Army’s flag

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Banner | Flag) In a dream, the flag of an army represents a pious man, a scholar, a religious doctor, a spiritual leader, an ascetic, or a rich and a generous person who is an example to others. A red flag in a dream means war, while a yellow flag means a plague. A green flag in a dream means a blessed journey, while a white flag means rain. A black flag in a dream means drought and doubt, or it could mean a rainstorm. Sighting the flag of an army in a dream means finding one’s way or finding guidance. For a woman, seeing a flag in her dream means getting married. (Also see Banner | Colors | Flag)…

Blood disease

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one is presented in his dream with red unripened dates, then they represent some type of blood disease where the red cells exceed the white cells in number. (Also see Dates)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Beacon | Distinguished | Excellence | Flag) Abanner in a dream represents public knowledge, fame, presidency, laurel of victory, a man of knowledge, an Imam, or an ascetic who is vigilant and courageous, or a rich and a generous man, or a strong and a victorious hero whose example is loved and followed. If the banner is red, then one will reap happiness from the person it represents, or he may engage in a war against him. As for a woman, a banner in a dream represents her husband. If one sees banners flying during a parade, they mean rain. If the banners are black in the dream, they mean that one will meet a man of knowledge. If the banners are white, then they represent ajealous person who will never be married. If they are yellow, they represent an epidemic disease. If they are green, they mean a journey by land. A banner or a flag in a dream also means that one will be wrapped in ambiguity in relation to a particular matter and he will not find a way out. If one sees a flag and a brigade in a dream, it means that he will be able to find his way through the difficulties and overcome his sadness and adversities. His heart will have peace and his path will open before him. If the flag represents a country in the dream, it means that one may visit such a country. If a woman sees herself burying three banners in a dream, it means that she will marry three men who belong to the noble class of the society. Such three people will die one after the other. As for a pregnant woman, a flag in a dream means a son and for an unwed woman, it means a husband. A large banner in a dream means rain and winds. The carrier of the flag is usually interpreted to represent a judge. If one sees himself carrying a banner in his dream, it means that he is seeking the seat of a judge. (Also see Army’s flag | Flag)…

Spirit or Specter

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see spirits in a dream, denotes that some unexpected trouble will confront you. If they are white-robed, the health of your nearest friend is threatened, or some business speculation will be disapproving. If they are robed in black, you will meet with treachery and unfaithfulness. If a spirit speaks, there is some evil near you, which you might avert if you would listen to the counsels of judgment. Dreaming that you hear spirits knocking on doors or walls, denotes that trouble will arise unexpectedly. To see them moving draperies, or moving behind them, is a warning to hold control over your feelings, as you are likely to commit indiscretions. Quarrels are also threatened. To see the spirit of your friend floating in your room, foretells disappointment and insecurity. To hear music supposedly coming from spirits, denotes unfavorable changes and sadness in the household….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of stockings, denotes that you will derive pleasure from dissolute companionship. For a young woman to see her stockings ragged, or worn, foretells that she will be guilty of unwise, if not immoral conduct. Dreaming that she puts on fancy stockings, she will be fond of the attention of men, and she should be careful to whom she shows preference. If white ones appear to be on her feet, she is threatened with woeful disappointment or illness. See Knitting….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one sees his face glowing with red or blushing in a dream, it means dignity, nobility and it could represent a person who is known for his good deeds. If the blushing of one’s face is mixed with some white lines in the dream, it means strength and happiness. If one sees his face embellished with red cosmetic makeup in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery, and that he will be exposed thereafter. If one sees his entire body turning red in a dream, it means long sufferings and lack of success in his life. Glowing redness in one’s face in a dream also means recovering from an illness, or the home returning of a traveller. (Also see Bashfulness)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises. To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream. If you eat snow, you will fail to realize ideals. To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt. To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy. To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression. To see snow-capped mountains in the distance, warns you that your longings and ambitions will bring no worthy advancement. To see the sun shining through landscapes of snow, foretells that you will conquer adverse fortune and possess yourself of power. For a young woman Dreaming of sleighing, she will find much opposition to her choice of a lover, and her conduct will cause her much ill-favor. Dreaming of snowballing, denotes that you will have to struggle with dishonorable issues, and if your judgment is not well grounded, you will suffer defeat. If snowbound or lost, there will be constant waves of ill luck breaking in upon you….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing white swans floating upon placid waters, foretells prosperous outlooks and delightful experiences. To see a black swan, denotes illicit pleasure, if near clear water. A dead swan, foretells satiety and discontentment To see them flying, pleasant anticipations will be realized soon….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing your thigh smooth and white, denotes unusual good luck and pleasure. To see wounded thighs, foretells illness and treachery. For a young woman to admire her thigh, signifies willingness to engage in adventures, and she should heed this as a warning to be careful of her conduct….