
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you. If you subdue the lion, you will be victorious in any engagement. If it overpowers you, then you will be open to the successful attacks of enemies. To see caged lions, denotes that your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. To see a man controlling a lion in its cage, or out denotes success in business and great mental power. You will be favorably regarded by women. To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended. For a young woman Dreaming of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers. For a woman Dreaming that she sees Daniel in the lions’ den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire. To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected advancement and preferment with women. To see a lion’s head over you, showing his teeth by snarls, you are threatened with defeat in your upward rise to power. To see a lion’s skin, denotes a rise to fortune and happiness. To ride one, denotes courage and persistency in surmounting difficulties. Dreaming you are defending your children from a lion with a pen-knife, foretells enemies will threaten to overpower you, and will well nigh succeed if you allow any artfulness to persuade you for a moment from duty and business obligations….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(A tyrant | An unjust ruler | Death | Healing from a sickness | Receiving an inheritance) A lioness in a dream represents ignorance, pride, affectation and perfidy. Seeing a lion without being seen, means escape from harm one may fear, attaining knowledge and growing in wisdom. A struggle with a lion that does not lead to one’s death in a dream means observing a long lasting diet caused by an illness. If one fights with a lion and eats or snatches off a piece of his flesh, bones or hair in a dream, it means that he will attain success, leadership, wealth or conquer his enemy. Sleeping beside a lion in a dream means safety from illness, or protection from one’s enemy. If one sees a lion inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will gain the upper hand, or it could represent longevity and a high position in the world. A lion entering a town in a dream means a plague that will strike such a town. (Also see Lioness)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

In a dream, a lioness represents an evil woman, or a despot who is also affectionate toward her cubs, or she could represent the daughter of a king or a ruler. Sleeping with a lioness in a dream means conquering one’s enemy. Eating the flesh of a lioness in a dream means that one may become wealthy. (Also see Lion)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

The color white. If one sees his face white in the dream, it means sickness. If he sees his cheeks radiant white in the dream, it means honor, bounty and a high rank in his community. White in a dream also represents elderly people. (Also see Colors)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Army | Canopy | Large tent) In a dream, a pavilion represents someone in command. Seeing a pavilion in a dream also means conquering one’s enemy. A canopy in a dream represents someone who has less authority than the commander, a dome represents someone of a lower rank, and a tent in a dream means less than a dome. If a commander is seen leaving his pavilion in a dream, it means that he will lose some of his authority, or that he may die shortly. Unknown pavilions of either green or white colors in a dream mean healing, endowments, gifts, martyrdom, visiting the graves of righteous people, or a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (Also see Canopy | Tent)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a stallion, foretells prosperous conditions are approaching you, in which you will hold a position which will confer honor upon you. Dreaming you ride a fine stallion, denotes you will rise to position and affluence in a phenomenal way | however, your success will warp your morality and sense of justice. To see one with the rabies, foretells that wealthy surroundings will cause you to assume arrogance, which will be distasteful to your friends, and your pleasures will be deceitful….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Blanket | Lion)…

White Moth

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of a white moth, foretells unavoidable sickness, though you will be tempted to accuse yourself or some other with wrong-doing, which you think causes the complaint. For a woman to see one flying around in the room at night, forebodes unrequited wishes and disposition which will effect the enjoyment of other people. To see a moth flying and finally settling upon something, or disappearing totally, foreshadows death of friends or relatives….

White Lead

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming of white lead, denotes relatives or children are in danger because of your carelessness. Prosperity will be chary of favor….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you are whitewashing, foretells that you will seek to reinstate yourself with friends by ridding yourself of offensive habits and companions. For a young woman, this dream is significant of well-laid plans to deceive others and gain back her lover who has been estranged by her insinuating bearing toward him….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Black | Blond | Bluish-black | Green | Maroon | Purple | Red | Reddish-brown | White | Yellow) The color black in a dream means prosperity, happiness or sickness. The color blond in a dream means war, sickness, piety, honor or a religious person. In a dream, the color blond also means contemptibleness, vileness, meanness or depravity. Black colored eyes in a dream represent a religious person. A bluish -black colored eyes in a dream connote opposing one’s religion. Blue eyes in a dream entail religious innovations. Green eyes in a dream represent a religion that is different from all religions. The color green in a dream also represents a good harvest or prosperity. Green in a dream also means youth or fear of wrongdoing. In a dream, the color blue represents distress, depression, enmity, or it could mean a calamity. The color red in a dream denotes joy, celebration, spirituality or dominion. Red means the world or material gains. In a dream, the color maroon or a reddish-brown color signifies dignity, nobility, power or it could represent a wealthy woman. The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant, skillful and a beautiful woman, or it could mean fragrance, instability, sickness, love and harmony. White in a dream also means beauty or it could represent elderly people. A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land. A black cloud in a dream represents a just judge while a white cloud represents ablessed, noble and true justice. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night. If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a dream, it means honor, bounty, or it could mean achieving a high rank in one’s community. Unknown white or green tents in a camp in a dream represent the graves of martyrs. Yellow represents strain, sickness, repentance, a son, or it could mean chivalry. (Also see Flag | Garment)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dandelions blossoming in green foliage, foretells happy unions and prosperous surroundings….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Onion)…


