dream means betrothing a beautiful and a rich woman. A helmet made of iron in a dream represents a leader who defends people, or it could mean trust, status, rank, a wife, or might. Wearing a white helmet in a dream means honor and protection of one’s property….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Attire) In a dream, a woman’s veil represents her religion. For a woman, wearing a veil in a dream means marriage, prosperity, beauty. Wearing a black veil in a dream means marrying a poor man. If a man sees himself wearing a veil in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery with his female servant. (Also see Apparel | Climbing a mountain | Closet | Khimar | Protection | Uncertainty | Wife | Yashmak)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, anklets represent one’s son. Wearing golden anklets in a dream means a severe illness, or that one may commit a major sin. However, if a woman sees herself wearing anklets in a dream, it means that she is safe and protected. If she is unwed, it means that she will marry a gracious and a generous person with whom she will live happily and content. If a man sees himself wearing a pair of golden anklets in a dream, it means adversities, distress or imprisonment. It is said that anklets in a dream represent shackles in wakefulness, except for a wedding ring or a necklace. What a woman sees as beauty or imperfect in her anklets in a dream will reflect upon her husband. If she is unmarried, the anklet will then reflect on her adornment or makeup. In a dream, anklets also represent honor, wealth, dignity and beauty….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Pigeon | Ringdove | Turtledove)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Licking milk, water, honey or a dash of anything in a dream denotes frugality, tight handedness, or meager earning. To dip one’s finger in a plate of tasty food and lick it in a dream may denote a precious metal, a jewel, or a pendant. To lick up one’s fingers or any element in a dream means money, or benefits from the substance one is licking in his dream. (Also see Electuary)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(See Body 1 | Fingers | Five fingers)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Champing | Chomp | Love | Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream. If one bites himself then spits a piece of his own flesh on the ground in a dream, it means backbiting and belittling others. Biting one’s own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger. If one’s fingers bleed from such bite in a dream, it means tribulations caused by one’s own shortcomings. A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger. If one is bitten by another person in a dream, it means that he will enjoy happiness and success at the beginning of his professional life, then he will suffer from an illness, eye inflammation, ophthalmia, or from heart problems. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s desires. (Also see Pinch | Tongue)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Drug | Inkwell) Taking medicine in a dream means correcting oneself, or it could mean fulfilling one’s religious obligations. If one takes a medicine for his illness in a dream, it means that he will correct his conduct. If it denotes knowledge in the dream, it means that he will benefit from what he learns and accepts the good advice. If one refuses to take his medicine in the dream, it means that he will deviate from the path of his Lord and shift his interests to his allotment or luck in this world. Medicine in a dream also denotes an inkwell. Licking medicine with one’s index finger in a dream means proclaiming the truth, or it could mean profits from the direction the index finger is pointing at in the dream. Swallowing medicinal powder means greed, self-absorption, reclusion and withdrawal. Taking liquid medicine orally means profits. Swal- lowing pills in a dream means obliging a sinner to correct himself, to repent, or to go on the straight path. It also could mean caring to teach an ignorant person. If a woman applies a medicinal make-up in a dream, it represents her menstruation. As for an unwed girl, it means marriage, and for a barren woman, it means a child. Inserting a suppository into the rectum in a dream means spying or eavesdropping. To take a laxative in a dream means attempting to correct one’s religious devotion, or it could mean washing one’s body from impurities. The success of one’s attempt depends on the potency of his medi- cine. Seeking good health in a dream means trying to amend one’s life for the better. The same meaning applies if one sees himself using an ointment for his eyes. A yellow colored medicine in a dream means illness. A laxative in a dream means a cure for a sick person and a warning for a healthy person to correct himself. A bad tasting medicine in a dream means a fever followed by a chill. Good tasting medicine in a dream is beneficial for rich people, though bad for poor people. Interpreting a cure with a medicine in a dream is not like interpreting recovering without a medicine. (Also see Grapes)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a comb represents a good man who strives to help, serve, comfort and entertain others. A comb in a dream also represents an auspicious time to be involved in a business partnership or accepting an employment in a large corporation, since the teeth of a comb are equal. If the teeth of one’s comb are capped with gold or silver caps, then they represent one’s workers. The golden caps represent trustworthy workers and the silver caps represent treacherous and disloyal workers. Combing one’s hair in a dream signifies paying alms tax, or it could mean distributing charities. A comb in a dream also can be interpreted to denote an honest and a just man, an hour of happiness, or a wise person, a judge, a physician, or a preacher one can benefit from his knowledge. A comb in a dream also represents a hairdresser or one’s mother. Combing the hair of an unknown woman in a dream represents a wind that will help pollinate the trees. In a dream, a comb also represents a sifter or a sieve. The teeth of a comb may represent one’s own teeth or the teeth of a saw. It is also said that combing hair in a dream means weaving a carpet. Combing one’s hair or beard in a dream means dispelling adversities and distress. In a dream, a comb also represents a good man who is just and equitable with all his friends, or it may mean longevity, wealth and victory against one’s enemy….