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you have a strange vision, denotes that you will be unfortunate in your dealings and sickness will unfit you for pleasant duties. If persons appear to you in visions, it foretells uprising and strife of families or state. If your friend is near dissolution and you are warned in a vision, he will appear suddenly before you, usually in white garments. Visions of death and trouble have such close resemblance, that they are sometimes mistaken one for the other. To see visions of any order in your dreams, you may look for unusual developments in your business, and a different atmosphere and surroundings in private life. Things will be reversed for a while with you. You will have changes in your business and private life seemingly bad, but eventually good for all concerned. The Supreme Will is always directed toward the ultimate good of the race….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your enjoyment will be marred by the action of malicious persons. For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you. If the friend appears sad and travel-worn, there will be a note of displeasure growing out of the visit, or other slight disappointments may follow. If she is dressed in black or white and looks pale or ghastly, serious illness or accidents are predicted….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Silver-white powdered mixture. See Kohl)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Magic practice | Medium | Prophecies) If a fortuneteller sees himself gathering white sand in his dream, it means profiting from his trade. A fortuneteller in a dream represents someone who can explain the meaning of things, a man of knowledge, an emissary, a dream interpreter, a treasurer or a supply controller. Seeing a fortuneteller in a dream also signifies stagnation of businesses, a recession and a slump. Coming before a fortuneteller to ask about some understanding in a dream denotes distress, burdens or dismay. If the fortuneteller replies with a truthful answer in the dream, one should accept his answer. If the fortuneteller maintains silence and declines to answer in the dream, it means abolition of one’s intent or dismissal of any benefits. (Also see Astrologer | Divination | Dream interpreter | Seer)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bed | Sleeping pad) In a dream, a mattress represents comfort or a woman. Selling one’s mattress in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. If one’s wife is sick, then selling one’s mattress means that she may die from her illness. If one sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife. If the mattress is stuffed with wool, cotton, or down in the dream, it represents a wealthy woman. If the mattress is made of brocade or silk in the dream, it represents a Hindu woman. If the color of the mattress is white in the dream, it represents a religious and a pious wife. A green mattress in a dream represents a pious and a religious wife. A black mattress in the dream represents a woman who is engaged in doing something for other than God’s pleasure. Buying a new and a beautiful- looking mattress in a dream means marriage to a chaste and a beautiful woman. If the new mattress is torn or damaged in the dream, it means living with an impious woman. Changing the place of one’s bed in a dream means divorce. If one finds himself unable to sleep on his bed in a dream, it means that he cannot have marital relationship with his wife, or perhaps he could be suffering from impotence. If one tears his mattress in pieces in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. If he sees his mattress placed in front of the city hall in a dream, it means that he may assume an important political appointment. An unknown mattress in an unknown place in a dream means buying, receiving, or inheriting a farmland. A mattress in a dream also means bearing a son. Changing one’s mattress in a dream means leaving one’s wife for the sake of another woman. If one does not like to sleep on his mattress in a dream and prefers to find another place to rest, it means that he will renounce his conjugal life. Folding one’s mattress and placing it aside in a dream means leaving one’s home for a long journey, divorcing one’s wife, or avoiding to sleep with her for one reason or another, or it could mean the death of either the husband or the wife. Sitting over one’s bed in a dream means gaining authority, or managing someone’s business. Sleeping in a dream means heedlessness, or it could mean peace and tranquility. (Also see Bed)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Eye makeup | Makeup) Kohl in a dream represents money and clarity. If one is given some powdered kohl in a dream, it means money. If a righteous and God- fearing person places kohl on someone’s eyes in a dream, it means blessings and guidance. Finding a container of kohl in a dream means receiving money. Smearing one’s eyes with kohl in a dream means becoming more religious. If a blind person smears his eyes with kohl in a dream, it means that he will miraculously recover his sight. If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives. If one coats his eyelids with butter or lather in a dream, it means that he is pursuing an unlawful heterosexual, or a loathsome homosexual relationship. Beautifying childrens’ eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a dream means molesting them. If one uses kohl as medicine for his eyes in a dream, it means that he will correct his religious performance and commit his life to a godly cause. If his intention is made to beautify himself with kohl in the dream, it means that he is seeking material success, or worldly promotion. If someone smears one’s eyes with kohl to the degree of blinding him in the dream, it means that he will defraud him of some money. If a virgin girl or a widow places kohl over her eyelids in a dream, it means her marriage. Coating or encrusting one’s eyes with blood or ashes in a dream means corruption and a non-acceptable marriage, or an illegal marriage. (Also see Makeup)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Harvesting one’s farm in a dream means ease after difficulty, or seeing a fast return on one’s investment. It also could represent destruction, or it could mean receiving admonition. The portion harvested in a dream will equal the size of destruction that will befall the area. If one sees people harvesting a field in the middle of the marketplace or a road in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall them because of their sins. On the other hand, it also means profiting from one’s business. If worshippers are seen harvesting inside a mosque with no outside help in a dream, it means reaping the reward of their devotion and sincerity. Throwing