American, Unitarianism E. Mis

Milking a lioness

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Milk | Milking)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Canopy | Pavilion) In a dream, a tent means travels, a grave, a wife or a house. A camp of tents in a dream represents clouds. If a tent is raised over someone, and if he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow. If he is a soldier, it means that he will rise in rank. If he is unwed, it means that he will get married. If one sees a white tent raised beside his tent in a dream, it represents a righteous person who commands what is good and forbids what is evil. It also means that he will repent for a hideous sin. If one sees the moon inside his tent in a dream, it means that he will illicit sexual intercourse with a boy or with a young girl from a noble family. Seeing unknown white or green tents in a valley represent the graves of martyrs. (Also see Canopy | Pavilion)…

White rose

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Rose)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(See Fuller)…


Indian (Hindu), Hinduism Sivananda Saraswati

This dream indicates greatness, elevation and honour. You will become very important among men. You will become very powerful and happy….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

Wearing a good quality garment in a dream means prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means renouncing the world and calling on people to do the same and to desire the benefits of the hereafter. Wearing a green robe in a dream brings benefits and no harm. If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion. As for a deceased person, it means a good state and acceptance before God Almighty. It is also said that wearing a green garment in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Wearing a white garment also means glad tidings. If a fabric merchant or a tailor sees himself wearing a white garment in a dream, it means lack of work. Wearing a black garment in a dream means a bad omen, but if one is used to wearing black clothing, then it means honor, wealth and receiving a high ranking position. Wearing a red garment in a dream means excess earnings that are not yet free from due alms. Such a person then must immediately pay the proper share of his earnings. A red garment in a dream means death, sickness and to a poor person, it means increase in his difficulties. Wearing a red garment in a dream can mean good only if the person wearing it is an unmarried woman. Otherwise, wearing red during festivals or social gatherings in a dream has no meaning. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream or any of its derivative colors in general means ulcer or other internal festering illness. Wearing a silken garment in a dream means loss and negligence of one’s religious life. Wearing a blue garment in a dream means distress and difficulties. Wearing a patterned garment of mixed colors in a dream means being reprimanded by one’s superior. It also could represent a flower merchant. Wearing a double sided coat means duplicity and affectation. A washed garment in a dream means poverty and indebtedness. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Oth- erwise, if the person qualifies, it means controlling interests in a farmland, or it may represent a good harvest for that year. Wearing a garment which is brilliant in colors for a man in a dream represents his pride and arrogance. If one sees himself wearing a silken raiment and portraying a religious jurist in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new. Announcing lost and found garments in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca or a journey to an Arab country. A woman wearing a thin garment in a dream represents her integrity, while if she is wearing a thick garment, it represents her labor and hardships. If one sees himself putting on a new garment after taking a ritual bath in a dream, it means prosperity or repayment of his debts. If one’s new garment is torn and cannot be repaired in the dream, it means inability to bear children. If the garment can be repaired in the dream, it means that there is an evil spell over the person wearing it. Wearing two torn garments in a dream means death. A torn garment in a dream also means a shattered religious or spiritual life, or it could mean that one is pursued by an evil person, or it could mean poverty or striving to satisfy one’s basic material needs. If one is stripped of his clothing in a dream, it means loss of his status. Destroying or wasting garments in a dream brings glad tidings, unless if the person seeing the dream is incarcerated, or if he is a poor person, or if he is in debt. If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s outfit in the dream, and if in his consciousness he intended to act effeminately, it means that he will face a calamity and carry a great burden. If he thinks in his dream that he is a woman, then his humiliation will be greater. Heceiving used garments but in a good condition as a gift in a dream means money, though if they are in bad condition, they mean trouble. A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents a just ruler. If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and money. Wearing linen cloak in a dream also means living a dignified life. Eating a clean garment in a dream means receiving lawful earnings, and eating a dirty garment in a dream means living from unlawful money. Burning one’s garment in a dream means the end of his difficulties. Ironing off the creases of one’s garment before wearing it in a dream means interest in beauty, glitters and ornaments. (Also see Closet | Colors | Filth | Trader)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