the harvest back into the fields means that one’s deeds are worthless. To see oneself harvesting outside the season in a dream means devastation, war, or death. Harvesting a green crop in the dream connotes the death of a young person. If the color of the harvest is white in the dream, it means death of an elderly person. If one sees the crop being harvested before its time, or much later than its due time in the dream, it means death or a war. (Also see Crop | Earth | Grammarian | Planting)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was – “You have not seen him.” Asim Bin Kulayb once said – “I related to Ibn Abbas, God bless his soul and that of his father, that I saw God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Ibn Abbas replied – “Describe him to me.” Asim Bin Kulayb added – “I described him as resembling Al-Hassan son of ‘Ali, upon both of them be peace.” Ibn Abbas replied – “Indeed you have seen him.” Ibn ‘Arabi once explained that the essence of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said – “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means – ‘Expounding upon what he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said – “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. If one sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, God bless his soul, in- terpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying – “Has truly seen me,” to mean – “has truly seen my physical form,” that the blessed companions knew, while seeing him in another form in a dream means that one’s dream connotes personal interpretations. Following the explanation of Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, Imam Al- Nawawi commented by saying – “This is a weak explanation. A stronger inter- pretation is to say that one who sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream has seen him in reality however his resemblance may appear. Whether the resemblance in the dream is known or not.” In a separate commentary, Shaikh Al-Baqlani added – “What Al-Qadi ‘Iyad has said does not contradict what Imam Al-Nawawi has said.” This is because the first dream does not require interpretation, according to Al-Qadi ‘Iyad. In the second type of dream, that is discussed in Imam Al-Nawawi’s comments, one’s dream does require interpretation or analysis. This is to mean that since no Satan can impersonate God’s Prophet (uwbp), then whatever appearance he displays in one’s dream is true. The meaning of God’s prophet’s saying – “For Satan cannot impersonate me, “implies that since God’s guardianship (‘Isma) is inviolable, and since God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is sacrosanct, then as he was protected during the time of delivering God’s message to humanity, he is still protected by the same guardianship after God Almighty took him back to Himself. Thus, whoever sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in any appearance in a dream, it is as if has seen him in reality, regardless whether one sees him as a young man, or at the time of delivering his message, or as an old person. If one sees him looking old in a dream, it means peace. If one sees him looking young in a dream, it means war. If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means that one is truly emulating his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appear- ance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. Ibn Abi Jumrah once said – “Seeing Him (uwbp) in a beautiful appearance denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can recognize his own state. This interpretation is also given by Ibn Hajar Al-Hutaymi, God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of ‘gharh al-S_hama-il’ of Imam Al- Tirmithi, it is also stated that Satan cannot impersonate God Almighty, His signs, prophets or angels. If someone suffering from distress sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his difficulties will be removed. If a prisoner sees him in a dream, it means that he will be released form prison. If one is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities. Seeing him in his beautiful, radiant and impeccable appearance as best described by his companions in a dream means glad tidings of attaining a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world and in the hereafter. The state and clarity of one’s heart and how well polished is his own mirror determines in what appearance he may see him, upon whom be peace. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) comes toward someone in a dream, or leads him in prayers, or if one sees himself accompanying him on the road, or if one eats something sweet from his blessed hand, or receives a cloak, or a suitable shirt, or if God’s Prophet promises him something, or prays for him, then if the one seeing the dream qualifies for leadership, and if he is a righteous and a just man who commands what is good and forbids what is evil, and if he is learned and practices what he knows, and if he is a pious worshipper and a devout Muslim, he will then attain the station and company of the blessed ones. If the one who sees the dream is a disobedient servant of God Almighty, it means that he will repent for his sins and return to his Lord. If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided. Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord. If one is fearing oppression, persecution, or loss of his property and wealth sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means putting an end to such fears, for he is the best of intercessors to restore anyone before God Almighty. If one who follows innovations sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he should fear God Almighty, heed to His warnings and correct himself and particularly if he sees Him (uwbp) walking away from him, or turning his back to him. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream also means receiving glad tidings and happy news, or it could signify justice, establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank among the members of one’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord. If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers. If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army. If calamities, starvation and drought has befallen a land and someone sees Him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that such calamities will be lifted and life will return to normal in that place. If a woman sees him in a dream, it means that she will reach a high spiritual station, honor, righteousness, chastity, trustworthiness and perhaps be given a blessed progeny, or if she is wealthy, it means that she will spend her wealth on God’s path. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means facing adversities, bearing patience and suffering from one’s enemy. If an orphan sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach an exalted station and the same goes if a foreigner sees him in his dream. If a physician sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that people will benefit from his medicine. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or consolidating and paying one’s debts, or recovering from an illness, or attending a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or triumphing over one’s trials, or cessation of one’s adversities, or fertility of a barren land, or the pregnancy of a barren woman. If a visitor to his mosque sees himself in a dream coming before God’s Prophet (uwbp) and finds him standing up, it denotes one’s correct religious standing, and it means that he will have commanding authority over the Imam of his time. If one finds him (uwbp) deceased in the dream, it means that a noble person from the family of the person seeing the dream will shortly die. If one sees the funeral of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall that country. Following his funeral procession up to his grave (uwbp) in a dream means that the person seeing the dream will yield to innovations. Visiting his grave (uwbp) in a dream means receiving a great treasure. If one sees himself as the son of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, and even if one is not one of his descendents, it denotes one’s sincerity, true faith and certitude. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) by one person does not exclude the remainder of the believers, but the blessings encompass all of them. Receiving something from him (uwbp) such as food or a drink in a dream means benefits and profits. If one receives food which substance connotes negative circumstances, such as a melon or the like elements in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger, though he will toil and suffer from hardships during his trials. If one sees that one of the limbs that belong to God’s Prophet (uwbp) has become his own in a dream, it means that he is following innovation and making changes in the laws God’s Prophet (uwbp) brought to humankind. If one sees himself in a dream embodying the form of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or wearing one of his garments, or receives his ring, or sword, then if the person is seeking to govern, he will attain that and the people will accept his leadership. If one is suffering from persecution, or humiliation in the land, then seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) standing in a dream means that God Almighty will grant him victory and make him rise above his enemies. If one is poor, his needs will be satisfied, or if he is unmarried, he will get married. If one sees him (uwbp) in a ruined place in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt. If one enters a room and finds him (uwbp) sitting there in a dream, it means that a miraculous sign, or a major event will take place in such a locality. If one sees him (uwbp) making the call to prayers in a dream, it means that prosperity will spread in that place. If one sees him establishing the prayers (Iqdmah) in a dream, it means that the Muslims will reunite and dispel their differences. If one sees him (uwbp) placing kohl over his eyelids in a dream, it means that he will find safety and correct his religious stand, or it could mean that one will study and become a scholar in the field of the prophetic sayings (Ahadith). If a pregnant woman sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If one sees him (uwbp) having a black beard with no gray hair in it in a dream, it will bring happiness, joy and prosperity to one’s life. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) is seen as an old man in a dream, it means strength in one’s life and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him (uwbp) in his most exalted state in a dream means that the Imam, or the ruler of the country will rise in station and that his authority will expand. If one sees his blessed neck wide, it means that the Imam is holding firmly to his trust. If one sees him (uwbp) having a large chest in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country is generous toward his subjects. If one sees his blessed stomach (uwbp) empty in a dream, it means that the treasury of the country is empty. If one sees his right hand closed in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country does not pay his employees, or distribute the collected alms tax. If one sees his blessed right hand (uwbp) open in a dream, it denotes the generosity of the ruler and his compliance with the distribution of charities and alms tax as prescribed in God’s book. If his hands are locked together in a dream, it means complications in the life of the Imam, or the ruler of the country. The same will affect the life of the person seeing the dream, including suffering from distress and adversities. If one sees his blessed leg beautiful and hairy in a dream, it means that one’s clan will become stronger, and his tribe will grow. If one sees the blessed thighs of God’s Prophet tall in a dream, it denotes longevity of the Imam or the ruler of the country. If one sees him (uwbp) standing in the midst of soldiers and everyone is laughing and joking in a dream, it means that the Muslim army will be defeated and humiliated in a war. If he is seen with a small army that is ill equipped and everyone is looking down in the dream, it means that the Muslim army will triumph in that year. If one sees him (uwbp) combing his blessed hair and beard in a dream, It means that one’s distress and adversities will be dispelled. Seeing him (uwbp) in his own mosque, or in any mosque, or in his usual place in a dream it means gaining power and honor. If one sees him standing in the midst of his companions delivering a revelation in a dream, it means that one will acquire a greater knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Seeing the grave of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity and profits for a merchant, or the release of a prisoner from his jail. Seeingoneself in a dream as the father of God’s Prophet (uwbp) means that one’s faith will diminish and his certitude will weaken. If a woman sees herself in a dream as one of the wives of God’s Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. If one sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights. To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness. To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver, jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. If one sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and to help the needy. If one sees him (uwbp) bare footed in a dream, it means that one has neglected to do his regular prayers. To see him (uwbp) and to shake hands with him in a dream means that one is truly his follower. If one sees his blood mixed with that of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that one will marry a woman from among his descendents, or that one will marry the daughter of a great religious scholar. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) gives someone some type of greens or herbs in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger. If he (uwbp) gives him something fresh or honey in the dream, it means that one will learn the Holy Qur’an and acquire a great knowledge and wisdom according to the amount he receives in his dream. If one returns the gift to God’s Prophet (uwbp) it means that he will follow innovation. To see him (uwbp) delivering a sermon in a dream means that he is commanding people to do good and to eschew evil. If one sees the color of his skin (uwbp) tan in a dream, it means that one will think about repenting from his sins and abstain from young people’s ignorance. If the color of his skin is white in the dream, it means that one will repent for his sins and turn to God Almighty for acceptance. If he (uwbp) reprimands someone in a dream, it means that one must refrain from innovation and follow the prophetic traditions. If one finds that God’s Prophet (uwbp) has died in a specific location in a dream, it means that the person seeing the dream will die in that same place and God knows best. (Also see Visiting holy sites)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(Capture | Fingernails | Strength | Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one’s enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one’s enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking in a dream, it means losing to others what otherwise could remain under one’s own control, or it could denote the need to pay alms tax or to distribute charity. Seeing one’s fingernails broken or chipped in a dream means loss of money, status or health. If one’s fingernails become claws in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his enemy. (Also see Body 1 | Claw)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart. For a young woman Dreaming of gathering roses, shows she will soon have an offer of marriage, which will be much to her liking. Withered roses, signify the absence of loved ones. White roses, if seen without sunshine or dew, denotes serious if not fatal illness. To inhale their fragrance, brings unalloyed pleasure. For a young woman Dreaming of banks of roses, and that she is gathering and tying them into bouquets, signifies that she will be made very happy by the offering of some person whom she regards very highly….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Collar | Necklace) In a dream, a neckband represents stinginess. A neckband in a dream also could represent woman’s kindness, gentleness, softness, protection and respect for her husband. Thus, for a woman, a neckband in her dream represents her husband. If her neckband is made of silver, and if it is wide, comfortable and well strapped to her neck in a dream, it denotes her husband’s generosity, richness and forbearance. If the neckband is thin, then it implies difficulties. If it is made of iron in the dream, it represents a strong person. If it is made from wood in the dream, it represents a hypocrite. If a man wears a neckband over a white or a green collar in a dream, it represents victory in his life and comfort he will receive from an unexpected source. If he is a merchant, it means profits, fame, honor and dignity. If he is a common person, then the neckband means earning respect and fame. If a tight neckband is strapped around one’s neck in a dream, it represents a stingy person no one can benefit from. If he is a learned person, it means that no one benefits from his knowledge. If he commands authority, it means that he disdains from giving true judgment. To hire a servant who wears a silver neckband in a dream means establishing a profitable business. A neckband in a dream also means impiety, or it could be a sign of trustworthiness. If a man sees himself wearing a neckband that is made of gold, silver, iron, copper or lead in a dream, it means that he has abandoned his religious trust, forsaken his covenant and has become a profligate. (Also see Necklace)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, hair represents money and longevity. If a rich person ties a strand of hair to a bun of his own in a dream, it means increase of his wealth and growth of his business based on a business loan or a mortgage. If a poor person sees that in a dream, it means that he will borrow money to pay for his debts and still borrow more money to pay for his daily expenses. If one sees his straight hair frizzed or curled in a dream, it means that he will be honored, and if he sees his frizzed hair straight in a dream, it means that he will suffer from humiliation or lose his rank. If one with a straight and lanky hair sees it longer than usual in a dream, it means that money belonging to someone for whom he works will be distributed, wasted, or lost. If one’s hair is soft and lanky but still looks longer than usual in a dream, it means that his manager’s authority will expand, and his interests will diversify. If a strong man or a warrior sees himself having a bun of hair in a dream, it means protection and respect inspired by a strong personality. Otherwise, if he is rich in the dream, a bun here means more wealth, and if he is a poor, it represents his debts. If one’s hair looks curly in a dream, it means that power, honor and praises will be the lot of his superior. If a woman sees her hair straight in a dream, it denotes benefits and particularly if she uses a hair pieces or a wig as part of her makeup. Women receive benefits from braiding their hair in a dream and it means saving money or investing it. Otherwise, if a poor person, or a blind person braids his or her hair in a dream, then it means complications and difficulties, and particularly when they are accustomed to doing so. If a sick woman sees herself braiding her hair in a dream, it means that she will die from her illness. If one sees his hair long to the extent that he could braid it together with his beard in a dream, it means debts. Shaving one’s moustache, or under one’s armpit in a dream means paying one’s debts, dispelling distress, or following good hygienes. Braiding one’s hair in a dream also means mastering one’s craft. Shaving one’s head during