Dreaming that you gather white chrysanthemums, signifies loss and much perplexity | colored ones, betokens pleasant engagements. To see them in bouquets, denotes that love will be offered you, but a foolish ambition will cause you to put it aside. To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers. While looking on these white flowers as you pass, and you suddenly feel your spirit leave your body and a voice shouts aloud {Glory to God, my Creator} foretells that a crisis is pending in your near future. If some of your friends pass out, and others take up true ideas in connection with spiritual and earthly needs, you will enjoy life in its deepest meaning. Often death is near you in these dreams….


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. For a man Dreaming that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry. To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend. To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust him. If a woman’s hair seems black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction. If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, you will prove a fearless lover and be woman’s true friend. Dreaming that your sweetheart has red hair, you will be denounced by the woman you love for unfaithfulness. Red hair usually suggests changes If you see brown hair, you will be unfortunate in choosing a career. If you see well kept and neatly combed hair, your fortune will improve. Dreaming you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend. Frugality will be the fruits growing out therefrom. To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury. For a woman to compare a white hair with a black one, which she takes from her head, foretells that she will be likely to hesitate between two offers of seeming fortune, and unless she uses great care, will choose the one that will afford her loss or distress instead of pleasant fortune. To see tangled and unkempt hair, life will be a veritable burden, business will fall off, and the marriage yoke will be troublesome to carry. If a woman is unsuccessful in combing her hair, she will lose a worthy man’s name by needless show of temper and disdain. For a young woman Dreaming of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced. Dreaming of having your hair cut, denotes serious disappointments. For a woman Dreaming that her hair is falling out, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelihood, as fortune has passed her by. For man or woman Dreaming that they have hair of snowy whiteness, denotes that they will enjoy a pleasing and fortunate journey through life. For a man to caress the hair of a woman, shows he will enjoy the love and confidence of some worthy woman who will trust him despite the world’s condemnation. To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance. For a woman Dreaming that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude. Dreaming that a lock of your hair turns gray and falls out, is a sign of trouble and disappointment in your affairs. Sickness will cast gloom over bright expectations. To see one’s hair turn perfectly white in one night, and the face seemingly young, foretells sudden calamity and deep grief. For a young woman to have this dream, signifies that she will lose her lover by a sudden sickness or accident. She will likely come to grief from some indiscretion on her part. She should be careful of her associates….

Canopy 2

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Pavilion | Tent) Setting up a pavilion in the open air to sit under it in a dream means gaining power and dominion. A canopy in a dream also means visiting the graves of martyrs and praying for them, or to die in their state. Folding a canopy in a dream means losing one’s power and dominion, or it could mean nearing the end of one’s life. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream means losing some of one’s power or business. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream also signifies trueness of one’s heart and intention, or earning the station of a martyr through one’s true devotion, or it could mean visiting the Sacred House in Jerusalem. (Also see Pavilion | Tent)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Dwellings | Face | Look | State | Transient) One’s garment in a dream represents his innermost thoughts that will eventually show in his attitude in life. If one’s thoughts are good, then it will show, and if they are evil, they will also manifest. If one wears a slipper over his head and a turban in his foot in a dream, it means that he is carrying trouble. Depending on its type and name, a garment in a dream could represent a man or a woman. Wearing a new garment in a dream is better than seeing an old one. If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s apparel in a dream, it means that he is a bachelor. If a woman sees herself wearing a man’s garment in a dream, it means that she is unmarried. Wearing a tightly buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. Wearing a stately apparel in a dream means honor and dignity. Wearing a soldier’s uniform in a dream means war. Wearing a scholar’s robe or a teacher’s vest in a dream means studying to become a learned person. Wearing an ascetic’s woolen wrap in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Wearing a salesman’s suit in a dream means hard work or looking for work if the suit looks expensive in the dream, for people mostly wear expensive looking suits when they are still searching for work. Wearing a white garment in a dream means pride, honor and dignity. Wearing silk in a dream means strength and occupying a high rank in a business or government. If one sees a deceased person wearing a silken garment in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in the heavenly paradise. Wearing a garment that is adorned with gold in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. A black garment means honor, reign and having mastery over people. Wearing a green garment in a dream means martyrdom. Wearing a cotton garment in a dream means following the Prophet’s tradition (uwbp). Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means clarity, unless if it is coarse or unfitting and in that case, it means poverty and humiliation. Wearing a linen garment in a dream means enjoying a blessing or a favor. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means receiving an important and a revered message, rising in station, enjoying wealth or it could represent the blessing of having a child. Wearing a robe that is trailing behind one’s feet in a dream means rebellion and disobedience, while wearing a moderately short coat in a dream means purity, virtues and chastity. Wearing any type of garment in a dream means emulating the character of such people or becoming a prisoner of war. Wearing a kufi or a headdress for prayers in a dream means atonement for one’s sins. Wearing a jubbah or a long cloak in a dream means longevity. Wearing an open sports jacket in a dream means ease in one’s life or financial success. Wearing a special costume for a festival or a celebration in a dream means prosperity and a wealth that is saved for one’s children, or it could mean buying new merchandise for one’s shop. Wearing a military uniform in a dream means distress, trouble or a scientific dispute. Wearing one’s traditional cos- tumes in a dream, or that of another community means to befriend them and to celebrate their festivities with joy. (Also see Filth | Linen | Used clothing)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bleacher | Tinner | Whitewasher) A fuller in a dream represent a wool bleacher. A whitewasher in a dream implies covering people’s faults or giving someone a new dress or he could represent a tailor. A fuller or a whitewasher in a dream both signify dignity, honor, richness, praises and correcting the course of one’s life or managing one’s life in a useful way. A tinner in a dream represents a righteous man who endeavors to do good privately as well as in public….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Bunch of grapes) In a dream, a sweet tasting bunch of grapes means receiving benefits through a relative or a close friend. If the grapes taste sour in the dream, then they mean regret. Grapes in a dream also represent money, profits, earnings, a growing capital, savings or a needed capital to support a business venture. Seeing grapes in season in a dream means material gains, and out of season, they mean quick profits or unlawful earnings. Picking a bunch of grapes in a dream means receiving money from a woman. Black grapes in a dream represent the night and white grapes represent the daylight. Black grapes in a dream has little benefit in wakefulness and may represent money that does not last. White grapes in a dream represent recovering from an illness, for the prophet Noah (uwbp) was once inflicted with tuberculosis and God Almighty inspired him in a dream to eat white grapes and by God’s leave they brought about his recovery. Grapes hanging on a grapevine in a dream denote fear. Extracting the seeds and throwing away the pulp in a dream means an argument with one’s wife that will end in regret. Seeing grapes in season in a dream could mean distress and out of season they mean a sickness. Seeing grapes in season in a dream also could mean success associated with women, love, tenderness and compassion. Eating grapes in a dream also means drinking wine. (Also see Tuberculosis | Wine)…