the pilgrimage season in a dream means safety and protection. Shortening one’s hair, or removing unwanted hair during makeup in a dream means dispelling stress, or being coerced to pay one’s debts. If a thief or a fugitive sees himself grabbing to his own long and lanky horse like hair in a dream, it means that he will be captured. If one sees himself having hair like that of a hog in a dream, it connotes major calamities. If an unhappy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means aggravation of his depression and unhappiness, while if a happy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means increase of his happiness. The black hair of a woman in a dream represents her husband’s love for her. If a woman sees herself wearing a veil, or putting on a head piece in a dream, it means a journey that will take her husband away from her from sometime, or a journey from which he may never return. If she sees people looking at her hair in a dream, it means that she will suffer slander and defamation. If a man sees himself with horns formed from his own hair in a dream, it means might and adroitness. If one sees the hair in the back of his head disheveled or rumpled in a dream, it means that he will suffer humiliation. If he sees his hair on the right side of his head tousled in a dream, it means that he will molest male children from amonghis relatives. If he sees his hair on the left side of his head tousled, or disheveled in a dream, it means that he will molest female children from among his relatives. If one does not have relatives, it means that he will suffer harm from his evil actions. If one sees long hair under his armpit in a dream, it means he will attain his goal, or it could denote his generous character. If he sees it thick in a dream, it denotes his thirst for knowledge, search for a business, or profiting through patience and endurance. If one sees his hair infested with lice in a dream, it means that he has a large family. If one sees his hair longer or thicker, and if he wishes in the dream to have that in wakefulness, it means that he will attain his goals, pay his debts, or prosper. If the length or thickness of one’s hair is uncommon, and if one feels no offense to walk with it in the streets in his dream, it means debts, distress and inability to take care of one’s family. Long hair in a dream also means naughtiness and adversities. Thick and long hair in a dream also can be interpreted as having many children, or it could represent fear of wrongdoing, or thinking about an important person, or it could represent common daily concerns. Having less hair in a dream means diminishing difficulties. If one sees someone pulling out his hair in a dream, it means that he may have to face a financial disaster. If a woman sees a strand of her hair being cut in a dream, it means a fight between her and her husband, or it could mean that someone is encouraging her husband to seek another woman. If one sees himself grooming his hair with oily dressing in a dream, it means adorning oneself for the world. If the oil runs over one’s face in the dream, it means trouble. Discovering a bad odor emanating from one’s hair in the dream means hearing praises. Delousing one’s hair in a dream means discovering some of one’s own faults. If some lice fall during the combing of one’s hair in a dream, it means that he will spend a portion of his inheritance in charity, or that he will clean his act, or correct his attitude. If one sees his hair growing anew in a dream, it means that he may lose most of his wealth. If one sees hair growing on his face where hair does not usually grow in a dream, it means debts. If one sees hair growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means benefits from a business. A hairy chest, or hair growing over one’s tongue in a dream means wisdom, clarity, or diligence, except if it grows beyond control, then it becomes adversities, stress, sorrows, debts and so forth. If one sees the hair on his forearm scattering, or falling in a dream, it means that he may lose all his savings. Braiding the hair of one’s legs in a dream means earning money through improper methods, or engaging in something which contradicts the divine laws. Woman’s hair in a dream represents her protection, husband or family. Hair in a dream also denotes farming, money, a wife, a husband or marriage. If one’s hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife. Nicely combing one’s hair in a dream means loyalty and fulfilling a promise. As for a person who lacks loyalty, shaving his hair or cutting it short in a dream means squandering money, though in general shortening one’s hair means knowledge and guidance. Combing the hair of one’s wife in a dream means divorce. Good looking hair in a dream represents a person of good character. Hair in a dream also means feeling apprehensive about something. If one’s hair turns into an animal’s hair in a dream, it means toiling and difficulties. If a poor person sees that dream, it means that his basic needs will be adequately satisfied. The eyebrows, eyelashes, hairy arms, hairy legs and a hairy chest in a dream also represent man’s virility, beauty, protection, or lasting wealth. Hair in one’s ears in a dream means knowledge, or admonition. Seeing hair in one’s noses in a dream represents a beneficial thing one breezes, though it may involve some hidden trouble, or it could mean money. Hair covering woman’s body in a dream means remaining celibate and for a married woman it means taking care of her parents and children. A hairy child in a dream means longevity. If a beardless man sees himself hairy in a dream, it means that his wife will soon be pregnant. If one’s hair turns white in a dream, it means loss of money for a rich person, or paying the debts of a poor person. (See Black hair | Dye | Shaving | Strand of hair)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

A fig tree represents a good harvest or increase in children for one who eats from it in a dream, or it could represent a wealthy person who benefits his community. Even his enemies will come to benefit from him, because many types of snakes live on a fig tree. No other fruit equals figs in benefits. Figs represent earnings without difficulties and it shows. Fig leaves in a dream represent distress, grief, depression. Eating a fig leaf in a dream means sorrow and af- flictions. Seeing black figs in season in a dream means comfort, while seeing white figs in a dream has a better connotation. Eating a fig out of season in a dream means jealousy. On the other hand, figs in a dream also could mean sorrow, representing the latter days of Adam and Eve when they first dwelled in paradise. (Also see Fig tree)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Fruit | Palm tree) In a dream, dates mean money or a good message. Eating dates in a dream means earning lawful income. Dates are like money, they do not have a long shelve life. Unripened dates in a dream indicate the availability of water for those who need it. Red unripened dates in a dream may signify some type of blood disease, whereby the red cells grow to exceed in number the white cells. Dates in a dream also mean rain. Eating dates in a dream means reading the Holy Qur’an and reaping benefits from one’s religion. Buried dates in a dream represent one’s savings. If one sees himself burying dates in a dream, it also means stealing from the property and money of orphans. Dates placed to dry in the open represent money which does not last. To harvest dates in a dream in season means that one may get married to a noble and a wealthy woman. It also means acquiring knowledge. Harvesting dates out of season in a dream means that one will learn something good but fail to act upon it. If one see that he is fanning himself with a tender and a wet branch of a palm tree in a dream it means learning something beneficial from a hypocrite, or it may mean relief from distress. If a woman sees herself eating ripened dates that are dripping with juices in the dream, it means that she will receive an inheritance from her husband and that her name will be included in his will, even if she is divorced. If one sees himself taking a date, splitting it in half and extracting the date pit from it in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. Eating fresh dates in a dream means hearing good words beside other benefits. (Also see Bunch of dates | Date spread)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

{arb. Aqiq. A variety of chalcedony | Crystalline mineral | Gem | Jewelry | Precious stone | Stone) Seeing a Carnelian-red stone in a dream means dispelling poverty. At the beginning of the creation, of all stones, the Carnelian- red was the first stone that testified to God’s Oneness. If one sees himself in a dream concluding his ablution or ritual bath with the essence of a Carnelian- red, it means that he owns something blessed. Such blessings will manifest in one’s work and success in his material as well as spiritual life. A Carnelian-red stone in a dream also represents one’s progeny, good religious conduct, good character, while seeing the white variety of this stone has a stronger meaning and a better attribute than the red. (Also see Aqlq canyons | Aqiqah rites)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Ass | Obstinate person | Steadfastness) In a dream, a donkey means a boy, a child, a wife, livelihood, a man of knowledge without work, or it could mean travels. Riding a donkey in a dream also may mean easing of one’s difficulties. Riding any animal without the required saddling in a dream means imposition upon oneself or others or unnecessary and inadequate going out of one’s way. Riding a donkey or a mule in a dream also represents one’s ornaments, children, a rich wife, wealth or a profitable business. The braying of a donkey, a mule or a mare in a dream may mean evil, excruciating trouble, an illegitimate child born from adultery or evil spirits. Riding a big donkey in a dream connotes a respectable rank. An upright walking donkey represents worldly benefits. A beautiful looking donkey or a white donkey in a dream means adornment. An emaciated donkey in a dream represents poverty, while a fat donkey means money. A black donkey means happiness, honor and prosperity and a green donkey means fear of wrongdoing. A donkey fit with a saddle in a dream represents a respected son. A donkey with a long tail in a dream represents lasting dynasty. His hoofs represent one’s money. The death of a donkey represents the death of its owner, or rupture and breaking of one’s relationship with his friends or family, the death of one’s supporter, selling a dear property, divorce, travel or death of a husband. A lost donkey with an unknown master in a dream represents an ignorant, obtrusive and a demanding person. To own donkeys in a dream means mixing with a group of ignorant people. If one’s donkey becomes obstinate and does not move forward except with beating in a dream, it means that one’s sustenance and earnings come only through super- erogatory prayers and increased devotion. An obedient donkey in a dream represents the vigilance of its owner. Driving a donkey inside one’s house in a dream means bringing new income. Only the braying of a donkey is disliked in a dream, though the rest is generally beneficial. A donkey in a dream represents honesty in seeking one’s livelihood and earning clean money. If it indicates the person who is seeing the dream, then it means that he buys and sells impure merchandise, pigs, monkeys, toys or games. (Also see Zebra)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cover | Happiness | Fears | Veil) In a dream, drapes means veiling one’s private life. Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women. If a man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children. Unidentified drapes in a dream represent worries or distress. If the drapes are hanging over one’s front door in the dream, it means that such difficulties will come from the world. Old drapes in a dream represent adversities which will not last. Torn drapes in a dream mean happiness and joy. If they are torn vertically in the dream, they represent a quick joy. If they are torn horizontally in the dream, they mean slander against one’s family. Black drapes in a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallu- cination or dispelling one’s worries. If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty. If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in a dream means taking a long, frustrating, toiling and a distant journey. The bigger the drapes are in a dream, the more difficult is one’s adversity….