American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller

If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be injured by the folly of a friend or employer. To see a horse running away with others, denotes that you will hear of the illness of friends. To see fine stallions, is a sign of success and high living, and undue passion will master you. To see brood mares, denotes congeniality and absence of jealousy between the married and sweethearts. To ride a horse to ford a stream, you will soon experience some good fortune and will enjoy rich pleasures. If the stream is unsettled or murky, anticipated joys will be somewhat disappointing. To swim on a horse’s back through a clear and beautiful stream of water, your conception of passionate bliss will be swiftly realized. To a business man, this dream portends great gain. To see a wounded horse, foretells the trouble of friends. Dreaming of a dead horse, signifies disappointments of various kinds. Dreaming of riding a horse that bucks, denotes that your desires will be difficult of consummation. Dreaming that he throws you, you will have a strong rival, and your business will suffer slightly through competition. Dreaming that a horse kicks you, you will be repulsed by one you love. Your fortune will be embarrassed by ill health. Dreaming of catching a horse to bridle and saddle, or harness it, you will see a great improvement in business of all kinds, and people of all callings will prosper. If you fail to catch it, fortune will play you false. To see spotted horses, foretells that various enterprises will bring you profit. Dreaming of having a horse shod, your success is assured. For a woman, this dream omens a good and faithful husband. Dreaming that you shoe a horse, denotes that you will endeavor to and perhaps make doubtful property your own. Dreaming of race horses, denotes that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream denotes prosperity. Dreaming that you ride a horse in a race, you will be prosperous and enjoy life. Dreaming of killing a horse, you will injure your friends through selfishness. To mount a horse bareback, you will gain wealth and ease by hard struggles. To ride bareback in company with men, you will have honest people to aid you, and your success will be merited. If in company with women, your desires will be loose, and your prosperity will not be so abundant as might be if women did not fill your heart. To curry a horse, your business interests will not be neglected for frivolous pleasures. Dreaming of trimming a horse’s mane, or tail, denotes that you will be a good financier or farmer. Literary people will be painstaking in their work and others will look after their interest with solicitude. Dreaming of horses, you will amass wealth and enjoy life to its fullest extent. To see horses pulling vehicles, denotes wealth with some incumbrance, and love will find obstacles. If you are riding up a hill and the horse falls but you gain the top, you will win fortune, though you will have to struggle against enemies and jealousy. If both the horse and you get to the top, your rise will be phenomenal, but substantial. For a young girl Dreaming that she rides a black horse, denotes that she should be dealt with by wise authority. Some wishes will be gratified at an unexpected time. Black in horses, signifies postponements in anticipations. To see a horse with a tender foot, denotes that some unexpected unpleasantness will insinuate itself into your otherwise propitious state. If you attempt to fit a broken shoe which is too small for the horse’s foot, you will be charged with making fraudulent deals with unsuspecting parties. To ride a horse down hill, your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you. For a young woman Dreaming that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men. If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations. If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost. If afterward she sees the pig sliding gracefully along the telegraph wire, she will by intriguing advance her position, For a young woman Dreaming that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her, denotes she will have a mixed season of success and sorow,{sic} but through it all a relentless enemy is working to overshadow her with gloom and disappointment. To see a horse in human flesh, descending on a hammock through the air, and as it nears your house is metamorphosed into a man, and he approaches your door and throws something at you which seems to be rubber but turns into great bees, denotes miscarriage of hopes and useless endeavors to regain lost valuables. To see animals in human flesh, signifies great advancement to the dreamer, and new friends will be made by modest wearing of well-earned honors. If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted….


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

One’s face in a dream represents his state. If it appears cheerful and handsome looking in the dream, it represents glad tidings, happiness and a good life, though if it looks opaque in the dream, it means the opposite. In general, a yellow face in a dream means humiliation, loneliness, hypocrisy or illness. If a believer sees his face yellow in a dream, it denotes his devotion and fear of wrongdoing. Yellowness of the face in a dream also could mean beingln love. If an African person sees his face white in a dream, it means hypocrisy, impudence and shamelessness. If a Caucasian sees his face black in a dream, it means that his heart and intentions are better than what a stranger may think of him. If one’s face appears white and his body black in a dream, it means that he shows decency and disguises inappropriateness. If a whiskerless person sees hair growing over the sides of his upper lip in a dream, it means that he carries burdening debts, or that he has lost dignity. If one’s face looks different or missing some of its clarity or beauty in a dream, it denotes someone who jokes excessively, for immoderate jesting, hilarity or mirth decreases people’s respect. If there is no skin to cover one’s cheeks in a dream, it means that he lives from asking others for his needs. Dust coveringone’s face in a dream means deficiency in one’s religious devotion. If one’s face or eyes turn bluish in a dream, it means that he is a criminal in God’s sight. An opaque face in a dream represents a liar or an innovator. If the color of one’s face is blush or reddish with white spots in the dream, it means joy, happiness and good living. If a righteous person sees his face blush in a dream, it means that he feels ashamed of something he did. If one’s face is soaking with sweat in a dream, it represents his modesty and reserve. If one is frowning, and if the color of his face turns red in the dream, it means that he may suffer from distress or losses. Frowning in someone’s face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. If a woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband. A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead. The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child in a dream means blessings. Having two faces in a dream mean a grievous and an woeful end, for God Almighty does not look at someone who has two faces. If a scholar sees himself having several faces in a dream, it means that he is utilizing his knowledge in various applications, or giving a subject several possible interpretations. A frowning face, a crying face, a scarred face, or the darkness of one’s face in a dream also mean loss of job, fear, or they could represent a liar. If the skin of one’s face is cracking in a dream, it denotes lack of modesty or absence of shame. A disgusting look on one’s face in a dream means loathsomeness, and loathsomeness in a dream represents a disgusting face. (Also see Body’ | Jesting)…


Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

…Eyes in a dream represent one’s religion or wealth. If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. One’s eyes in a dream also represent his faith and the road to victory in this life and in the next. One’s eyes in a dream also could represent his guidance or his heedlessness. Having many eyes throughout one’s body in a dream represents one’s piety, vigilance and excellence of character. If one sees the eyes of his heart in a dream, it means that he sees with the light of clarity. If one sees a man looking at him with a side glance in a dream, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, mistrust, disapproval, suspicion and disdain at the hand of such a man. If such a man opens his eyes and looks at him straight forward in the dream, it means that he will help him in his business or support his interests. If one’s eyes turn into iron in a dream, it means distress, a scandal or serious suffering from one’s community. If one sees himself looking at women in his dream, it means that he commits adultery with his eyes by looking and desiring what is unlawful. If one looks at someone’s eyes in a dream and likes them, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, religious corruption or jealousy. If one sees himself having an extra eye inside his body in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. If one sees himself having an extra eye over his shoulder in a dream, it means that he will be named to receive money in absentia. If one sees his eyes transfixed in a dream, it means that he looks suspiciously at a relative or someone else’s wife. Black eyes in a dream represent a religious person. A bluish-black eyes in a dream denote opposing one’s religion. Blue eyes in a dream mean religious innovations. Green eyes in a dream mean a religion which is different from all religions. Sharp sight in a dream means blessings, while weak sight means joblessness and living from the generosity of others. If a father sees weakness in his sight in a dream, it means that a sickness will inflict his children. If one loses his eyes in a dream, it means the death of his children. If a poor person or a prisoner sees that in a dream, it means that he will never become free again, or see any light for the rest of his life. If an oppressed person sees weakness in his eyes in a dream, it means that someone will help him overcome his adversities. If a traveller sees that dream, it means that he will never return to his homeland. If one sees that his eyes belong to an unknown person in a dream, it means that he will become blind. If he recognizes that person in the dream, it means that he will be married to his daughter. If one’s eyes fall into his lap in a dream, it means the death of his brother or son. The eyes of a human being in a dream also represent his beloved, his son or his faith. Any defect in them in the dream may reflect in such people. Having one hundred eyes in a dream means money. The eyes of a ruler represent his spies. Eyes in a dream also represent a controller, a man or a spring. Treating one’s eyes with medicinal ointment in a dream means correcting one’s religious life or begetting a son who will become the jewel light of his father’s eyes or if one’s brother is exiled or deported from his homeland, it means that he will solicit him and entrust him with duties toward his family. If one sees his sight better than what people think in the dream, it means that his inner character is better than what people think, or if he sees his sight weakened though people do not know about it in the dream, it means that he keeps his faith to himself. If one’s eyes become white in a dream, they represent sorrow, or loss of a beloved. If one sees his eyes white, and if the white veil is lifted in the dream, it means that he will be reunited with his beloved and his distress will be dispelled. The right eye in a dream represents one’s son and the left eye represents one’s daughter. If a father sees one of his eyes being transposed to mix with the other eye in a dream, and if he has a son and a daughter, he should separate their bedrooms. Eating someone’s eye in a dream means steeling his money. Seeing one’s eyes without eyelashes in a dream means defying God’s laws. If one unplugs his eyelashes in a dream, it means that he will expose himself to his enemy. Seeing beautiful eyes in a dream could denote, sorcery, black magic, life or death. Eyes in a dream also represent one’s family, relatives, children or workers. Eyes in a dream also signify mourning someone or they could denote a sickness. Smearing one’s eyes in a dream means calamities, sufferings and punishment for one’s sins. To guard one’s eyes from looking at what is unlawful in a dream means heeding God’s commands. (Also see Body 1 )…

Dome 1

Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren

(Canopy | Pavilion | Tent) In a dream, a dome represents someone in command. (Also see Pavilion)…