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…(Armor | Protection) Fasting in a dream represents vows and offerings. Interrupting the fast in a dream means an illness, a journey or backbiting someone. If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion. If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is a pious and a religious person. If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is lost in heedlessness, it means that God Almighty will grant him guidance. If he is indebted, it means that he will be able to repay his debts. If in his dream, one intentionally breaks his fast during the prescribed fast of the holy month of Ramadan, it means that he could kill someone. Similarly, if one sees himself killing someone in a dream, it means that he has intentionally broke his obligatory fast. Observing the two months of atonement for the sin of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan or for any such fast for the expiation of sins in a dream means that one may fall sick and repent to God Almighty from his sins. Intentionally breaking the obligatory fast of Ramadan in a dream also means neglecting one of the pillars of Islam. If one acknowledges that, then vows to offer the required duties in a dream, it means that he could receive an unexpected gift which will arrive shortly. If one recognizes in his dream the importance of the month of Ramadan, it means that he is on the right path. If he is not fasting, it means that he may go on a journey. Voluntary fasting in a dream means protection against one’s enemies. If a sick person sees himself fasting in a dream, it could mean his death, silence, celebrations or recovering from an illness. It could also represent one’s faith in God Almighty and sincerity in his words and actions. If one sees masses of people fasting in a dream, it could mean a famine. If one eats during the hours of observing the fast in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin, or it could mean indebtedness or falling sick. Fasting the month of Ramadan in a dream also means safety, protection from evil or repentance from sins. Fasting the extra six days following the festival day which concludes the holy month of Ramadan in a dream means patching one’s prayers or paying charity or regretting one’s faults. Fasting Monday and Thursday of every week in a dream means strengthening family ties. Fasting the three white days of every month (i.e., the 13th, 14th, and the 15th days of the lunar month) in a dream means repayment of one’s debts in installments or teaching someone how to properly read the Qur’an or spreading knowledge. Fasting during the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram in a dream represents asceticism, piety, renouncing the world or attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. Fasting the day when the pilgrims are standing at mount ‘Arafat in a dream means acceptance of one’s charities. Fasting the last ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah in a dream means attaining a good conclusion to one’s life in this world to become a pious person, or it could also mean fulfilling a promise. Fasting the day of ‘Ashiira in a dream means doing good deeds, but it could also mean witnessing adversities and escaping from its dangers, or it could mean living to witness the next religious festival, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it could mean that she will beget a blessed son who will grow to be a righteous man. Fasting during the lunar month of Rajab in a dream means working for people in authority, or it could mean that one may be commissioned to work overseas, or it could mean going on a short trip. Fasting an extra day in doubt about one’s proper religious performance in a dream means committing a sin or lack of vigilance and certitude about one’s devotion. Fasting days of the month of Ramadan one has missed for a permissible reason in a dream means release of a prisoner or repentance of a sinner. Fasting a votive fast or a vowed fast for the purpose of an attainment in a dream means attaining one’s goal, joy and happiness. Observing a votive perpetual or an ongoing fast in a dream means undertaking a heavy responsibility or following innovation, or it could mean becoming a loner or abstaining from talking to others, or that one would only talk if the subject is beneficial to others, for fasting in a dream also means silence. Observing a votive perpetual fast in a dream also represents a pious and a religious person. If the person is a sinner, such votive fast in a dream also may mean that he will get nothing out of what he wants. Paying the due charity (Sadaqat-ul Fitr) after completing one’s fast in a dream means recovering from an illness. If one observes a fast for show in his dream, it means that he will receive what he desires. (Also see Ashiira | Feast of Breaking the Fast)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

If one’s eyelids are healthy in his dream and particularly for a women, it indicates positive developments in her life. If one’s eyelids have little skin, or if they are bleared, or if they develop sores in the dream, they represent difficulties, agony, anger, sickness or distress. Eyelids in a dream also represent one’s defenses and protection. They also represent one’s teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees. Eyelids in a dream also mean something to be overlooked. Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love. If one’s eyes are interpreted to represent his wealth, then they mean protection, or paying alms tax. If the outer edge of the eyelid turns white in a dream, it means an illness affecting one’s head, eyes or ears. (Also see Body’)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Cow | Ox | Steer) A bull in a dream represents the chief of the council or the mayor of the town or village. Seeing a bull in a dream also means winning the mayoral seat for a term or losing it after one year. If one sees himself owning a herd of steers in a dream, it means receiving a governmental office and a vast authority should he qualify for it. His employees’ support depends on how manageable is his herd. If a man sees himself riding a steer in a dream, it means dealing with a government employee. It also means that he will acquire what he intends. Seeing a bull in a dream also means fame. If one sees himself eating the head of a steer or a bull in a dream, it also means winning a leadership seat in the government, except if the bull is red. If one is a merchant, then it means profit and prosperity for that year. If a steer is transformed into a wolf in a dream, it means that a government’s employee will turn corrupt. A white bull in a dream means glad tidings and profits. If a steer or a cow butts against someone in the dream, it means that God is displeased with him. Eating bull’s meat in a dream means financial comfort. If a bull bites someone in a dream, it means suffering from an illness or begetting children who will grow to be honorable and righteous people. If one sees an ox mooing at him in the dream, it means undertaking a distant or a long journey. If a farmer sees an ox plowing his fields in a dream, it means a good harvest for that year….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Blankets in your dream means treachery if soiled. If new and white, success where failure is feared, and a fatal sickness will be avoided through unseen agencies….